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Flashback Friday

Erol of Backford

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Mostali Arms Development - Erik Sieurin Date: Mon, 25 May 1998

THE MARK 56 SELF-IGNITING AND SORT OF SELF-LOADING ORGAN GUN (aka 'Iron Man's Alarm Clock', or 'IMAC' for short) This piece of artillery consists of a large wheel made from rock, bound with enchanted iron. Around its circumference are bored ten dwarf-long tubular holes, which serves as pipes. In its midst is a well-oiled horizontal axle, which allows the wheel to rotate. Each pipe has an adamantium ocular hatch in the end, which opens like the pupil of a human eye when the pipe is lowest in its 'orbit' around the nave, and closes when it is at it's highest, almost mostalically(2).

Dwarf gatling gun.




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