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Gen Con, Origins and UK Games Expo Event Schedules Have Been Submitted. Join Us This Summer!

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The summer convention season is approaching, with GEN CON, ORIGINS and UK GAMES EXPO on the horizon. Why not get a GM ticket through us and fix your summer plans to be at one (or more!) of these major gaming conventions!

  • The deadline for Gen Con (Indianapolis IN, Aug 2-5) was March 10th and we have slammed their submission system with dozens of different events for Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, HeroQuest and 13th Age Glorantha. We have 500+ hours of table time scheduled in our own room!
  • At Origins (Columbus OH, June 13-17), we're partnering with Rogue Cthulhu to present over 150 sessions of Call of Cthulhu in a special dedicated play space, and premiering the new RuneQuest to the North American audience.
  • And at UK Games Expo (Birmingham UK, June 1-3) we're staging the multi-round Cthulhu Masters tournament, and giving British fans the first chance to see the new RuneQuest in action.

We are actively recruiting GMs to run games of Call of Cthulhu and run demos of the upcoming RuneQuest. WE PARTICULARLY NEED GMS FOR RUNEQUEST!

Running games will get you a free badge!

Just contact Todd@Chaosium.com to volunteer as a GM for our events.

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