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RuneQuest Rules Q&A


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1 hour ago, Zalain said:

when casting spells against a not voluntary target, is needed a POW vs POW. But, what happens with the magic points of the caster, if the target resist?

The magic points are spent. If you fire a gun and miss, the bullet is still gone. 

1 hour ago, Zalain said:

until now, i have played the caster can keep concentrated in the spell and try again in the following assault.

Note that GMs may choose to adopt what they want for their games - in mine, I apply a -25% penalty per Reattempting Ability Rolls (RQG 142)

1 hour ago, Zalain said:

To increase chance of success casting a spell or resistance roll (POWvsPOW) can be augmented with runes or passions? or only Meditation, Ritual practices, singing, dancing or an "apropiate skill"?

Yes, per Augments to the Resistance Table (RQG 146): An adventurer may try to augment the characteristic used in the resistance table with an appropriate skill, Rune, Passion, or even with the Meditate skill or ritual.

1 hour ago, Zalain said:

the same roll of increasing success casting, can be use in the resistance roll? or would be it needed a new increase chance roll?

No, an augment only applies to a single ability. In this case an augment to casting would be different to the POW resistance roll. Again, GMs may choose to adopt what they want for their games - in mine, I treat specials and critical rolls of casting as automatic skill augments in POW resistance rolls.

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On 6/29/2024 at 4:41 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

In The Lightbringers, Mastakos section. p.120 says Mastakos holy days correspond to the holy days of the dominant cult.  I take it that where the shrine is in an Orlanth temple,

Shrines are found in great temples of Orlanth and Magasta. 

On 6/29/2024 at 4:41 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

Orlanth is dominant and  where in a Magasta temple, Magasta is dominant.

If there is a great temple yes. It's possible that there are great temples to both in a region and that they both have a Mastakos shrine. There will likely be some kind of cultural divide as to which temple a Mastakos worshipper attends.

On 6/29/2024 at 4:41 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

All right ---

1) Does this mean that in Orlanth areas, Mastakos gets a minor holy day every Windsday?

No, in these great temples, associate cults can't receive any Rune points on minor holy days (per RQG 315). 

On 6/29/2024 at 4:41 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

2) What about a transition to an area in which neither Orlanth nor Magasta is a dominant cult, like Caladraland? 

Caladraland has no major Magasta worship see Mythology 152.

On 6/29/2024 at 4:41 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

Does Mastakos take the holy days of Caladra & Orelion or Lodril instead?  

No in this case it would be Orlanth. 

The only area with any crossover would be the humans in the Right Arm Islands where Magasta has 2% of worshippers and Orlanth 10%. IIRC Magasta only has minor temples here, so again Mastakos would be worshiped in an Orlanth great temple.

An underwater offshore Merfolk great temple to Magasta would have a Mastakos shrine in it. It's worth noting that Magasta is too terrible to be worshiped by many land-dwellers, although a few sea-going peoples maintain minor temples to him.

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On 6/29/2024 at 6:27 AM, Shiningbrow said:

Q: What's the intent with Allied Spirits and sorcery,

Allied spirits may not use or learn sorcery.

Allied spirits are divine sent. When they arrive and are allied by a Rune level, their only is aspect is that they are an initiate of the god's cult. They have no abilities, or any form of magic. As initiates, they may sacrifice for Rune points, but do not begin with any.

However, GMs are free to ignore these limitations in their own games, and have sorcery using allied spirits, by whatever method they wish.

On 6/29/2024 at 6:27 AM, Shiningbrow said:

And, related, if somehow a spirit that knows sorcery gets into Spirit Combat and loses, can the winner take the knowledge of a sorcery spell? Rune/Technique?

If the spirit of a dead sorcerer is beaten in spirit combat, even if they know sorcery spells, only known spirit magics may be taken. Spirits rarely if ever have skills (eg Pegasus Plateau 50), and don't have sorcery spell powers (see Spirit Powers (RQB 165).

As usual GMs may create spirits with sorcery skills and abilities for their own games.

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1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

This is already a known correction, but it isn't on The Well, and I think it should be.

The first and second printings say this in Tap Body, p.400:

The latest PDF, however, says this:

Thanks for spotting this, I've updated the Tap body section to reflect this change.

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