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I wanted to express some love to the great people on these forums. I was going to make a comprehensive list but don't want to insult someone by accidentally forgetting to include them. You know who you are. Anyone who has been around a little while knows who you are. You may have a 500 reputation here but you're all 1000+ in my book. 

 I found this most excellent resource in 2013 chasing Magic World dreams. That still makes me a noob to a lot of you people.

 So many have been so incredibly helpful in not only helping me understand the mechanics, but that gaming ISN'T JUST about the mechanics.

You've helped with far fetched  ideas, weird concepts, artwork, inspiration, pointed out my mistakes, pointed out my triumphs (few that they are😀) and always have made me, and so many others, feel welcome, even when you were likely rolling your eyes. 

 I know I wouldn't be here now, having actually published books, if any of you acted as the mongrels  I've seen on other RPG sites.

The Chaosium community is top notch, all the way from the president and board of Chaosium down to lil ol' me.

 “We are all Us.”

Thank you ALL.


(please use this thread to show love to others if the mood strikes)

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Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects

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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Holy WOW!


  This has been a GREAT month for BRP QUASAR! (I thought all of my friends here already at least bought a PDF!) Although I've been reaching out to other platforms and sites.


(Any idea of how many Cthulhu/Cosmic Horror people I've reached that never HEARD of BRP CENTRAL? It's INSANE!🫣 Like Mountains of Madness insane. It's Nuts! How is that even possible???)


  As many of you veterans already know, my main goal, for a LOT of my materials, has been to bring MUCH more attention to the greatness that is the BRP system (I'm sorry I missed SO MANY years!)


 To make it easier to play your world your way! (Afterall, even my humble self only rediscovered it, after YEARS of Wizards dribble! Better late than never?)


 This month has shown a pretty big increase in sales of the Space Opera version that is, partly, QUASAR. There's a few OTHER pretty (what I consider) excellent sci-fi d100 games out there that maybe don't bring as much attention to BRP as d100 Sytems, but are still great! (Many of you know the names I'm typing of, so I won't go into detail, since they're NOT BRP specific. That's ALL I care about)


 But a HUGE, no, MONSTROUS shout out to the BRP fans that have given my shtuff a go!


I KNOW Sci-fi is a cliche genre and I do look forward to doing some fantasty shtuff again. I have a LOT of shtuff in the works!)


There are quite a few new materials coming from the new ORC contest materials that I've seen, that look like SO MUCH FUN! Even some Sci-fi shtuff that I REALLY like and have already purchased PDF of. (If I've missed something let me know!) Especially the more simple versions of BRP. (You know who you are! Its really MOST excellent! Enuff that makes me wanna put out a 'basic' version of QUASAR...but I don't wanna step on GOLDEN toes! Everything has its place!)


 Who cannot WAIT for these new ORC materials to become available?!?!? I'm SO looking forward to it! 


 As ALWAYS, I ramble. And will continue to do so. Sue me!😀


 I'm just SO VERY GRATEFUL to those who have shown an interest in BRP & (especially) QUASAR. It was all released in short order, but I put YEARS into its creation right b4 the ORC!(Thank U Chaosium!)


I hope you've found a use for it!


The first Chronicle (Adventure) for QUASAR is in the works, which is part space opera, part Cosmic Horror.


 I've really been digging old Lovecraft shtuff again lately. There is so much CreepyPasta shtuff on YouTube that I've been listening to lately. Again, I know it's a cliche market. That's OK. 


 I HAD to incorporate a little "Event Horizon" into my Chronicle. Not too crazy, but does Lord Cthulhu really have to all take place only in the early to early to mid 1900s? Nope! (Honorable mention to Delta Green, Pancea, Actung, and...shoot! There's a newer 'Division' RPG that I can't remember off the top of my head. X-files shtuff. Ugh! Sorry to the creator. I'm a couple bourbons deep in here.😎)


  Anyway, my point was AGAIN, THANK YOU to the people who have made QUASAR worth while for me. I can't tell you how humbled I am because of your support!


 Can't wait to see what the future of the ORC brings to this great community and the people who follow the bread crumbs from the old norm to the new!


YOU are the new. Even people who have been in the BRP fold for decades here.


YOU, the deniznes of BRPC help answer questions (sometimes for the hundredth time!), YOU make new people, who have finally found their way here from Wizard, Piazo, Traveler, GURPS, or ICE, feel welcome.(As you did me!)


 YOU lead the way into a brilliant, possible future for hopefully countless others! In exchange for little more than a small recognition on this website. YOU are BRPs greatest asset, IMO.


You know who you are. Keep up your good works!

"We Are All Us"





Edited by tooley1chris
  • Like 2

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects

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