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The Necropolis map


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I figure this is a safe place for some feedback as most people here have access to the Necropolis PDF, rather than posting it on facebook or twitter.

My office has a visitor for a few days next week and it turns out he's a gamer but has never played CoC, so I'm planning on running the Necropolis one evening for a bit of fun after hours. One thing I'm planning to do is have the map being placed piece by piece as they find each area, so I started to redraw the map as the one in the PDF has some spoilers that can easily be cut off without it being obvious that something is missing. I've tried to redraw the map so it looks hand drawn on old paper and the plan is, I print it without the room names, cut it up into chunks and place parts as they explore. I'm still working on this but only have a couple of days before the game.

Does anyone think I've missed anything that should be on there? I've added some bits and changed some labels to remove as much of the text from the PDF map as possible.

One caveat is I can't use colour to define things like the blocked doors as one guy in the office is colour blind, so I need to make sure I've got enough colour contrast to make it obvious what is what, hence everything is done in black.

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks.

tomb map.jpg

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No problem. I wanted to be able to chop it up to lay it out for the group as we played it. I ended up toning the paper texture down a lot and I can upload the version without text or the illustrator file if you want them.

BTW, it was a really enjoyable game. We ended up with a TPK when one of the players though the dynamite would make a good weapon. Boy, was he wrong.

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Thats the ai file.

you may also need the paper texture the ai file links to: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lwbaICTNw8IT9tT38fRjYKiq1S0ISfX6/view?usp=sharing


You'll need a free font called Warm showers which is here: https://www.dafont.com/warmshowers.font


Edited by CastingsofCthulhu
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