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Does anyone have Runequest 2e Spreadsheet calc?


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I been trying to make a Runequrest 2e spread sheet  to calculate basic skill modifiers damage bonus and strike ranks etc. I having difficulty get the calc to work just wonder if anyone has already made one. I want to make npc's monsters for a supplement for runequest 2e and a spreadsheet  would save me a lot of work, and would allow me to copy and paste the values in a text document. Thanks in advance.

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On 7/10/2024 at 11:18 PM, skull said:

I been trying to make a Runequrest 2e spread sheet  to calculate basic skill modifiers damage bonus and strike ranks etc. I having difficulty get the calc to work just wonder if anyone has already made one. I want to make npc's monsters for a supplement for runequest 2e and a spreadsheet  would save me a lot of work, and would allow me to copy and paste the values in a text document. Thanks in advance.

My Google Sheets version might provide a starting point.

I'm not sure what the differences are between RQ2 and RQG in terms of category modifiers and other derived attributes. Most of what you want would be in the Lookups sheet which is hidden.

It might be worthwhile going back to an earlier, simpler version that pre-dates the inclusion of the "buff" spells as that makes the formulas more complex.

Scroll down to "v4.0: Initial version with RQG changes over RQ4 Working Draft" in the second post and take a look at that, it pre-dates a lot of the added complications, but might have bugs.

Category modifiers can probably be done by editing this section:


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