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Furthest, Crown Jewel - how easy to backdate it to 1616 - 1624 period

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How much work would it be to backdate the details in Furthest, Crown Jewel... to the period between 1616 and 1624? Would it be quite straight forward do you think or require lots of cross-referencing to multiple sources?



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For the physical details of the city, the kingdom, etc. absolutely no effort is required. You’d just ignore the occasional purple boxes about the effects of the Great Winter and the Dragonrise, and treat the King’s and General’s character descriptions referencing a “Tarsh Civil War” as foreshadowing. You may need to invent some prominent High Priests who got et at the Dragonrise, and there’s nothing in the book that stops you doing that. Over 95% of the text (and all the art and maps) will be directly usable; there are a few tiny edge cases (“Do I have to work out what was here before a bunch of Sable Tribe members migrated to the outskirts after the Fall of Prax?”) that honestly won’t cause you any difficulty at all.

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52 minutes ago, Nick Brooke said:

For the physical details of the city, the kingdom, etc. absolutely no effort is required. You’d just ignore the occasional purple boxes about the effects of the Great Winter and the Dragonrise, and treat the King’s and General’s character descriptions referencing a “Tarsh Civil War” as foreshadowing. You may need to invent some prominent High Priests who got et at the Dragonrise, and there’s nothing in the book that stops you doing that. Over 95% of the text (and all the art and maps) will be directly usable; there are a few tiny edge cases (“Do I have to work out what was here before a bunch of Sable Tribe members migrated to the outskirts after the Fall of Prax?”) that honestly won’t cause you any difficulty at all.

Super, thanks!

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