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I'm not sure if this should be in here or the Basic Roleplaying forum, since it is not an official setting.

I'm thinking about adapting BRP to run a Post-Apoc game set in the Fallout world. Not entirely sure what adaptations I need to make just yet, but I am thinking about using the following optional rules and rule variants:

-Have Five Slots for each Stat (besides SIZ) representing 5 levels. Each level is a multiplier of the first one (ie, if you have a Str of 15, level 2 would be 30, level 3 would be 45, level 4 would be 60, and level 5 would be 75). Not really specific to the setting, I was thinking it would help make the stat-checks more flexible (say "Make a Strength level 3 roll" instead of "Make a Difficult Effort roll")

-Double Max Hit Points along with Hit Locations

-Use Fatigue but only for long-term exhaustion; ie, going without rest, water, food, or suffering from radiation could all lower your Fatigue Points.

Let me know if you have an advice.

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My brother has been running a Fallout campaign that he started way back during the BRP playtest. We are playing out the water chip quest from Fallout 1. He ad libs a lot of it on the fly because he is so knowledgeable when it comes to the Fallout setting so he doesn't have loads written up, but I believe he has most of the Fallout critters.

I have to say its one of the funnest BRP campaigns I have participated in.


Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

"D100 - Exactly 5 times better than D20"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love this type of setting such other games could be:

WOC Gamma World d20

Hero Post - apocalyptic Hero v5R

All Flesh Must be Eaten - All Tomorrow's Zombies (modern/Space)

All Flesh Must be Eaten - Dungeons + Zombies

All are great for resource material to aid one in building a better campaign.


Old time RPGer of +34 yrs, player/DM/GM.

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  • 4 months later...

A Fallour sourcebook would be fantastic, althought to be honest, BRP would work pretty well straight as it is, I think. I am seriously considering GMing Fallout. Maybe do character generation along the lines of the GOAT test, maybe add some perks etc, and the create some creatures, items and locations. What else would be required? You can steal quite a lot straight from the computer games, locations, people etc...

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No perks. We really just wanted it to be Basic Roleplaying in the Fallout setting so avoided any perks/traits. There is plenty of room for notes though so it wouldn't be a problem finding a place to list them. I get out of work in just under 45 minutes and will post when I upload the sheet.


Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

"D100 - Exactly 5 times better than D20"

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