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Mastakos Rune Magic


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Mastakos is Orlanth’s charioteer and the god of movement.  He can be worshiped on his own, but is most commonly worshiped as a subcult of Orlanth Adventurous, which provides additional movement spells like Great Leap, Run Like the Wind, Run on Mud, Run up Cliffs, and Teleport.

CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS: Loyal, Impatient, Wanderlust

CULT SKILLS:  Dance, Drive Chariot, Balance, Running

Rune Levels of Mastakos are Priests called Charioteers with the usual benefits and qualifications.



CARRY COMPANION (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt).  Allows the Charioteer to carry one person without any penalties to movement.  The carried companion can be carried freely even when the Charioteer teleports or uses other enhancements to movement.  The Charioteer cannot attack while carrying a companion but can defend. 

DIVINE BALANCE (Rune Magic, Self, 2 pts) While under the influence of this spell, the Charioteer cannot be knocked down.  He has perfect balance and automatically succeeds in any Balance check.

FOLLOW ME (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) This allows the target of the spell to travel at the same speed and with all the same magical benefits as the Charioteer so long as they follow directly behind him.  Additional points double the number of targets.

FOLLOW FOOTSTEPS (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt) This spell allows the Charioteer to perfectly follow a set of tracks for the spells duration.   Once the spell is cast on a set of tracks, further tracks are always visible to the Charioteer unless somehow magically obscured. 

MOVE THROUGH DANCE (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt) While under the influence of this spell, the Charioteer adds his Dance/10 to his movement rate. 

NEVER STOP (Rune Magic, Self or Chariot, 2 pts) While under the influence of this spell, nothing can stop the Charioteer from moving.  He cannot be tripped, snagged, or slowed.  He is immune to movement affecting traps.  He escapes all grapples.  Spells which would stop the Charioteer from moving automatically fail.  A befuddled Charioteer under the influence of this spell continues moving toward his original destination.  The charioteer must use at least one action to move every round or this spell expires. This spell may also be cast on a chariot and its team, in which case they get all the same benefits.

SOFT LANDING (Rune Magic, Self or Chariot, 1 pt) While under the influence of this spell, the Charioteer always lands on his feet and takes no damage from falling.  This spell may also be cast on a chariot and its team, in which case they get all the same benefits.

TRAVEL INTO THE WEST (Rune Magic, Ritual, 3 pts) This spell opens a gate into the hero plane for the Charioteer and his companions.  This spell is essential for beginning many Orlanth hero quests, especially the Lightbringer quest.  (Note that non-Mastakos subcultists may still get this spell one use.)

WALK ON WATER (Rune Magic, Self or Chariot, 1 pt) Allows the Charioteer to move across water as if it were solid land.  This spell may also be cast on a chariot and its team, in which case they get the same benefit.


RETURN HOME (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 3pts) This spell instantly returns the Charioteer to his designated home.  The Charioteer may only have one designated home at a time, established by a simple ritual.  Each additional 3 pts allows the Charioteer to bring one person with him.  (Note that the Charioteer can also bring one person with him with Carry Companion.) For purposes of this spell, a chariot and its team (but not additional passengers) count as a single target.

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51 minutes ago, Richard S. said:

Looks neat. Wonder how it will compare to the official cult once GoG is released.

Doubt it will have many similarities.

Mastakos spells were heavily exploited by my players. Yves Quickfoot, one of the main PCs, was a Mastakos Charioteer who once outraced his own god, thus proving he was Mastakos, after a fashion. More than any other PC, he embodied his god in the material world. He ran so fast, he outran the Great Compromise. 

He and Mhorrhys the Explainer exploited the hell out of "Move Like the Wind" + "Move Through Dance" + Mobility + "Follow Me" and the Efrodar the General Spell "Orderly Maneuver" to make entire military units move in unison at insane speeds. They called their little trick "Lightning War." Imagine a hero band moving in combat at 50 MPH with an entire fyrd in tow. The Lunars were not pleased. Add in some "Run Up Cliffs" or "Run on Mud" or "Walk on Water" and they never saw it coming.

The trade off was that Yves in combat hit like a wet noodle, but man was he fast.

From Keener's Saga:

"We know Yves Quickfoot, who could run across the world before breakfast.  Yves wasn’t Argrath, couldn’t fight, couldn’t drink, and couldn’t wrestle.  But he could run away like nobody’s business.  Here is a list of things Yves ran from, around, out of, to, for or against:  The Lunar Army.  Some Yelmalio mercenaries.  A hotfoot spell.  Winter.  A giant.  An evil tree.  A duck assassin.  Harrek the Berserk.  Bean-Pot.  The Bat.  Eurmal’s ass.  Mastakos himself.  Castle Blue.  The Spike.  Hell itself, more than once.  And Death.  And he was faster than them all, right up until the end when Death found him lying in his bed, an old, old man, rich, and with many children and grandchildren.  And Yves said, “Hold on.  Let me put on my shoes.”  And Death killed him right then and there.  Because Death knew if Yves got his shoes on, he’d still be running today."

Edited by RHW
Mastakos made me type so fast I made mistakes
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