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About this blog

Discussion about writing game supplements and setting sourcebooks, hypnosis, immersion, ocarina music, and why I write material for Mythras.
About The Author
Occultist, practitioner of chaos magic, Klingon teacher, Welsh language poet, ocarina player, Games Master. Mutant. I'm not into science fiction. I am science fiction.

Entries in this blog

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming ...

One topic has been dominating gaming for the past few weeks. I thought I'd drop a short blog post to address this situation. OGL 1.1. On a personal note, this matter bothers me. As a gamer, Games Master, and product developer, I quite enjoy the whole experience of gaming. I've been using roleplaying games to explore all manner of topics, from diplomacy to sexuality to, frankly, NSFW stuff which I have kept away from public consumption. Many of the games I enjoy carry the OGL licen

Alex Greene

Alex Greene in writing

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