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The second Rune Fixes document gives more details on the Rune Spells Extension and Berserker, and for Aimed Blows, and Two-Weapon Fighting.

Rune Fixes are also available to download from the Chaosium website, along with an assorted set of related free downloads for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha:


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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

A number of required clarifications to the Extension spell, still leaving things open to question.

Resolved: Weapon trance, and how such state-of-mind altering spells limit your ability to function in society, and magically more important, to function in worship.

Not tackled: can I regain rune points in ongoing extended spells? Here's what happens if the answer is "yes":

Assuming I have accumulated 8 rune points to spare, Munchkin MacPowerplayer could cast Shield 3 with extension 5 (a whole year duration) seasonally, just before the holy days, and regain the points. If he keeps doing that, he is going to be running around with Shield 15 year round.

Now, 8 disposable rune points are quite a lot. But so is the reward.

It still has its down-sides. Any beneficial magic to be cast on this character now requires 31 or more magic points (or equivalent thereof) in total, excluding magic cast by the character or allied spirit bound inside that aura themselves.


Thanks for returning the Aimed Blows rules into the rules canon, and the clarification on two weapon fighting rules.

The address to the rule-players is a nice touch.

"Your Glorantha is the real one" is going to break down as soon as you have more than a single game that is going to shape your player (or GM) experience 

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