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Dodge question? 7th edition.


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Hello everyone,

I am new to Call of Cthulhu. I am just trying to learn some basic rules. I bought both the keeper rule book and the screen. 

My question is about the allocation of skill points in regard to the dodge skill.

The Dodge skill is shown to have a base value of half your dexterity.

I understand that I can increase the skill value with experience but is there a way to add any of your Occupational skills and or your  Personal skill points into the Dodge skill.

Furthermore, if your character was for example an athlete, an acrobat or even a circus performer. Would not characters with such personal or occupational skills get a slight advantage in their dodge skill? Just curious.


Edited by ZALATHU
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Call of Cthulhu only gives bonuses to specific occupations if it says so in the Occupation description.  The game assumes that if you want a "typical" circus performer, you are going to invest in the skills that you deem matches that archetype.  Pulp Cthulhu contains a lot of options for more "action-style" gaming that tends to feature class bonuses.

As to Dodge, you can spend Personal skill points on Dodge.  You can only spend Occupational Skill Points on Dodge if it is listed as an occupation skill or if you choose it as an occupation skill for occupations that list "one additional skill of your choice."

If you are familiar with Dungeons and Dragons (where most people enter the hobby), Call of Cthulhu works very differently.  Your CoC Investigator is a very ordinary person who has limitations as to what you can access.  You really have to pick and choose what you want to invest in in this game.  It's more "how can I get out of this?" than "how can I wreck this enemy?" If you want your game to be a little more DND-ish, Pulp Cthulhu might be more your cup of tea.  Of course, you can make whatever house rules you want for your game!

Edited by klecser
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