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  • RPG Biography
    -Apocalypse World
    -Dungeon World
    -DND 5
  • Current games
    Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Zwihander
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  • Blurb
    At school i tasted ADND (2.0). As student i became GM for DND3.5 and GURPS. After graduation i go into work and left rollplay and LARP. Few year ago friend of my asked to GM game for them. And fewer started again, but this time DND and GURPS were not enough for me. I became board gamer and loved Lovecraft themes from literature and board games(Arkham Horror, Mansions of Madness, Cthulhu Gloom, Elder Sing, Eldrich horror) Which bring me and idea to look for Call of Cthulhu. And WOW this is the game which give all the stuff that i couldn`t find in DND and other games.

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  1. it would be an honor to play test for you.
  2. I`d offer you to pick up Dead Horse Corner from trail of cthulhu as short and nice adventure. I run No mans land as part of WWI campaign, my recommendation you should have 6 PC to run it as written. In other way, it could become an run away campaign.
  3. Name: Vasil Country: Ukraine City: Kyiv Currently running CoC for a group, run it on local conventions few times.
  4. I heard on MU-Podcast there going to be revised edition Alone agains Darkness. Do you plan to resent other book like adventures Alone agains the Wendigo and other?
  5. After ending TtH i use FOC in my current Delta Green game, But with little changes. First i swithc it`s name to World Oil and Chemicals WOC, second i make it split in Official part commercially sucsessful and cover ops, keep on crusading to get more knowlage at any cost like MJ12. Who take a great role as shadow player in government activities. And thanks for your propositions about structure development.
  6. yesterday we finished 6th episode with ONL party and week ago with OFL part. its time for long report.
  7. I used nightmares with drowing, Plus used PC bacstory to create somthing special, Their social interaction which could be spotted by agents, Used one of agent to get closer with PC to know some interesting about him to use in horror. In same way they could see a little tip about the source.
  8. And we get back to our ONL party. Episode II / 2 sessions / 6 hours. First party gets TPK, that how players understand it. So they created new PC with one obligatory connection to expedition members. To put them in some kind of tight spot I told them “Now you in Dean of Students office, he quite angry on you. Why?” PC decided that they stole body from St. Mary hospitals morgue, but something went wrong. While they were transporting it, rival driver saw body, get heart attack and car accident. So they put in almost same situation as we should. As they get out first question were “What had happened with expedition” They get back all together. But none of your friends get in touch with you. PC try to get in contact with their friends, but their behavior changed a little. Some of them become good friends of Terense Laslow, how ready to pay out all the debts. What happened strange to them (I just added some more agent with different traits, knowing that pc will try to get with them first.) and concentrating around them. PC started to look around geology group and studding mineral to get in touch. Knowing more and more about the material, thinking that Pasquallium some kind of Diamont or other Precious stone. As a result one of PC broke down into science building at night. Pass campus guards, saw one of agents were arguing with guards near building. But Proff. Store all the examples in safe. Being disappointed and scared by coming guard, he jumps of the second floor on ground. They find out: -Expedition members keep in touch and meet every evening -Some of student from expeditions what get into Orne Library Rare books section with help of prof. Rogers -Roderic Block started to build some kind of shelter or repair his apartment that`s what PC thought checking his pick-up.(stole and hide some dynamite from his pick up) But mostly PC move around their ex-characters waiting somehow that I would show great change personality skipping low details.
  9. Got same situation. And just named ex PC agent`s as "Jarvis Friend" etc. With a similar attitude. And let some of them to do routine job separated between groups. (like bring food for main actors) act like a servant.
  10. Hi fellow Keepers Last game one of my PC after interaction with artifact left only with 4 INT. And I don`t know how to role-play this? One of ideas - he`s now quite slow learner. Lower his skill increase to half, or just give him other way of it during investigator development phase. Slow interaction with other, penalty die for social skills and intelligence related skills for the first time(removed later), to show change of mind. Do you have any suggestions?
  11. We started as session role-playing episodes of investigators under enzymes. 3 PC tasted food last session and each one get personal half an hour of scary stuff, this were quite difficult do describe standard stuff unfamiliar. Lots of gore and wild emotions. 1 PC didn`t taste food and for hall of madness time hide in wardrobe but fire take make him get to street. One of PC died last session were introduced as side character Library guard. At the beginning all the PC were separated so I jumped between them each 10-15 minutes. We get quit good shooting out in Library 3 Agent were killed (lots of 01 roll from PC) but still they set up fire, but didn’t get to 3rd level. Guards (1PC +2 NPC) barricaded there. In the same time Enzyme victims get back to reality get back to real world one of them failed CON and left with 4 INT. They saw fire hear blows, so tried to get away from campus. Were ambushed by Minerals Agents Part. Using FOC PC cat we start car`s chase. One of PC tried to jump from one car to another and Fumble throws him under wheels. PC tried to shoot, but Jarvis rammed them out the road. Driver saved situation from car crash but time were lost. As they get back on road speeding but too late, just saw were agent turn off main road. Arriving to safe house and scouting around they sow Mi-Go leaving house with some cargo. Inside were agent bodies and some of sleeping investigators captured during “Another trap” PC searched all the house few times, but there were nothing except lost hangout (photographs of an apparent crater) and some lost tools. Episode II finished / 4 sessions / 16 hours...
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