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For all Luther Arkwright Fans Out There...


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For all Luther Arkwright fans out there...


Three River Studios Options Bryan Talbot’s Graphic Novel Series The Adventures of Luther Arkwrightand Heart of Empire

London, 28 April 2021: Three River Studios today announces it has optioned the rights to develop, finance and produce a live action, returnable TV series based on Bryan Talbot’s ground-breaking and multi-award winning graphic novels: The Adventures of Luther Arkwright and its sequel Heart of Empire.

You can read the full press release at http://www.bryan-talbot.com/.../Press Release - The...

Now, Three River Studios is owned by one Jonathan Drake, the creator of Thennla ('Shores of Korantia' & 'The Taskan Empire'), one of the Mythras lines. We helped Jon and Bryan connect when we licensed the rights to the Arkwright roleplaying game, so TDM had a small part to play in this exciting news...

We're really thrilled that Luther Arkwright will be coming to television, and offer our hearty congratulations to Bryan and Three River Studios!

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