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I'm curious how folks are handling ex-PCs in episode 2.  I have two to slot in (a Langauges and a Anthro student).

Are you swapping out some of the named NPCs for PCs, or adjusting the Mi-Go student stuff to feature one or two extra bodies?

I figure I can maybe drop one of the named NPCs with the excuse of a family emergency, but I definitely want to bring in the ex-PCs and the surviving PCs have NO in-game knowledge that anything went down at the farmhouse.  (*snickers*)

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I kept all the brain swapped NPCs and made the ex-PCs brain swapped too.  Just make up something for the brain swapped PCs.  If you move the brain "tenants" around, you'll have trouble figuring out who's in who's body as Ep 2 isn't very clear about that and you'll get even more confused.

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Did you have to modify stats at all for the few extra bodies?

Yeah, I can imagine that swapping out ex-PCs for NPCs would cause some issues, and honestly I like the NPC descriptions for the swapping.  I used little fold over images to track all the NPCs for episode 1, I'm planning on using them again for episode 2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got lucky, in that one PC was caunght and brain swapped, whilct Jason Trent made it to the end of episode 1, as one of the investigators had befriended him (mostly trying to get close to him to see what he was up to), which meant I just had to switch the PC for Jason in chapter 2.

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