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I've always found it interesting to see other people's characters, especially ones that have a lot of game sessions behind them. Obviously, power levels between campaigns are going to vary wildly and YGMV, but I find it fascinating because it not only reveals a lot about play style, but it also helps me see how game systems are put into practice, how the characters relate to the greater world, and where the game system might potentially break down. No one exploits a system like a well motivated player.

Plus actual characters make GREAT NPCs for when I'm feeling lazy.

System doesn't matter much, but please do say what it is so we can all have some vague idea what we're looking at and anything that we might need to know interpolate house rules/variants.

So show us your favorite characters (so we can let our PCs kill them).

Edited by RHW
Changed title, cleaned up some stuff.
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I'll start. Here's Mhorhys the Explainer, totally overpowered Sword Sage of Lhankor Mhy. Game system is a HQ/RQ hybrid. For HQ, skill values translate pretty straight across. 42 1h Blade is 2w2. For RQ, multiply all skills by 5 to get percentiles. So 1h Blade 42 is 210%. Like I said, he's OP. Movement rates and HPs and such will be a bit off because of variances in the systems. Masteries are in bold. Defense is a general defensive skill which is used for all opposed attack rolls (kind of Parry and Defense in one). Skills not listed are at base.

Mhorhys “the Explainer” Mhorhysson

Inwall Bloodline, Treefell Clan, Balmyr Tribe

Sword Sage of Lhankor Mhy, Hevduran Subcult

Cold Wind Initiate, Initiate of Hud Rockson, General of Efrodar Ironhands, Favored by Humakt


STR:    18    CON:   18    SIZ:     10    INT:    22     POW:  20     DEX:   18    CHR:   13                                                                                                                                                                                        

HP:      19+3=22                                             

MP:     20 + 9                                                  MP Storage:                64 + 20 + 20 + 9

Move: 6

Battle Magic: Befuddle (2), Heal 4, Light, Bladesharp 6, Protection 6, Speeddart, Mobility 4*, Heal 6*, Fireblade (4), Insight 3*, Dispel Magic 4*, Firearrow (2)*, Shimmer 5*

*Matrix or Spirit


1h Blade:                   39     +3 for Broadsword = 42       

Storm Strike:             21

Lunge:                         10

Natural Weapons:     9         

Bow:                           20      


Missile            Melee              Location          Armor Type                Armor             HP

01-03               01-04               R Leg              Iron Ring                     7                      7

04-06               05-08               L Leg              Iron Ring                     7                      7

07-10               09-11               Abdm              Iron Ring                     7+1                  7

11-15               12                    Chest               Iron Ring                     7+4                  9

16-17               13-15               R Arm             Iron Ring                     7+1                  6

18-19               16-18               L Arm             Iron Ring                     7+1                  6

20                    19-20               Head                Iron Plate                    10                    7

Iron Medium Shield                                                     

AGILITY SKILLS: Balance:  12 , Boat:  7,  Climb: 9, Dance: 6, Defense:  40, Jump: 6, Ride Sylph: 7, Ride: 20, Run: 11, Skate: 9, Swim: 6

KNOWLEDGE SKILLS: Animal Lore: 13, Cryptography: 11, Chaos Lore: 10, Dragon Lore: 12, Evaluate: 9, Giant Lore: 11, Heortland Lore: 11, Human Lore: 24, Lunar Politics: 14, Lunar  Tactics: 12, Mineral Lore: 11, Mythology (Seven Mothers): 10, Mythology (Eurmal): 10, Mythology Hud Rockson: 10, Mythology Humakt: 10, Myth (Lhankor Mhy): 28, Myth (Lightbringers): 12, Myth (Orlanth): 10, Plant Lore: 12, Prax Lore: 14, Rd/Wr Irripi Ontor: 10, Rd/Wr Lhank. Mhy: 20, Rd/Wr Solar: 10, Rd/Wr Western: 10, Research: 15, Sartar Lore: 22, Tactics: 28, Troll Lore: 13, Undead Lore:  10, Underworld Lore: 11, World Lore:  24

MAGIC SKILLS: Ceremony 8, Enchant 8, Summon 8, Hero Will: 25, Inner Wind:  9, Sword of Truth: 23

MANIPULATION SKILLS: Craft Drawing: 11, Play Flute 9

PERSONALITY SKILLS:  Curious: 24, Explain Things to Morons: 20, Fast Talk: 10, Hate Lunars: 10, Hate Undead: 10, Hate Chaos: 13, Orate: 21, Rltnship Cold Wind Rebels: 14, Rltnship Culbrea Tribe: 9. Rltnship Treefell Clan: 25, Rltnship Yolp Mountain Trolls: 8Spk Darktongue: 9, Spk New Pelorian: 11, Spk Sartarite: 18, Spk Seshnelan: 8, Spk Stormtalk: 8, Spk Trade: 13, Talk While Fighting: 21

PERCEPTION SKILLS: Listen: 10,  Scan: 20, Scout (Bog): 9, Scout (Forest): 9, Scout (Hills): 20, Scout (Mountain):  9, Scout (Prax): 11

RUNE MAGIC (LH): Armor Enchant  I, Artful Blade I, Block Attack III, Distract with Words I, Find Obscure Fact II, Find Weakness I, Heal Wound II Sanctify I, Surprise Attack I, Worship Lhankor Mhy I

RUNE MAGIC (OTHER): Flickering Blade III, Righteous Outrage I, Unbreakable Formation (3) I


Allied Spirit:  LITERATI

Bound in a Feather Pen

INT 14, POW 9

KNOWLEDGE SKILLS: Myth Lhankor Mhy: 18, Sartar Lore: 14


WEALTH:  500 Guilders, 77 wheels, 14 Cows, 1 Bull, 100 Sheep, 3428 S Cult Credit

POSSESSIONS: Cavalry Zebra, Iron Broadsword, Bronze Broadsword, Iron Medium Shield, Full Suit Iron Ring, Iron Plate Helm, Unattuned Iron Broadsword, Comp Bow, 30 arrows, dagger, quiver, ink, quills, journal, 2 blank books, 1 book of notes and drawings, 30 sheets of vellum, apprentice sage robes, waterskin, Adventurers Pack, lantern, 3 doses oil.  4 pounds salt, elegant gray outfit with hooded cloak (100sp), Ornate Bronze Armor, Celestine Games Silver Medal for Fencing, Gold Medal Fencing Sartarite Games, Gold Medal Trollball Sartar, Silver Medal Pentathalon Sartar, Silver Medal Equestrian Sartar

Potions:  2 x Heal 6 Potion, 3 Hero Mushrooms (6MP restored when eaten), 1 x Scorp 15 Antidote, Potion of Tongues, 2x Potion of Restore Health INT



THE SWORD OF TRUTH: An artifact from the Hero Plane, Iron Sword +1/+1, Requires Magic Skill “Sword of Truth”, As a Magic Action, Augment Attack or Damage when attacking with Sword, As a Free Action, Augment Orate Skill or Similar Skill, As a Free Action, Augments Personality Skills or Lore skills used with Lhankor Mhy or Humakti Rune Magic such as Morale or Defend with Words

POWER STORAGE CRSTALS: 10, 10, 10, 8, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4

Bound Spirit POW 10

Bound Spirit POW 10

MATRIXES: Ring with Fireblade (4), Wooden Wand with Heal 6, Earring with Insight 3, Bracelet with Mobility 4, Quiver with Firearrow (2), Ring with Dispel Magic 4

FOLLOWERS:, Ruperta, Wife, Research Assist, Female LM Priestess, Chr 11, Int 17,


Member of Hero Cult of Efrodar the General: Cannot be ressed, may sacrifice for Efrodar magic.

Member of Hero Cult of Hud Rockson: Teaches Righteous Outrage, must Hate Chaos

Member of the Cold Wind Resistance: Teaches Divination Block, Must vow to drive the Lunars out of Sartar

RELATIONSHIPS: Buddies with Grandpa Chuff’s Baboon Troop, Friendly with the Zola Fel People, Friendly with the serfs of the Marcher Barons, Friendly with Yolp Trolls, Friendly with Culbrea Tribe, Owed Favor by Ug the Giant

“I Fought at Iceland" +5 to resist Cold/Winter 

“I swear to learn how to tear the moon from the sky.”


May sacrifice for Flickering Blade (Orlanth), Help from the Fyrd x1, Help from Chalana Arroy x1, -2 to skill roles vs. Black Horse Troop

HUMAKTI GIFTS AND GEASES: Use No Flails = +1 1h Blade, Use No Poison = +4 vs Poison/Disease, Never Lie = +3 AP Chest

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typo fixes
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No takers?

Okay, here's another. KORGO GARKAR, Kaarg Son. An former professional trollball player, Korgo is a good-natured troll who likes humans, music, athletic competitions, and eating. He's remarkably tolerant of other races for a troll, though he despises chaos. He occasionally runs a trade caravan that travels from the Troll Woods to Shadows Dance and back. He deals in weapons, exotic foodstuffs, ham beetles, and troll fuel (troll moonshine). He's always on the lookout for magic items. He has performed several heroquests, most notably I Fought We Won.

Started as an RQ2 character, converted into RQ3. Stats are for RQ3.



Badapple Trolls, Troll Woods, Male, 31

Former Trollball Player, Former Bodyguard

Kaarg Son of Kyter Litor, Associate Priest of Argan Argar, Heroquestor


STR:    22        CON:   21        SIZ:     22        INT:    11        POW:  18        DEX:   21      CHR:   20

HP:      22 (enchanted  +13) = 35       MP:     18 + 14 Allied Spirit MP Storage: 81

Damage Mod: +2d6                MELEE SR: 1             MOVE RATE: 3m/r


RH Hvy. Mace:           130%   SR 3    1d10+2+2d6 (Lead)    AP: 12          Parry: 35%

Troll Maul:                 135%   SR 2    2d8+2+2d6 (Lead)      AP: 35           Parry: 106%

Kite Shield:                110%   SR 4    1d8+2d6                      AP: 16             Parry: 124%

LH Hvy Mace:            75%     SR 3    1d10+2+2d6                AP: 12             Parry: 60%

Bite:                            85%     SR 4    1d6+2d6                     

Kick:                           90%     SR 4    1d6+2d6

Sling:                          115%   SR 1/5/9          1d8

Heavy Xbow:              65%     SR 1    2d6+1


HIT LOCATIONS:  Note, All Armor is Lead.  Lead adds Average AP to Stealth

Missile            Melee              Location          Armor             HP

01-03               01-04               R Leg              9                      12

04-06               05-08               L Leg              9                      12

07-10               09-11               Adm                9+2 = 11          12

11-15               12                    Chest               9+6 = 15          15

16-17               13-15               R Arm             9                      9

18-19               16-18               L Arm             9                      9

20                    19-20               Head                9+4 = 13          12



IN MIND: Strengthening Ench (1), Bludgeon 7, Armoring Ench (1), Disrupt, Mindspeach 1.

MATRIXES AND SPIRITS: Detect Gold, Detect Silver, Detect Gems, Detect Magic, Heal 6, Protection 6, Extinguish 2, Repair 2, Darkwall (2)


AGILITY Boat: 60%, Climb: 65%, Dance: 50%, Dodge: 100%, Jump: 117%, Ride (Beetle): 85%, Swim: 64%, Throw: 75%, Ride Flying Insect: 45%, Courtesan: 72%

COMMUNICATIONS: Fast Talk: 75%, Orate: 78%, Sing: 60%, Speak Dark: 90%, Speak Sartarite: 90%, Speak Trade: 40%

KNOWLEDGE: Animal Lore: 95%, Craft Leather 40%, Brew Alcohol: 60%, Evaluate: 90%, First Aid: 20%, Troll Lore: 55%, R/W Darktongue: 90%, R/W LhM Scipt: 75%, Shiphandling: 30%, World Lore: 55%

MANIPULATION: Conceal: 75%, Devise: 30%, Sleight: 30%, Play Drum: 90%

PERCEPTION: Listen: 115%, Darkscan: 120%, Darksearch: 94%, Track: 65%, Scout Prax: 15%, Scout Marsh: 30%, Visual Scan: 60%, Visual Search: 70%

STEALTH: Hide: 91%, Sneak: 80%

MAGIC: Ceremony: 60%, Enchant: 61%, Summon 57%



Blinding                      III

Worship KL                I

Spellteaching (2)        I

Divination                   III

Extension                    III

Binding Enchant         I
Crush                          IIII

Counter Chaos (2)      II

Spirit Block                III

Heal Wound                III

Command Shade        I

Summon Shade           I

Darkwalk (2)              II

Gear:  Lead Heavy Mace (contains Allied Spirit), Lead Heavy Mace, Lead Troll Maul, Full Lead Plate, Large Bronze Shield, Holy Symbol, War Rhino Beetle, Pack Beetle, Various Trollkin Slaves, 3 Annoying Fighting Trollkins, 3 Potions of Heal 10, 4 Potions of Scorp Antidote 15

Pocket Money: 7 Wheels, 254 Lunars, 4 Opals worth 120 L each.


Shadowfist (in RH Mace)

INT 12, POW 14

Heal 6

Protection 6



Reepicheep (in a small White Mouse)

INT 6, POW 7

Extinguish 2

Repair 2

Darkwall (2)

Has Sense Chaos 65%



Wand of Greed (Matrix for Detect Gold, Silver, Gems, Magic)

Lead Amulet: Crystal PS 10, Crystal PS 10, Binding Encht for 2 Shades (1x 6m, 1x 4m), Darkwalk Matrix usuable only by Trolls.

Trash (Magic Spirit Bound in Tooth Ring):  INT 10, POW 16, Knows Jumping 5, Fanaticism 2, Countermagic 3

Flash (Magic Spirit Bound in Tooth Ring):  INT 10, POW 16, Knows Dispel Magic 8, Detect Enemy

Bash (Magic Spirit Bound in Lead Maul):  INT 10, POW 21, Knows Ironhand 6, Bludgeon 4

Statue of Issaries (Gives Language of Choice when licked, 24 hrs, 1/week)

Ghostshield Crystal (Adds 6 POW to attack and defend in Spirit Combat)


61 additional pts of MP storage in various forms



+14 HPs

+2 AP Abd

+6 AP Chest

+4 AP Head


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14 hours ago, RHW said:

No takers?

Soltak Stormspear

Cults: High Priest/Rune Lord of Orlanth Adventurous, Associate Priest of Storm Bull, Hunter, Issaries, Argan Argar, Humakt, Initiate Sister Cat, Illuminated

STR 16 CON 16 SIZ 16 INT 11 POW 14 DEX 22 CHA 21

RH Bastard Sword (1D10 + 2 + 1D4) SR 4 255%/40% (30) 
LH Bastard Sword (1D10 + 1 + 1D4) SR 4 135%/45% (25) 
RH Long Spear (1D8 + 1 + 1D4) SR 3 155%/80% 
LH Dagger (1D4 + 2) SR 6 95%/115% (30) 
RH Whip (1D4) SR 0 85% 
Medium Shield (1D6 + 1D4) SR 5 40%/195% 
Quarterstaff (1D8 + 1D4) SR 2 90%/95% 
Self Bow (1D6 + 1) 135% 
Thrown Rock (1D4) 100% 
Wind Hammer (4D6) 110% 

Skills: Defence 95%, Evaluate Treasure 100%, First Aid 75%, Treat Disease 35%, Treat Poison 65%, Disguise 50%, Map Making 90%, Hide Item 90%, Pick Locks 105%, Set/Disarm Traps 100%, Climbing 110%(+20%), Jumping 115%, Riding 95% (+10%), Swimming 100% (+10%), Rowing 80%, Peaceful Cut 105%, Carting 55%, Listen 210%, Spot Hidden Items 135%, Spot Trap 110%, Sense Chaos 110%, Improved Defence 105%, Improved Parry 30%, Hide in Cover 125%, Move Quietly 85%, Camouflage 60%, Oratory 70%, Bargaining 95%, Fly 35%

Languages (Speak/RW): Sartarite 105%/90%, Stormspeech 95%/90%, Darktongue 90%/90%, Tradetalk 90%/90%, Beastspeech 80%, Lunar 45%, Kersen 15%, Feline Speech 10%

Alchemy Skills: (Gained on a HeroQuest to rescue a healer Heroine) Healing Potion 20, POW Restoring Potion 15, Poison Gas Antidote 21, Scorpion Venom Antidote 21, Spider Venom Antidote 21, Wyvern Venom Antidote 21, Herbal Poison Antidote 21, Mineral Poison Antidote 21

Battle Magic: (Soltak) Countermagic 9, Demoralise, Disruption, (Stormpuss) Dispel Magic 9, Healing 6, (Spirit 1) Befuddle, Multimissile 4, Detect Spirit, (Spirit 2) Strength, Mobility Fanaticism 3, Speedart, Extinguish, Darkwall, (Spirit 4) Farsee, (Spirit 5) Detection Blank 9, (Spirit 6) Detect Life, Glue 5, (Spirit 7) Detect Magic, Detect Enemies, Firearrow, Vigour, Mindspeech, Xenohealing 3, (Not in Mind) Bladesharp 4, Repair, Coordination, Fireblade, Food Song, Ironhand 4, Lantern 2, Protection 4, Spirit Binding, Spirit Shield 4

Battle Magic Matrices: Shimmer 4, Befuddle, Protection 2, Detect Traps, Jumping 4, Bladesharp 4, Detect Undead, Detect Spirit, Spirit Shield 4, Dispel Magic 2, Repair

Rune Magic: (Soltak) Shield 8, Spell Teaching, Multispell I, Extension 1, Divination 5, Spirit Block 5, Mind Link, Summon Small Sylph, Telekinesis 2, Teleport, Guided Teleport 2, Heal Constitution, Analyse Magic, Lock, Create Market, Spell Trading, Berserker 2, Defend Against Chaos 4, Face Chaos 2, Summon Small Tumbler, Truesword 3, Catseye (One Use), (Stormpuss) Teleport, Telekinesis, Shield 2, (Traded Spells) Shield 8, Defend Against Chaos 2, Telekinesis

Rune Magic Matrices: Flawed Berserker, Truesword, Berserker, Boots 

Special Abilities:

Species Max:  INT 20, POW 23, DEX 23 
Immune to: Detect Gold, Detect Life, Reverse Chaos, Farsee, Detect Detection 
Immune to Chaos Features: Appears Extremely Dangerous, Absorbs 1 pt spells, Reflect up to 4 pt spells 
Take half damage from Fire, Cold, Lightning 
Move 9 
Rage of the Bull (1/season, doubles STR and CON, lasts for 2D3 rounds) 
Double Damage (1/day can specify that a weapon strike doubles penetrating damage, can specify after damage has been rolled) 
Heal Body (1/week can cast Heal Body on self) 
Double Attack (1/day can double attack chance against broo, lasts 15 minutes) 
Double Attack (1/day can double attack chance against scorpion men, lasts 15 minutes) 
Double Damage (1/day can specify that a weapon strike doubles penetrating damage, can specify after damage has been rolled, only works against broos) 
Double Damage (1/day can specify that a weapon strike doubles penetrating damage, can specify after damage has been rolled, only works against scorpionmen) 
Fly (Costs 1 MP per point of SIZ per melee round, allows the user to fly at Move 3 if he makes a Fly roll, user loses all hair, which can never grow back, his skin becomes slick to the touch and glows faintly) 


Deity Gift Geas
Humakt + 10% Spot Hidden Never eat from a dish
Yelmalio (From HeroQuest) Protection (half damage) from fire Celibacy during Fire Season 
Never eat meat on Fireday 
Worship 1/season at a Yelmalio Temple 
If any geases are failed, Monrogh attacks at POW 60
Yinkin (Was Sister Cat, gained on a HeroQuest) Flying Cat Spirit (Windfoot), returns after death, bound into a familiar Never attack non-chaotic cats unless attacked first 
Help any needy non-chaotic cat (food, healing etc.) 
Always use Peaceful Cut when killing non-chaotic cats 
Prevent non-chaotic cats from suffering needlessly


Magic Items:

Crystals: POW Storage Crystals Total 357, POW Enhancing Crystal 9, POW Enhancing Crystal 4, Flawed Healing Focussing Crystal 6 (Adds 1D4 to Healing), Bladepower Crystal (Allows user to exchange + 10% attack for + 1 damage and vice versa when casting Bladesharp, so Bladesharp 4 can be + 0/+60%, +1/+50%, ..., +6/+0%) 
Fireblade Box (Spirit casts Fireblade on a weapon touched to the box, Spirit POW 14, 12 POW Storage) 
Jewellery (Allows Soltak to interact with elemental creatures without CHA loss) - Lead Earring (Darkness), Aluminium Sharktooth Necklace (Water), Tin Nosering (Air/Storm) 
Aluminium Torc (When put on and POW 12 overcome and 2 POW lost, cannot be taken off, for 10 MPs allows the user to breathe water for 10 rounds) 
Gold Wand with Crystal (On command, glows as daylight, radius 15m) 
Spirit: (INT 6, POW 19) tied to Soltak, comes back even after death, can cast its own spells, acts as an ally or magic spirit (Knows Detect Spirit, Befuddle, Multimissile 4, spells cannot be changed) attuned to POW Enhancing Crystal 4 
Lightning Band (As Plunder, except does 3D6 Lightning damage 1/day, metal armour ineffective, no POW cost) 
Hauberk (Unknown metal, 0 ENC, 8 AP, immune to acid, can be worn while swimming at no penalty) 
Bastard Sword (0 ENC, Iron, +10% Attack/Parry, + 2 Damage, + 3 AP, immune to acid) 
Stormfist's Sword (Iron Bastard Sword, 1 ENC, cannot be damaged, returns to owner's side at dawn each day) 
Elasticated Ring (When put around a weapon, mends 10 AP/round, incompatible with Repair) 
Helmet Plume (4 MP / hour, plume acts as an umbrella) 
Storm Bull's Ear (Base Listen 90%, + 15% Sense Chaos, + 1 CHA) 
Storm Paul's Ear (+ 10% Listen. Sticks out and Looks Silly) 
1 Pair of Slave Bracelets 
Scabbard (For 1 MP, allows user to draw a bastard sword with 2 SR penalty not 5 SR) 
Sword Pendant (Allows wearer to cast Truesword 1/day) 
Quarterstaff (Permanent Crush 1/2 + 5 % Attack, + 1D2 damage) 
Riddle Book (Stormspeech, gives + 5 false INT when asking/answering  riddles) 
Small Bronze Horn (0 ENC, when played can be heard up to 25 miles away, at the same volume as nearby) 
Lightning Gauntlet (LH Tin Gauntlet, cannot be removed, POW 10 to attune, user loses 2 POW when attuned, allows user to cast low-power lightning bolts 2^N MPs do (N+1) D3 damage, so 1 MP does 1D3, 2 MP 2D3, 4 MP 3D3, 8 MP 4D3, 16 MP 5D3 and so on, 100% chance to hit, damage is done to location hit unless target fails CONx5 in which case it affects Total Hit Points. When lightning is cast, a loud thunderclap is heard. Lightning will set fire to dry, inflammable materials. If a lightning bolt or thunderbolt is cast at the wearer, he can catch the lightning bolt on DEXx3% and throw it back at DEXx5%, this is a reflex action and does not take an action. The gauntlet does not conduct electricity to the wearer) 
Wind Cloak (Cloak, made from woven shadow cat fur, runes of Storm, Mobility and Mastery on back, takes 1 POW loss to attune. Wearer is immune to any winds, if desired. Cloak billows as if affected by wind, but will not blow away. If the wearer is flying or on a sylph he can use full Defence) 
Storm Sword (Tin Bastard Sword, ENC 1, AP 25, matrix for Bladesharp 4, provides a Wind Blast 1/day STR 50 vs SIZ, success means target is knocked back (50 - SIZ)/5 metres. Casts Dispel Magic 8 with POW 15 at any Protective Chaos Magic it hits) 
Wind Hammer (Iron Throwing Hammer, bursts into flame when thrown, does 4D6 damage on normal hit, 4D6 + 1D8 + 2 on a crush (1/5 chance), 4D6 + 10 on impale (1/10 chance) and 4D6 on critical. Rune Lords start at 90% with Wind Hammer. If used by a Wind Lord, teleports back to hand on impact, match damage vs SIZ for target to fall over, cannot be magically enhanced) 
Gauntlet of Fearlessness (RH Gauntlet, made of unknown metal, 6 fingers on hand, long and curved fingernails, black, overcome 12 POW to attune, lose 3 POW. Wearer defends with species max characteristic when defending fear based spells or effects such as Demoralise, Fear, Fearshock, Terror, Panic, Fear Spirits, Hideous Chaos Features. Wearer defends Rage causing spells or effects at half chance, so Spells such as Fanaticism, Berserker need to overcome 1/2 POW to work, coming out of Fanaticism needs INTx2.5, coming out of Berserker needs INT /2%. Cannot be removed. If removed, hand is permanently skeletal - STR 3 grip, -90% to RH skills, must be mended with Repair not Heal)

Windfoot (Shadow Cat spirit, gained on a HeroQuest, always bound to Soltak, returns after death and can be rebound into a familiar, returns after Soltak has died. When bound into a Shadow Cat, grows wings that are useable after 1 season, can fly, knows Bladesharp 4, Detect Enemies, Detect Life, Detect Magic) 



Soltak was born as a woman, Sabrina Spearsister, but was changed physically into a man on a HeroQuest. She asked Orlanth to change her back, but was refused. After this, Soltak has had a hatred of his new body and has sought to change it, so he has replaced his ears, eyes, penis (but that was cursed, so he changed it back as he didn't want to rape women), lost all his hair, gained a furry blue skin and casts no shadow. People think this is strange, but he just shrugs. What he wants is to return to his original female form, otherwise the body is as alien to him in a normal form as it is in its present form.

Soltak became Illuminated on a HeroQuest, having answered no riddles, and learned riddles on meeting Nysalor on the HeroPlane. He joined Humakt because he wanted Humakt's Iron Will to counter the freedom gained through Illumination. He joined Issaries because he gained a number of taverns on a mission. He joined Storm Bull to better kill chaos. He joined Hunter and Sister Cat (Yinkin) on HeroQuests. Among his many achievements, he gained partial control of Duck Pond and created a temple based around the Orlanth Hill there, he became a member of Stormfist's Honour Guard, Stormfist being an Orlanthi Hero who lives within a Stormcloud,  and left his shadow behind when he gained one of Stormfist's Swords.

Soltak has an abiding hatred of anything chaotic and almost killed himself when he became Illuminated, but decided that his honour was more powerful than the chance of becoming chaotic. He owns a number of taverns, butcher's shops, villas and farms, all gained on scenarios.

He is based in Duck Pond and has become the High Priest of a Temple there, deep within the Upland marsh, which he uses to harry the Lunars in Sartar.

Soltak has many other minor magic items and abilities that are to many to mention.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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