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so very soon i am starting a custom space game setting for my little group of chaos monkeys to adventure in using the awesome toolset of rules of M-Space by Clarence Redd. I wanted my game to be kind of firefly ish with my own flourish of ingredients added to it. the following is a weapons list i compiled and wanted to get some of your opinions on things to make sure they look functional and are usable and not out of whack when it comes to differences between the weapons. Some of it is from M-Space and some from the free firearms supplement for runequest. as i am very new to myhtras i was hoping for the feedback to make sure the list is balance for when i introduce it to my players.


Ranged Weapons       Damage             Range (meters)                Firing Rate                   Load               AP/HP                        Cost

Grenade                                   3d8          Thrown                               1                                     –                                                      800 Cr

Thermal Detonator                   5d10        Thrown                               1                                     –                    AP does no apply     1000 Cr

Flechette/Needle Gun              1d6           5/15/90                              1                                     80                                                   475 Cr

Gauss Pistol*                            1d12+1    40/80/150                           1                                    12                                                   1000 Cr

Gauss Rifle*                              2d12+2    80/160/300                         1/3/-                              30                                                   1250 Cr

Short bow                                  1d6          15/100/200                         2                                    1                            4/4                      75 Cr

Crossbow                                  1d8          20/100/200                         1                                    1                            4/5                       150 Cr

Sling                                          1d8          10/150/300                         2                                    1                            1/2                       5 Cr

Light Revolver (.22)                  1d6           50/100/200                        1                                     6-9                         5/6                     350 Cr

Light Semi Auto Pistol (.25)       1d6+1       50/100/200                       1                                     6-9                          5/6                    500 Cr

Semi Auto Pistol (9mm)             1d8           50/100/200                       1                                      6-9                          7/6                    650 Cr

Heavy Revolver (.357)              1d8+1       50/100/200                       1                                      6-9                           9/6                   500 Cr

Heavy Semi Auto Pistol (.50)     1d12        50/100/200                        1                                     6 Mag                        9/6                  900 Cr

Assault Rifle (.223)                    2d6+1     600/1000/3000                 1/3/20                            30 Mag                        5/6                1100 Cr

Light Machine Gun (9mm)         2d6         600/1000/3000                 -/-/20                            60 Mag or 200 Belt      5/6                1500 Cr

Machine Gun (7.62x51)            2d8+2      800/1500/4000                -/-/22                             60 Mag                        7/6                2000 Cr

Sniper Rifle (.30-06)                 2d10+4    1/-/-                                    1                                   5 Mag                           9/6                5000 Cr

Combat Shotgun (12 gauge)     3d6          20/100/200                         1                                    7                                  5/7                  600 Cr


* Gauss Pistol and Rifle include an electromagnetic array along the length of the barrel that increases bullet velocity substantially and means that a lower caliber of round can be used to impart significant damage. All Gauss weapons have a power supply in the form of a internal battery that must be replaced after every 50 shots.


Melee Weapons                Damage                      Size                                  AP/HP                     Note                                     Cost

Axe                                       1d6+1                           M                                      4/8              Can sunder armor                             50 Cr

Club                                     1d6                               M                                       4/4                       –

Dagger                                 1d4+1                           S                                       6/8                Can be thrown                                  25 Cr

Sword                                   2d8                                L                                      6/8                       –                                                40 Cr

Unarmed                              1d3                                S                                      –                   Unarmed human                     

Quarterstaff                         1d8                               M                                      4/8                                                                           20 Cr


Armor Type                                       AP                             Skill Modifiers                            Hit Locations                          Cost

Helmet                                                4                       -5% Perception Skills                               Head                                    250 Cr.

Vest                                                    4                        -5% to Physical Skills                           Chest /Abdom.                        300 Cr/part

Shield                                                 6                         (Shield Skill)                                                                                        300 Cr.

Light Body Armor                               8                       -10% to Physical Skills#                                Any                                   400 Cr/part

Military Body Armor                           12                     -25% to Physical Skills#                                 Any                                   800 Cr/part


# Lower if not a full suit. -5% for one or two pieces (for example both arms or chest/abdomen).

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