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It's the year of Our Lord 1523 in the Hanseatic Free City of Danzig. 

Danzig is beset by troubles. There is a widespread debasement of coinage originally perpetrated by The Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights to pay for their bloody wars with the Kingdom of Poland. Each time the new coinage is issued it disappears and the only coinage left in circulation is the debased Marks. Trust in trade is fast disappearing, inflationary pressures have increased staple food costs, people are unhappy and there have been riots calling for the overthrow of the City Council. The Hansa Diet is angry. Integrity of coinage is central to trade throughout Northern Europe. Even the English, that irascible, troublesome and somewhat xenophobic race prefer the Easterling Pound (The Lübeck Mark) to their own clipped coins and all major deals are in Pounds (Ea)Sterling. The riots have got worse fuelled by the ideas of that  heretical, mad monk Luther expressing itself in an Iconoclastic Fury of destruction of icons, pictures and alters in Danzig's ancient churches. The latest to suffer was Nikolaikirche. 

The de Kveelder brothers are sent by Klaus Vinhagen, Secretary of the Diet, to deliver the ultimatum to the Danzig Burghers to get their house in Order. The Council is rife with factions. Some seek independence from the Knights and Poland, some want full integration with Poland others even hanker after a return of the austerity of the Teutonic Knights.

We need local information said Hans. Where do we get trustworthy information in such a tangle of vested interests 

Sex workers said Mathias, they know everything and everyone. 

Great idea said Jürgen, but we've just got married and I for one do not feel that comfortable about being in such an establishment. Do you think we could find a House of Moderate Ill-repute?

*Lots of laughter* WTF? What exactly is a House od Moderate Ill-repute? said the GM

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