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Just wanted to note that the resources here are fantastic.  

I have set up to run AATH at my FLGS starting on 28 May and the dance card was full on the same day the store listed the event.   It has been a while since I have run CoC itself (a lot of Trail of Cthulhu and Fear Itself recently) but I've always had a sweet spot for CoC,, hampered mostly by prep time I didn't have :(

CoC's Org Play neatly solves that for me.  I am just taking the time to brush up on the new rules, nicely done in my opinion, and getting all the adventure details firmly to mind and into Realm Works. 

PS the various props and material on here are fantastic.  After I get all of my adjustments cleaned up I plan on posting them here (after touching bases with the original version owners of course).


Anyway, great stuff! 


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