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Looking for a suggestion on a brain swopped issue

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Before I got Episode 2, I admitted a new player to my game, and asked him to choose one of the other students to take over as a PC.  It seemed the only way to bring a newbie in while in Cobbs Corners, unless it were to be a local.  Oh I guess I could have found an excuse for another MU student to be in Cobbs Corners, but really, that would have been faking it.  

So my guy chose William Noakes.  That's a good PC to have, but in Episode 2 he is supposed to be swopped for Henry Akeley, which I am dying to see how that would come out.  So my problem is who else can I brain swop Akeley with?  Louis Gibbons is out, he came with the PC's so he's not brain swopped.  Jason Trent is the only one left who makes sense b/c of the history major, but I'm holding out hope I can keep him Robert Tunes.  One of my PC's spent a lot of time getting close to Trent and feels he understands the guy so when they catch him in the LIbrary shouting Bloody Hell! it's going to be interesting, lol. 

I was thinking about CLarissa Thurber; the kid she's swopped with is not important so no loss there, but it makes no sense to put a literature brain inside a chemist's body.  I could write that off as a mistake perhaps; what does anybody else think you'd do in my shoes? 

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Actually I wouldnt care that much about not joining chemist/historian (or others). You can blame that on the mi-go not being so accurate at assessing the brains. Putting a new brain into a known NPC's body will be even much more fun for... well... maybe not for the players, but for you. I made Clarissa a second in command, so I wouldn't choose her, but I think any other NPC would do :)

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I don't think it really matters.  The whole thing about Ep 2 is to show how different the brain swapped characters are.  In my game, I tried to make it more subtle, so the PCs had to work a little to figure out something was wrong and the more time they spent with the brain swapped NPCs the more wrongness was apparent.  Finally, at one point, a PC (replacement character, not one from Ep 1, who's backstory gave them a relationship with one of the NPCs) approached one of the NPCs and lied about being someone else and the NPC had no clue who the PC was.  That was a great WTF moment.

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