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klecser last won the day on August 6 2023

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About klecser

  • Birthday April 19


  • High Inquisitor of the Cult of Yig


  • RPG Biography
    27 year role-playing veteran
  • Current games
    Call of Cthulhu, Traveller, Savage Worlds, Runequest: Role-playing in Glorantha
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    Fun first.

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  1. Hello! In this case, "mental skills" are not explicitly defined in the rules. A "mental skill" is anything the Keeper and players agree is a skill that comes from using your brain, not muscles or dexterity. Examples would be Accounting, Library Use, and History, but not Climb, Jump, or Fighting (Brawl). My interpretation is that "minimum damage" is the lowest possible damage that could be inflicted by the source of the burn. So, for example, a Molotov Cocktail does 2D6 + burn. The initial damage is rolled on 2D6. Then, each following round the damage is 2 (1+1 = minimum possible roll on 2D6), then 4, then 8, until extinguished. Welcome to the community!
  2. I am not surprised by the number of entrants. You hit zero of the chances you don't take. Wishing success to all entrants!
  3. I appreciate that you took the time to include "in the future" sections to give Keepers options. We haven't had an opportunity to play Arkham at the table yet (neither of our current CoC games are nearby - yet), but I did bring the Leatherette to the table. It was fun to watch people pour over it. It induces "careful reads" of people hesitating when they see an entry they really like. The humor injected into the Arkham Advertiser was also appreciated. I've read about halfway through, and my mind is just abuzz with possibilities, Mike. Congratulations. Michael RPG Imaginings
  4. Added Arkham as a definitive product of the line.
  5. Well described. And noteworthy that this book is easily multiple campaign's worth of material that could concentrate in and around Arkham. CoC 7 has focused a lot on globe-trotting, and there is nothing wrong with that. I also think that this book, like Berlin and Regency, is particularly focused on one region, therefore regional skills make sense, especially as play rewards. I would start residents at 25-50 in Navigate (Arkham) depending upon how long they've lived there and their occupation. I would also increase Navigate (Arkham) by d6 after every session that they had to move around within the city.
  6. The new Arkham book makes reference to "Chaosium's Dead of Night scenario." Does anyone know which past supplement this scenario is contained within? Searching online hasn't found anything. I acknowledge that there is a new scenario book coming soon and I wonder if it is a future reference to that book.
  7. There's many new things. Art matters to me. The art in the new book is spectacular, the cartography is better, and the character portraits are far more superior. The book comes with two brand-new, double-sided maps and a copy of a new Arkham Advertiser. I find these to be invaluable updated props. I couldn't showcase them because they didn't come with the review copy I received. Whether or not these new things meet your threshold for "worth it?" I have no idea. You may need to hit up your FLGS when it gets there and flip through the book. I'll also be posting an Unboxing when I receive my Leatherette, so if you subscribe you'll be notified when that video hits: https://www.youtube.com/c/rpgimaginings/videos Options, options, options. As a Keeper, I interpret anything in a book as options. I may run a game almost exclusively in Arkham, and as such, grant Navigate (Arkham) and/or History (Arkham) as player post-session awards/updates. If that were the case, I might discourage my players from wasting character creation skill points in Navigate, in favor of a broader array of skills. Not all skills are intended for character creation.
  8. It is spectacular. Someone could buy the Starter + Arkham or Keeper + Arkham and game for a LONG TIME. I bought the Leatherette.
  9. Here are my thoughts on Arkham after spending time with the PDF. I am saving up for the Leatherette. It's that good. It is an invaluable Keeper toolset for Call of Cthulhu.
  10. Depends on your spoiler threshold, I suppose. Does it reveal anything major? Not in my opinion.
  11. Excellent advice above, as always. If you'd like to see what is inside various books, check out my Channel. Here is a direct link to my short BEGINNING of Static, in case you want to get just a short taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItV6CGZ8EMo
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