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Roll20 Tweaks

Geoff R Evil

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Just wondered if anyone had figured out how to get the RQ char sheet to properly augment combat with spells like bladesharp or slash. The atk augment seems to work ok, but damage is hard to get right. If you add the damage bonus to the weapon, it ends up being doubled or rolled twice on crits and specials, getting very silly damage. The only option we use is to add the bladesharp damage manually or to roll the slash damage separately.

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13 minutes ago, Geoff R Evil said:


Just wondered if anyone had figured out how to get the RQ char sheet to properly augment combat with spells like bladesharp or slash. The atk augment seems to work ok, but damage is hard to get right. If you add the damage bonus to the weapon, it ends up being doubled or rolled twice on crits and specials, getting very silly damage. The only option we use is to add the bladesharp damage manually or to roll the slash damage separately.


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