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Opening in Runequest Glorantha campaign on Zoom, June 2024

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We have an opening for a player in the Life In Glorantha campaign, a Runequest in Glorantha campaign held on Zoom Fridays at 7-9:30PM U.S. Central time.  Characters will live day to day life seeing new places, punctuated by moments of terror.  Mature players wanted, to commit to most weekly sessions.


Active and armed young person wanted.  A Sartarite trader has an opening in his caravan currently bound for Caladraland.    Apply at the Virtuous Ale Inn, Nochet.


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Posted (edited)
On 5/31/2024 at 10:41 PM, aries04 said:

I’d be interested if you’re still offering?

Sure.   I am now running this as a merchant / ambassador campaign, keeping my older emphasis on living in the Gloranthan background.  Date is now 1630ST.  Since the party is in Nochet at the moment, I think it will fit to start you in Nochet with history IAW Harald Smith's Nochet books. including their family history tables. 

Do you want to start character generation?   We have almost 2 weeks: Next play date is two Fridays from now, because I'm off this next week, will be out of town and busy Friday June 7.  If you want to start char gen please pm me your email and I will give you specs to get started.

Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Parman said:

I would be interested in learning more about your campaign


It started in late 2020 as a Six Seasons campaign.   We played the first book, then two dropped out. two new players came in. and I took them on a detour to Balazar before Company of the Dragon came out in hard copy.  Note that  I like to have the adventurers live in Glorantha, personal ties matter and  Glorantha world matters.  We played that (all three 6 Seasons books. which includes branching through other material to its conclusion post Dragonrise.) Then some other material including Korolstead.

At that point several characters had reached their personal goals and a player had quit for personal reasons. Also the party as a whole was OP compared to lots of recently published material.  A squad of rune levels who knew Argrath before he was Prince, know a True Dragon, and do favors for Leika can blow out an adventure originally conceived for weaker adenturers.

So last December I did a restart with two Adventurers carrying over and some new characters.   It's now 1630 ST. I also made it a merchant/ ambassador campaign, which (1)  gives the adventurers opportunities outside of Sartar  (2) allows me to use some great material like Nochet. (3) allows me not to have a slugfest campaign in which all the Adventurers have to do is bring down the Red Moon.

 At this point we have one almost Rune level and several near starting level.  Had someone drop out due to medical problems.   So there is room.

How does that strike you?



Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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In the event you have another opening, I'd be interested in joining. I played RQ2 and RQ3 in the 80s and early 90s, and have been playing RQG since 2020. 

Two questions: Is the Nochet material from Johnstown Compendium necessary to make a character? And, do you play every week?

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5 hours ago, Irek said:

In the event you have another opening, I'd be interested in joining. I played RQ2 and RQ3 in the 80s and early 90s, and have been playing RQG since 2020. 

Two questions: Is the Nochet material from Johnstown Compendium necessary to make a character? And, do you play every week?

We play nearly every week:   For example I missed a week when I had surgery abd was in the hospital.  I have missed for certain conventions, and for a daughter"s birthday.

I have the Nochet books, so players don't have to, I just ask for strings of die rolls.

Right now I don't have an opening since if everyone is on line I'm at my comfort limit. I will keep you in mind.

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