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I just added a spreadsheet to the downloads area of the website. Your feedback would be appreciated.


It's nothing very fancy, but some might find it helpful.

I was creating a character for an upcoming game, and the GM is using the "skill category bonuses" option. That's a little bit of a hassle to calculate, so I started to do the math on a spreadsheet. Then I kept building on it, and in several hours I had something that provides a filled-in printable character sheet.

It reflects the options that my GM is using for our upcoming game: It has EDU, it has a specific power level of skill points, it has super powers, etc. That should be easy to modify. It is locked but doesn't have a password.

Hopefully this might provide a head start for someone who has a similar need to crunch numbers to make a BRP character.

If you find any errors, please let me know and I'll try to revise it at the first opportunity.


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