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Flashback Friday

Erol of Backford

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I recall sitting in another Greg's basement about 40 years ago with our PC's standing in some dry dusty grassland (must have been Prax but we didn't know what that was) being lanced by Tuskers as they rode to and fro through our group and we could do nothing to stop them. We were in bad straights. Missile weapons spent... Then of course someone was able to pick up a rock and a special roll to the head of the Tusker leader took him off his mount which somehow turned on him and began eating him. The other Tusk Riders saw this and fled.

There was no looking back, I still don't like Warren Zevon so much due to over play...

If this other Greg's older brother hadn't gone and purchased RQ we'd not be here today.

Dragon 040.


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  • 3 weeks later...


5 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

It's not Friday but this was interesting.

Is Quack John smoking home grown or is it a Cheech and Chong hazia stogie?

From TT 03.


Ducks have teeth in their beaks to hold cigars, not joints.

While we didn't know about it at the time, possibly kafl weed imported from Ralios, or homegrown tobacco (Genertela has this mix of New Wörld flora and Old World fauna).

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I found a good one...

So some of the giant Jolanti, freed by Orta were befriended by the Elves near Aggar. They were given intelligence and fertility by the Elves and still live in the forests with them on the fringes of the Empire.

They are called Dringi.

If you are lucky enough to have available to you the archived EWF era Tome of Jolanti Generation, rumor said it was in the stacks of the Nochet Library somewhere, about 15 points of Rune magic, some blank truestone and divine intervention in your repertoire you too can be a proud parent of your own Jolanti. (Different Worlds Issue 21 from June 1982.)

(I think the Backford Campaign PC's found a substitute for their Great Troll, Trollball goalie!)

Unrelated but in the center hard copy of RQA05 is an nice sample interview Dathan Denethsson from the Nochet Temple did with Isidilian the Wise. He noted he was born due to Work Order 502... Dathan also said the dwarf food #3064 taste like dirt.




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A majority of the non-enspirited Jolanti abducted by Gonn Orta followed Thog in his invasion of Pavis. They ended up as material for the Wall, creating the smooth outer ring by merging with the slabs planted there by Paragua and his followers.

It is unknown whether the Nidan Council of Nine still has giant Jolanti, or whether they can produce new ones.

The Faceless Statue was exceptional in size compared to the Nidan abductees. It doesn't seem like the Greatway Mostali retained the magics to awaken it, but Pavis succeeded with the added magical punch of the EWF accumulation of draconic magics.

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10 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

(Different Worlds Issue 21 from June 1982.)

The article is pretty detailed as to how and ingredients, like a recipe in a cookbook.

Made me think the Keebler elves are actually dwarves (with enhanced hearing so they might detect the early muffled words of a new Jolanti - they do speak but only to their creators) who appear to be making edible Jolanti in the picture below. They take a bite and then do a repair spell?


1 hour ago, Joerg said:

It is unknown whether the Nidan Council of Nine still has giant Jolanti, or whether they can produce new ones.

Possibly Orta has the (Different Worlds) recipe in his #2 Cave or its in the Nochet library.

Isidilan might need the PC's to go on a quest for ingredients, The Block maybe and or the Howling Tower?


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  • 1 month later...

Was reading through RQA 05 of course some good stuff in there about boar stew and wild boars. Thinking how gamey would tusker be I mean, could you have a nice luau with one of those guys? The House Campaign discusses skinning Red Eye for food and making armor from him...simply run into them while hunting boars... "wait, the boar has a lance and is coming right at us"...

Do tuskridders come to the Boarlands to get tuskers, guessing they breed their own in the Stinking Forest but might be fun to intercept them or 

IIRC a 1982 game where our PC's were near Apple Lane were caught out in the open and were lanced nearly to death by some tuskridders. We didn't know anything about set spears or group missile fire, etc. and our hole group was nearly massacred.

I think from then on our PC's carried a few long spear/pikes and made sure to target one rider until they and or their mount was down... we got our butts kicked.

Fun memories.

Add any you have had related to tuckridders?


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In the Second Age, the (hen civilized, human) Aramites appear to have been something like a warrior caste for the cities of Dragon Pass, with their Tusker Boars pretty much present anywhere in the Pass.

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On 2/24/2024 at 2:00 AM, Joerg said:

In the Second Age

Assume they hated then as well...

So as of 1600, tusker hunts would be normal events, especially near Pig Hollow...

Does Red Eye reincarnate after being slain and if so how frequently. Understood could make it where ever GM wished but has anyone made this happen and at what frequency?

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54 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Assume they hated then as well...

Varankol te Mangler was a Great Living Hero of the EWF who received worship, and his civilized Tusker-riding human Aramites were part of the anti-Machine league forces. The half-troll look and feel needn't have started long before 1042 when the dragonspeakers were killed.

By 1120 (the Dragonkill) there were Tusk Riders like the modern day ones in the region, and they retained leave to enter Dragon Pass like other "inhumans" after the Cross Line and Death Line had been set up.


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Curious if anyone has had tusker mounts for non-tuskrider PC's, say human PC's? Pet pigs or something like that? Guessing there are no modern age tuskriders that are civilized? Bloody cut and all?

Aram-ya-Udram might have been human, ugly but human?

Aram soon controlled all the wild boars of the Pass. He tamed them and trained the men of the Valley to ride them. (Which valley?)

Wyrm's Footnotes 03 p.14.


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The eponymous founder of the Vathmai tribe rode a Tusker boar, too, and his descendant Lalmor who spread the Lightbringer message to Slontos probably too. At least following the Seshnegi annectation of Slontos, no pig riders have been reported in Maniria any more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Should have posted this last Friday.

So Herka Bonegnasher a Karrg's Son from Dorastor in the year 357-363 is wishing to undermine the Zorak Zorani of the time period. Sounds like an opening for the Temple of the Wooden Sword back then as well but that's about 1250 years to early... but wait, when did the Wooden Sword germinate, sprout and when was it originally harvested? Maybe it was around then and has more recently resurfaced?

On a side note, I wonder if "putting the Zee-Zee's on both cheeks of your life" meant the same then as it does now in Glorantha?

Strange that Herka was wearing stylish lamellae samurai-ish armor back in 360? Who knows with the sword he could have been a converted Humakti?

It might be interesting for the PC's to go from Nochet to be part of the group that interviews Isidilian from the inset of RQA 05 to find out about Herka as he likely met him at the unity Council way back then, wasn't Isidilian there?

image.png.de7931a948712d75cf74c8574569dc1b.png Lamellar armour | Military Wiki | Fandom

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Somewhere near Troll Woods (back in 1983) there was a side entrance to a troll complex, which may have been an old dwarven mine, the party eliminated a bunch of pesky trollkin before attempting the breakin. The PC's used some goats tethered within eyesight of the entrance to the cave... this had been done a few times over a 2-3 week period before the attack so the tolls would not be suspicious? The cave trolls inside took the bait (always) and where ambushed but beat up the party a good bit even so.

Once inside the maze of tunnels with some bridges and underground streams, etc. seemed to lead endlessly. Side tunnels branched and finally a corridor appeared to a set of stairs leading down into brackish water. Of course there must have been something there why else would stairs lead down into water? A submerged rotten door was pried open and small room was found with more rotten debris, still under water... somehow after a lengthy search it was determined that one of the short walls actually was able to be lifted... guardian submerged skeletons in rusty armor with rusty weapons didn't like the idea of intruders and so underwater combat ensued and a nice magical battle ax was found on a dias. Why it was there we didn't care... some did suffer from tetanus, we didn't know much about the mother of diseases back then...

I still have glogs map from that adventure, what fun, clip below, seemingly written in Wyrmish as I cannot decipher it... 

I recall it was traded for 2 cows or something like that. Also when looking in that old binder I noticed the RQ03 Errata, which for whatever reason was published larger than the box set it was issued to cover...

Who is the scholar in the clip below.  that was on the errata cover, it's not Hector as he wasn't printed until 1992 in Sun County, p.32. Unless there was a Sun County item published before then that I don't know about?

As I see it, the Errata was printed in 1984... At first I thought it might be Temertain but it more than likely would be Minaryth but I always envisioned he was a bit more portly? Any ideas...

image.png.8fda2c720a93eb23cca1276dbbe773b5.png   image.png.54c3ba80a13dd33d46addd8ace92d490.png

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I admire Glog's map even as I admit myself to have failed my Read/Write Wyrmish roll on some of the subtleties.

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 "And I am pretty tired of all this fuss about rfevealign that many worshippers of a minor goddess might be lesbians." -Greg Stafford, April 11, 2007

"I just read an article in The Economist by a guy who was riding around with the Sartar rebels, I mean Taliban," -Greg Stafford, January 7th, 2010

Eight Arms and the Mask

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2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Who is the scholar in the clip below.  that was on the errata cover, it's not Hector as he wasn't printed until 1992 in Sun County, p.32. Unless there was a Sun County item published before then that I don't know about?

Unknown to my knowledge. (There were no Sun County materials before 1992, just Pavis & Big Rubble.)


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36 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Any pictures of Minaryth?

One interpretation in SKoH, p.166. A slightly different view in Sartar Companion, p.25. 

Since he dies in 1625 at the Dragonrise, no pictures of him in the latest RQG works.

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3 hours ago, Brian Duguid said:

I don't imagine anyone has an index of where various significant personalities are illustrated across the great mass of published Gloranthiana?

Yes, I have.....I use @Joerg

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Posted (edited)

I always liked when the old scenarios had links to others. I am guessing there was actual game play back in the day for the House Campaign that occurred and resulted in the particular item or person popping up again.


I always liked the idea that the newtling statue is missing a few pieces, an arm from a broken statue... which of course will "reattach" itself magically if set in place.

Of course they moved from Rainbow Mounds to Snake Pipe Hollow at a future time and found the rock eyeball... 

Has anyone taken said eyeball back to the Rainbow Mounds and if so how did the game play out with the Great Newt?





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