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Falling unconscious in combat.


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Make a successful CON roll to avoid the character falling unconscious.

It's not very clear, but it's my understanding that failing the CON roll puts the character in unconscious with zero hit points, otherwise it would be weird to be unconscious with remaining hit points and no mechanic to drain / wake up.

But, since I'm not always the best reader, did I miss something?

Note to the author: The box with the example would be nice to have the situation with a failing CON roll since it's more complex.

Edited by malkaviano
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Why would it be weird?

First of all, there is nothing saying that something can not keep hurting an unconcious investigator.
Second, under the first aid skill, it says: "Successful use of First Aid can rouse an unconscious person
to consciousness."

Also, if the major wound is an open wound, bleeding out is a possibility if not first aid is applied quickly.

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2 hours ago, malkaviano said:

it would be weird to be unconscious with remaining hit points and no mechanic to drain / wake up.

But, since I'm not always the best reader, did I miss something?

CoC 7e p.389 says:

"Unconscious: A character who has received a major wound may fall unconscious if they fail to roll equal to or under CON. The duration of unconsciousness is at the Keeper’s discretion. A successful First Aid or Medicine skill roll may return a character to consciousness (see page 123)"

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