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Modern Mythras - Heroes of The Spiral Room

Alex Greene


I maintain a fiction blog called The Spiral Room on Wordpress. Two of my blog's modern setting stories are Den & Lauren and The Chaotician. Here are the main protagonists of these stories, statted up for Modern Mythras.

Den & Lauren

A long-running story of a weird, doomed, but passionate romance between Dennis Thompson, a former student, and Lauren Tanaka, a slightly more mature woman who is married to a Japanese businessman, Isao Tanaka.

Theirs is a passionate, open relationship, with complications - not the least being that Dennis is one of the most hypnotic individuals on the planet.

Den Thompson, Master Hypnotist

STR    11
CON    15
SIZ    13
DEX    16
INT    18
POW    17
CHA    16

Action Points:      3
Damage Modifier:    +1d2
Initiative Bonus:    17
Experience Modifier:    +3
Healing Rate:    3
Luck Points    3

Hit Points
Head:    6
Chest:    8
Abdomen:    7
Each Arm:    5
Each Leg:    6

Social Attributes
Social Action Points    3
Social Initiative    17
Confidence    2
Composure    6
Integrity    6
Resolve    6
Tenacity    17

Athletics 37%, Computers 76%, Customs 86%, Dance 42%, Deceit 54%, Drive 33%, Endurance 40%, Evade 42%, Influence 102%, Insight 65%, Native Tongue 74%, Perception 45%, Streetwise 33%, Unarmed 27%, Willpower 44%, Acting 32%, Bureaucracy 36%, Commerce 34%, Comms 36%, Courtesy 34%, Craft 34%, Culture (Japan) 36%, Gambling 65%, Hypnosis 104%, Oratory 53%, Research 36%, Seduction 64%, Sleight 32%, Teach 34%.

Love The Women In My Life 95%
Trance The World 84%
Look After My Found Family 76%

Lauren Tanaka

STR    12
CON    15
SIZ    14
DEX    15
INT    18
POW    17
CHA    18

Action Points:      3
Damage Modifier:    +1d4
Initiative Bonus:    17
Experience Modifier:    +3
Healing Rate:    3
Luck Points    3

Hit Points
Head:    6
Chest:    8
Abdomen:    7
Each Arm:    5
Each Leg:    6

Social Attributes
Social Action Points    3
Social Initiative    18
Confidence    3
Composure    6
Integrity    6
Resolve    6
Tenacity    17

Computers 76%, Customs 96%, Dance 43%, Deceit 71%, Endurance 40%, Evade 40%, Influence 91%, Insight 65%, Native Tongue 76%, Perception 55%, Streetwise 55%, Unarmed 37%, Willpower 44%, Acting 46%, Bureaucracy 66%, Commerce 66%, Courtesy 86%, Gambling 85%, Hypnosis 56%, Oratory 95%, Politics 66%, Seduction 76%.

Love Den 77%
Love Isao 99%
Look After Family 98%
Look After My Business Fam 76%

The Chaotician

A story of Caleb Howell, a practitioer of chaos magick, and his Apprentice Jannah Tang.

Caleb Howell, The Chaotician
Call him "Howl." He's steeped in chaos magic. He lives for it. He teaches his Apprentice, Jannah Tang, and is delighted at her aptitude, which may potentially surpass his. Only when she realises that the true measure of magic is experience will she understand how to move past Howl. It is experience, and immersion in the art of living, which is the true measure of magical prowess, not whatever titles society may bestow upon the magician. There is no "Sorcerer Supreme" - every magician is their own Sorcerer Supreme.

STR    12
CON    18
SIZ    12
DEX    18
INT    18
POW    18
CHA    18

Action Points:      3
Damage Modifier:    +1d2
Initiative Bonus:    18
Experience Modifier:    +3
Healing Rate:    3
Luck Points    3
Locational Hit Points
Head:    6
Chest:    8
Abdomen:    7
Each Arm:    5
Each Leg:    6
Social Attributes
Social Action Points    3
Social Initiative    18
Confidence    2
Composure    6
Integrity    6
Resolve    6
Tenacity    18

Athletics 60%, Computers 76%, Conceal 56%, Customs 86%, Dance 61%, Deceit 61%, Endurance 66%, Evade 66%, First Aid 46%, Influence 76%, Insight 76%, Perception 76%, Sing 46%, Stealth 56%, Unarmed 30%, Willpower 86%, Art 56%, Courtesy 56%, Craft 66%, Culture 66%, Knowledge 86%, Gambling 56%, Hypnosis 66%, Knowledge 66%, Locale 56%, Magic 96%, Medicine 46%, Musicianship 36%, Oratory 76%, Politics 56%, Psionics 76%, Research 76%, Seduction 36%, Sleight 66%, Survival 36%, Teach 76%, Track 46%.

Practice Chaos Magic 95%
Teach Jannah Chaos Magic 88%
Look After Jannah 75%

Jannah Tang
Jannah bumped into Caleb Howell on the day she was struck by lightning, and became enamoured of this strange magician and his chaos magic. She has not looked back.

STR    10
CON    14
SIZ    10
DEX    16
INT    18
POW    18
CHA    18

Action Points:      3
Damage Modifier:    +0
Initiative Bonus:    17
Experience Modifier:    +3
Healing Rate:    3
Luck Points    3
Locational Hit Points
Head:    5
Chest:    7
Abdomen:    6
Each Arm:    4
Each Leg:    5
Social Attributes
Social Action Points    3
Social Initiative    18
Confidence    5
Composure    6
Integrity    6
Resolve    6
Tenacity    18

Athletics 26%, Computers 46%, Customs 76%, Drive 34%, Endurance 28%, Evade 32%, Influence 56%, Insight 56%, Perception 56%, Sing 36%, Stealth 44%, Streetwise 46%, Unarmed 46%, Willpower 76%, Bureaucracy 46%, Craft 34%, Lockpicking 42%, Magic 56%, Politics 36%, Psionics 56%, Research 76%, Science 56%, Sleight 44%, Survival 52%.

Learn Chaos Magic 62%
Look After Family 75%
Look After Howl 70%

Edited by Alex Greene

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