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Spell inquiry

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This has probably been asked/answered before but here goes - I'm in the midst of doing a post ATtH for my group (to see some of their shenanigans see some of my previous posts) and have thrown a zombie/undead fellow at them with a strange occult symbol on its forehead. The players have tapped a source (a professor at Miskatonic with some mythos knowledge) for a spell on freezing or temporarily holding the creature in place.

My question is thus, is there a spell I can adapt from the keepers guide (or previous editions that they can share) or does anyone have a spell they've created to do something something like that? I have a few ideas but I'm wanting to make sure I'm not making it to OP or anything...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/5/2016 at 6:51 AM, Spoon!! said:

This has probably been asked/answered before but here goes - I'm in the midst of doing a post ATtH for my group (to see some of their shenanigans see some of my previous posts) and have thrown a zombie/undead fellow at them with a strange occult symbol on its forehead. The players have tapped a source (a professor at Miskatonic with some mythos knowledge) for a spell on freezing or temporarily holding the creature in place.

My question is thus, is there a spell I can adapt from the keepers guide (or previous editions that they can share) or does anyone have a spell they've created to do something something like that? I have a few ideas but I'm wanting to make sure I'm not making it to OP or anything...

Heya - a bit late on a reply, but what the heck if it helps.  Yeah, I'd just make one up or model it after something similar and adjust POW/SAN and affect times as you see fit.  You can just base it off of Dominate, Enthrall Victim or maybe even Voorish sign - make it only effective against the dead, or very expensive with after or adverse affects to limit it's use.It's all about telling the story - have fun! :)


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