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Anti-harassment Policy for the Cult of Chaos

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Anti-harassment Policy for the Cult of Chaos
Harassment of the GM, players, spectators, or anyone else, is not tolerated at a Cult of Chaos organized play event. If you are harassed at a Cult of Chaos event, find an organized play GM immediately and report it. If you ARE the GM, report it to the store owner, convention organizer, or whoever’s in charge of the space where you’re running the event. If you disagree with how a GM or event organizer implemented or enforced this policy at an event, please email our director of organized play, Todd Gardiner, at todd@chaosium.com. Please be specific about who, what, where, and when. We’ll investigate and take appropriate actions, up to and including removing the infringing party from the Cult of Chaos organized play program. 
You don’t have to keep playing with somebody who’s harassing, belittling, insulting, or offending others. If someone at a Cult of Chaos organized play event is violating this policy, the GM can take any action that he or she decides is necessary to stop the harassment – ranging from a simple warning to removal from the game. If it’s necessary to resolve the situation, the GM can escalate it to the store owner, event organizers, or onsite security. 
Edited by MOB
added link to code of conduct at www.chaosium.com
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