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April Releases for Mythras


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Greetings! Spring is springing, and we have two new releases for April.
The first is The Fenix Papers, a collection of essays, articles, micro settings, scenarios, and GM/play advice from Pete Nash, and originally presented in the wonderful Swedish RPG magazine Fenix. This vast array of material covers everything from fantasy to horror, steampunk to SF, and is an essential companion for any Mythras GM. The book is lavishly illustrated, presented in full colour, and preserves the layout from the magazine.
115 pages, $15.99 (PDF)
And for Classic Fantasy, we bring you module M2: Moonspike Tower. This is a continuation of the Ettinmarsh setting introduced in module M1: The Terror of Ettinmarsh, and it expands on the eponymous tower, once the province of Kelamaz the Lich, and delves into the tomb lair of the kobolds. This is an excellent introductory adventure for Classic Fantasy characters of ranks 1 and 2, and is completely standalone.
39 pages, $5.99 (PDF)



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