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Augmenting abilities issues


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In general, I am not a big fan of using small exceptions to create individual rules for three different ways to augment. Instead of keeping one ruleset for augmenting, there are three - which has rules in four different chapters for some reason.

Game system chapter

The text at page 144 is trying to describe it in general but in fact the table with results is only usable for augmenting with Skills. This section should be cut a lot, with only very basic descriptions on how it works. Then referring to the separate chapters for full rules.

Skills chapter

On page 163 we have the rules for augmenting with skills. First a very minor issue, the header “Augmenting Skills” is one step to small.

Second issue is that the section is to short. It assumes some rules from page 144 are used as a base for augmenting with skills. Both runes and passions used for augmenting are fully detailed in their respective chapter. As an example, it doesn’t state you cannot use skills several times for augmenting here. It is assumed to be known for the game system chapter. Whereas runes chapter repeats the rule.

Third issue is the example in italics. It uses the movement rune for augmenting, not a skill. Which of course is a bad example as rune augmenting uses slightly different rules.

Next issue is that skills do not have an explanation on duration. The other two have this detailed in their respective chapters, for example runes stating that it works for the duration of a combat or battle.

Last issue is that it doesn’t explain if you get an experience check for successfully using a skill to augment another ability. For rune and passions this is explained in the rules. I can assume you do not get an experience check, but it would be better if it stated so in the rules specifically as we are working with exception based rules here.

Rune and passions chapters

No big issues here, rules are detailed and seemingly complete. If anything, why are a failed result on passions giving a -10% on further rolls on that passion, while runes get a -20% on a failed attempt? Skills get -20% on the ability you are augmenting instead. Seems like a typo. If not, it is again creating micro exceptions which are unnecessary.

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On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 3:48 AM, Dragonsnail said:

Next issue is that skills do not have an explanation on duration. The other two have this detailed in their respective chapters, for example runes stating that it works for the duration of a combat or battle.

I would follow the skills times noted on p.139.  Let's say I want to augment my Bargain with (Human)Insight.  The 1-5 minute timeframe is what would apply and it would be limited to the duration of the bargaining.  However, if I use my Cult Lore(Ty Kora Tek) to augment my Prepare Corpse skill, I would allow it to apply through the whole time necessary to complete that preparation whether a day or several days.  It would still be limited to the Prepare Corpse skill.

On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 3:48 AM, Dragonsnail said:

Last issue is that it doesn’t explain if you get an experience check for successfully using a skill to augment another ability.

If it was a successful roll, I would apply an experience check.

On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 3:48 AM, Dragonsnail said:

Seems like a typo.

Both Passion and Runic inspiration had a -10% penalty on failure in the Quickstart.  Presumably they were both supposed to be bumped to -20% for consistency with skill augment failure.

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On 7/26/2018 at 1:20 AM, jajagappa said:

I would follow the skills times noted on p.139.  Let's say I want to augment my Bargain with (Human)Insight.  The 1-5 minute timeframe is what would apply and it would be limited to the duration of the bargaining.  However, if I use my Cult Lore(Ty Kora Tek) to augment my Prepare Corpse skill, I would allow it to apply through the whole time necessary to complete that preparation whether a day or several days.  It would still be limited to the Prepare Corpse skill.

If it was a successful roll, I would apply an experience check.

Both Passion and Runic inspiration had a -10% penalty on failure in the Quickstart.  Presumably they were both supposed to be bumped to -20% for consistency with skill augment failure.

I agree with you, good reasoning. Thanks for the info about the Quickstart. I just skimmed it knowing that our group was going to be busy until the full release later.

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