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WWII Horror CoC


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Night of The Dead (Nacht Der Untoten)

This scenario pits the allied players (British/American) against undead horrors conceived by Nazi experiments gone wrong.

Early 1945:

Nazi Scientists were trying to make an Uber Trooper (super Soldier), but things went drastically wrong, and the survivors are trying to escape.

Volunteers were experimented on, but they appeared to die, only to reanimate a short while later and set upon the living.

The PCs are on patrol in deep woods, when they come across a complex.

They can get in easily enough, getting out though, is going to be hard, as the undead are wandering through the woods.

The PCs eventually come across the survivors (scientists, guards) who eventually tell them what it is that they are scared of, and why they won't or can't leave the complex.

The PCs are of course dubious of the tales of the 'untoten', but they soon change their mind when the 'untoten' make an appearance.

Then all hell breaks loose!

The PCs and survivors have to work together to barricade the complex and fight back to survive long enough for reinforcements to arrive (if the PCs are gone too long, then a team will be sent to investigate).

WEAPON DAMAGE TO untoten (undead):

Projectiles do half damage rolled (round down).

Exception: Shotguns. They do normal rolled damage.

Grenades do full damage.

UNTOTEN (undead):

A basic ‘untoten/undead’ profile:

STR: 3D6x1.5, CON: 3D6x1.5, SIZ: 2D6+6, INT: 6, POW: 1, DEX: 2D6, APP: 1D6, MOVE: 6, ARMOUR: none.


Bite: 35%+, DAM: 1D3+ half DB (bleeding), Claw: 40%+, DAM: 1D4+DB (bleeding).

Grapple: 35%+, Special Skills: Sense: 50%+

Sample ‘untoten’:

STR: 27 (+1D8 DB), CON: 27, SIZ: 18, INT: 6, POW: 1, APP: 3, MOVE: 6.

Bite: 50%, Claw: 55%, Grapple: 50%, Sense: 55%.

Bite: 1D3+1D4, Claw: 1D4+1D8.

HP: 23.

Zombie dogs: STR: 2D6+6, CON: 3D6, SIZ: 2D6+1, POW: 3D6, DEX: 2D6+6, MOVE: 11.

Armour: none.

Weapons: Bite: 40%+, DAM: 1D8.

SKILLS: Spot Hidden: 55%+, Track by smell: 60%


Dr Wilhelm Schmitt: STR: 13, DEX: 14, INT: 18, CON: 14, POW: 16, CHA: 17, SIZ: 13: HP: 14, AGE: 50.

A brilliant medical professor forced to work for the Nazis.

Learned pistol, Rifle & boxing at university.

SKILLS: Medical: 85, Hear: 60, Observe: 60, Pistol: 65, Rifle: 45, Unarmed: 45,

First Aid: 60, Language (English): 80, Chemistry: 85, Pharmacy: 85, Biology: 85,

Botany: 80, Notice: 50, Hand Weapon: 45.

Dr Gunter Schwartz: STR: 14, DEX: 15, INT: 16, CON: 15, POW: 15, CHA: 15, SIZ: 13,

HP: 14, AGE: 30.

A professor who worked for the Nazis willingly, but has seen the error of his ways thanks to Dr Wilhelm.

SKILLS: Medical: 65, Hear: 65, Observe: 65, Pistol: 60, Rifle: 55, Unarmed: 55, First Aid: 60.

Language (English): 70. Notice: 60. Biology: 60, Chemistry: 70, Hand Weapon: 45.

GUARDS: Sgt major (Stabsfeldwebel) Stefan Steiner: STR: 17, DEX: 16, INT: 16, CON: 17, POW: 18, CHA: 18, SIZ: 15, HP: 16, AGE: 29.

A battle hardened experienced Sergeant who has fought many battles over the years.

The rest of the guards rely on him for morale, etc.

SKILLS: Rifle: 75, Pistol: 65, Heavy Weapons: 60, Hear: 65, Notice: 65, Swim: 55,

Hand Weapon: 65, Unarmed: 65, Notice: 65, First Aid: 55, Fast Talk: 55, Drive: 55,

Move Silently: 65, Survival: 60, Navigate: 50, Throw: 65, Track: 55, Climb: 55,

Language (English): 65, Jump: 50, Hide: 65, Oratory: 60, Swim: 55.

Sergeant (Feldwebel) Stefan Konig: STR: 16, DEX: 17, INT: 14, CON: 16, POW: 16,

CHA: 17, SIZ: 15, HP: 16, AGE: 26.

Sgt Steiner's right hand man, who has been with him for a number of years.

SKILLS: Rifle: 65, Pistol: 70, Heavy Weapons: 65, Hear: 65, Notice: 65, Climb: 55,

Hand Weapon: 60, Unarmed: 65, First Aid: 60, Oratory: 50, Move Silently: 60, Swim: 55, Survival: 60, Drive: 55, Navigate: 50, Throw: 60, Track: 50, Language (English): 60.

Corporal (Unteroffizier) Dieter Bauer: STR: 16, DEX: 17, INT: 15, CON: 17, POW: 15,

CHA: 16, SIZ: 15, HP: 17, AGE: 25.

Stefan Konig's friend and part of Steiner's squad.

SKILLS: Rifle: 65, Pistol: 60, Heavy Weapons: 60, Hear: 65, Notice: 65, Hand Weapon: 55, Unarmed: 60, First Aid: 55, Oratory: 45, Move Silently: 55, Swim: 50, Survival: 55,

Drive: 50, Navigate: 45, Throw: 55, Track: 45, Language (English): 55, Climb: 60,

Jump: 55, Demolitions: 55.

Sgt major Stefan Steiner: FG-42 (6 mags), Walther P38 (7 mags), 5 grenades, Bayonet (DAM: 1D4+1+STR Bonus).

Sgt Stefan Konig: MG '42 (3x75 rnd drums), Walther P38 (7 mags), 5 grenades, Bayonet (DAM: 1D4+1+STR Bonus).

Corporal Dieter Bauer: Gewehr '43 (8 mags), Pump-Action shotgun (56 rounds), grenades: 5,

Bayonet (DAM: 1D4+1+STR Bonus).

Steiner, Konig & Bauer have steel helmets (AV8), and wear camouflaged uniforms.

Dr Wilhelm Schmitt & Dr Gunter Schwartz each carry a P38 pistol with 8 mags.

They don't like using them (as they are not of a violent nature), but the present situation warrants it.

They can use rifles (Kar '98) if they find them.

There are possibly other personnel in the complex, but the PCs & staff have to find them (if they decide to explore the complex):

Dr Rienhard Muller (same skills as Dr Schwartz, but 5% less).

Dr Otto Vogel: (same skills as Dr Schwartz, but 5% less).

Their attributes are 1 less than Schwartz's.

Both of these supposedly stout nazi supporters have suddenly changed their minds after witnessing the carnage they have created through their experiments.

Lance Cprl (Gefreiter) Wolfgang Hoch (same skills as Dieter Bauer but 5% less).

Trooper (Soldat) Konrad Riese (same skills as Dieter Bauer but 5% less).

Their attributes are 1 less than Bauer's.

German Ranks (with British equivalent):

Private: Soldat, Lance Corporal: Gefreiter, Corporal: Unteroffizier, Sergeant: Fedlwebel,

Staff Sergeant: OberFeldwebel, Sergeant major: Stabsfeldwebel,

Regt. Sergeant major: Hauptfeldwebel, 2nd Lieutenant: Leutnant,

1st Lieutenant: Oberleutnant, Captain: Hauptmann, Major: Major

Lieutenant Colonel: Oberstleutnant, Brigadier: Oberst.

American: Private, Spec 4, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant,

Master Sergeant, Sergeant major, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant, Captain,

Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel.


The windows are covered with wood planks: each successful hit from the untoten attacking the window, takes 1 plank off (6 in total). On a critical, 2 planks are taken off.

It takes one person 1 turn to secure 1 plank to the window (maximum of 6).

2 people can secure a window in 3 turns (if 6 planks are needed).

Some walls might be weak (2D6+4 HP). Once the wall is at 0HP, the untoten can get through.

It takes a person 6 turns to fully barricade the wall (or 2 people 3 turns).


Shotguns (30%):

12 guage (2 barrel): DAM: 4D6/2D6/1D6, RNG (Yds): 10/22/50, Attk#: 1 or 2, Mag: 2, Item HP: 12, Malf: 00.

12 guage (Pump Action): DAM: 4D6/2D6/1D6, RNG (Yds): 10/22/50, Attk#: 1, Mag: 8, Item HP: 10, Malf: 00.


Lee Enfield .303: DAM: 2D8, ROF: 1, RNG: 110, HP: 12, MAG: 10, Malf: 00, WT: 4,

CAL: .303. UK.

M1 Carbine: DAM: 1D10+1, ROF: 3, RNG: 75, HP: 11, MAG: 15, Malf: 99-00, WT: 3,

CAL: .30 Carbine.

Garand: DAM: 2D6+3, ROF: 3, RNG: 100, HP: 12, MAG: 8, Malf: 00, WT: 4,

CAL: .30-06. USA

Springfield ’03: DAM: 2D6+3, ROF: 1, RNG: 110, HP: 12, MAG: 5, Malf: 99-00, WT: 4,

CAL: .30-06. USA

Mosin Nagant: DAM: 2D6+1, ROF: 1, RNG: 75, HP: 11, MAG: 5, Malf: 99-00, WT: 3.5,

CAL: 7.63x54mmR. Russia

Arisaka 38: DAM: 2D6+1, ROF: 1, RNG: 110, HP: 12, MAG: 5, Malf: 99-00, WT: 3.8,

CAL: 7.7x58mm. Japan

Carcano M1938: DAM: 1D12, ROF: 1, RNG: 75, HP: 11, MAG: 8, Malf: 99-00, WT: 3.2,

CAL: Mannlicher-Carcano. Italy

K98k: DAM: 2D8, ROF: 1, RNG: 110, HP: 12, MAG: 5, Malf: 99-00, WT: 4,

CAL: 7.92mmx57mm Mauser. Germany

Gewehr 43: DAM: 2D8, ROF: 3, RNG: 90, HP: 12, MAG: 10, Malf: 99-00, WT: 4,

CAL: 7.92mmx57mm Mauser. Germany

STG-44: DAM: 2D8, ROF: 3, RNG: 90, HP: 12, MAG: 30, Malf: 99-00, WT: 4,

CAL: 7.92mm Mauser. Germany

FG-42 (7.92mmx57mm Mauser): DAM: 2D6+4. WT: 5Kg/11lbs. ROF: 1 or burst. MAG: 20. RNG: 90yds. MAL: 00. HPs: 10

BAR 1918 (.30-06): DAM: 2D6+4. WT: 9.5Kg/20.9lbs. ROF: 1 / 2 or burst. MAG: 20. RNG: 90yds. HPs: 11. MAL: 00


STEN (9mmP): DAM: 1D10, ROF: 3 or burst, RNG: 20, HP: 8, MAG: 32, Malf: 99-00, WT: 2.6

Thompson (.45ACP): DAM: 1D10+2, ROF: 3 or burst, RNG: 20, HP: 11, MAG: 30,

Malf: 99-00, WT: 3.6

M3 ‘Grease Gun’: DAM: 1D10, ROF: burst, RNG: 25, HP: 9, MAG: 30, Malf: 99-00, WT: 2.9

PPSh-41: DAM: 1D10, ROF: burst, RNG: 30, HP: 11, MAG: 35/72, Malf: 99-00, WT: 3.6

MP40 (9mmP): DAM: 1D10, ROF: 3 or burst, RNG: 25, HP: 9, MAG: 32, Malf: 99-00,

WT: 3.8

Nambu Type 100 (8x22mm Nambu): DAM: 1D8, ROF: burst, RNG: 20, HP: 8, MAG: 32,

Malf: 99-00, WT: 4


M1911A1 (.45ACP): DAM: 1D10+2, ROF: 1, RNG: 15, HP: 7, MAG: 7, Malf: 99-00, WT: 1.3

Walther P38 (9mmP): DAM: 1D10, ROF: 3, RNG: 15, HP: 7, MAG: 8, Malf: 99-00, WT: 1

Browning HP (9mmP): DAM: 1D10, ROF: 3, RNG: 15, HP: 8, MAG: 13, Malf: 99-00, WT: 1.1

Webley MK6 Revolver (.455): DAM: 1D10+2. ROF: 1. MAG: 6. RNG: 15. Malf: 00. HPs: 10

WT: 1.2Kg/2.6lbs.


MG-42 (7.92x57m Mauser): DAM: 2D6+4. WT: 11.57Kg/25.51lbs. ROF: burst. MAG: 100. RNG: 200yds. HPs: 18. MAL: 00

M1919A4 (.30-06): DAM: 2D6+4. WT: 14/31lbs. ROF: burst. MAG: 100. RNG: 150. HPs: 12. MAL: 96.

Bren Mk3 (.303): DAM: 2D6+4. WT: 9.75Kg/21.6lbs. ROF: burst. MAG: 30. RNG: 60yds. HPs: 11. MAL: 00

Lewis Gun (.303) DAM: 2D6+4. WT: 13Kg/28lbs. ROF: burst. MAG: 47. RNG: 60yds.

HPs: 11. MAL: 00


If using flame weapons (Molotov cocktails, etc), the damage is 2D6 on the first round, then 1D6+1 on the second round.

Or the other option is just 2D6 damage, and no secondary damage.

Against the ‘untoten’, the damage would be reduced: -3 on the damage rolled.


The whole idea of this scenario, is that the group (American/British, or both), encounter the complex, which is a large concrete structure.

The GM should describe the structure as damaged in various ways; lights flicker, small fires and rubble at random places as they walk through the semi-dark corridors.

As they walk further into the complex, they see yet more damage: damaged containers (some food, water, ammunition, etc), doors battered down, and 1D4 dead bodies, that appear very damaged (a medical roll will indicate that there are bite and claw marks on the bodies).

The PCs should meet the survivors further in the complex, as they hear gunfire (Hear test).

They should eventually see the guards firing at ‘figures’ in the distance.

This is the point where 2 things can happen:

1: The PCs can fight the guards, but that means the PCs will then have 2 enemies.

2: The PCs can attempt contact with the guards, and hopefully the guards, scientists and PCs can join in finding other survivors and eventually escape.

There are weapons for 6 nationalities: British, American, German, Russian, Italian, and Japanese.

This gives a wide choice:

British/American, or both in the pacific (Japanese horrors).

Russians finding German horrors instead of the British & Americans encountering them.

Equipping the players:

This is up to the GM.

He/she can give the players one primary weapon: rifle, SMG, shotgun, or perhaps give one player a Machine Gun.

Perhaps a secondary weapon (pistol, SMG, or shotgun), for example.

The GM can have the players find other weapons in the complex.

The GM can have the untoten swarm through windows, doors, and from corridors.

Try to make the players sweat, but not to kill them.

The survivors helping them should make things easier, especially if they help the guards search for other survivors.

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