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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. I have been planning to add a "settings" forum and a "off-topic" forum (this one would stay as a "rules" forum), but thought to wait until the book is out. I'm not sure the activity on the board would justify 3 different forums at this time, especially as most of us do not know how the final rules will turn out (magic systems etc.). Settings threads started in this forum could easily be transfered to a settings forum later when it's set up. I'll make a poll and see what the thoughts are.


  2. Call of Cthulhu:

    Fan sites:

    Yog-Sothoth - The Cthulhu forums, news & wiki.

    Cthulhu International - A well of CoC resources.

    Cthulhu Rising - Sci-fi setting, scenarios & resources.

    Cthulhu Dark Ages - Dark Ages scenarios & resources.

    Call of Cthulhu Adventures Online - Scenarios.

    Cthulhu Adventus - Blog for an upcoming monograph.

    Byakhee - Investigator generator.

    Discussion group:

    The_Call_of_Cthulhu Yahoo! Group - Message group.

  3. For 10%, you simply move the decimal point one place to the left, correct? Easy enough for everyone?

    For 5%, you halve the 10% result, for 20%, you double it.

    It's not rocket science; even Americans should be able to do that much math.

    It's not rocket science, but it is a calculation. Dividing by ten is not. Add some alcohol, and calculations take longer time.


  4. Oh no! I never got to play RQ enough for that. The recipe was done on the fly as it were. Hmmm... does that bring me afoul of anyones IP as it was derivitive or am I covered under parody or humor exemptions?:confused:

    Joseph Paul

    You never know with the Issaire's License Policy. We haven't posted all the disclaimers and legal statements on this site, so Greg might just come home to your... :eek:


  5. I'll continue hammering out my retro-tech SF setting, originally inspired by Blakes 7 but horribly mutated through influences such as Aliens, Bladerunner, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (both the 1930s B&W serial and the '79 to '81 series), C.J.Cherryh's Alliance/Union universe, Firefly/Serenity, Farscape, Kim Stanley-Robinson's Mars books, LEXX and Traveller.

    As mentioned in my introduction - I'll be doing a Celtic-flavored fantasy using BRP/Stormbringer-type rules. To get more specific, though GURPS Celtic Myth is an important resource for me, I am NOT trying to create anything faithful to either Celtic history or Celtic mythology/folklore. I'm after more the flavor of it than the actuality of it. So it's a place where "druids" (based on historic but tweaked according to my needs/desires) practice magic and lead strange worship, etc. It's still a work-in-progress but I'll be happy to go into more detail if anyone's interested.

    Would be nice to hear how your settings turn out as they both sounds pretty interesting. Are you thinking about making fanmaterial available online or something for publication?


  6. When I first started to play RuneQuest, our groups characters ended up being extremely powerful. My character, a yellow elf, started his own warrior-subcult of aldrya, my grotaron friend a subcult of Stormbull and a duck started his own dragon cult in Kralorela. That was when they retired. I do have a natural munchkin inside me, and my characters have a tendency of improving fast - but I now prefer a bit more low level gaming, where those 20 trollkins with slings are still dead dangerous.

    Talpam, my first character - had divine spells up to a 100 points, lots of lots of strengthening and armoring enchantments. I think he pretty muched defined the term powergaming. That was until I saw this guy:


    He'd pretty much beat the crap out of anything I've ever played! :D


  7. Basic Roleplaying:


    Chaosium - Official publisher of the Basic Roleplaying system.

    Seraphim Guard - Publisher of the upcoming DeadWorld setting.

    Fan sites:

    BRP Central - Forum, news & links (this site).

    basicrps.com - The old core BRP rules and Worlds of Wonder pdfs.

    D100.org - Houserules and a preview of Pax Romana.

    Discussion group:

    Basic_Roleplaying Yahoo! Group - Message group.


    Skook's sketchbook - Interior art for the Basic Roleplaying book.

  8. I think it is obvious that the Chaosium guys are better at putting together rules than they are at marketing.

    That's pretty obvious. It's also the reason why Chaosium isn't bigger than they are. Now, is there a contradiction between making a quality product and marketing it well too?

    This is the single most important picture for the entire product line! It should be stunning! Instead it's "Oh well, Chaosium was never known for it's artwork..." :(

    If they just draw stickfigures for the rest of the supplements, this cover should have been great, not meeh...


  9. One thing that I don't like is how the different Grenre's seem to be interacting with eachother. It could give the impression the game has a kind of wierd lost world/sci-fi multi genre setting, rather than being a ruleset that can be used for multiple genres.

    Exactly my thoughts (are you reading them?)! Guy shooting at a spaceship with a bow and arrow spells weird sci-fi, not fantasy or the other settings.


  10. Why couldn't they just use a new version of the Worlds Of Wonder box cover? That was simple, got the point across right away, and was just stylish/attractive enough that it got my imagination going...

    Do you know of a link to that cover? Haven't seen it before.


  11. Can't say I liked it much at all. I even think the old one from the basic roleplaying monograms is better. Hmmm...

    A guy with a bow on top of a pyramid fighting a spacecraft? It's just weird!


    If you want a picture that says "generic", they would need several "archtypical" characters from the different settings. The last placeholder could be both fantasy, modern/horror, and maybe even futuristic. This one is only weird sci-fi. Nice image, but doesn't really make a good cover for a generic system.

    And I agree, the title font is horrible.


  12. Why not hold off and see what Pedro does, then add flavour/background to areas where it is missing?

    Or were you thinking of doing something and charging for it?

    No, I was planning to release it free on this site. It's at least on a hold for now, maybe I'll use some of the ideas for another setting later, or some stuff that can be put in the fanzine.

    I wonder how far the setting could be stretched.

    Could you use it, for instance, for Anglo-Saxon-style rules, in which case could you use it at the end of the Roman period, thus linking in with Pax Romana?

    Or, perhaps, stretch it the other way and use it with Stupor Mundi?

    I just e-mailed the author, hopefully we can get him over here to answer some questions himself. :)


  13. Before cancelling this promising project I would wait and see how good the new Iceland setting really is and if it is published. At which stage was your islandia setting? Early stage or already fleshed out? I would love to learn more about it.

    My Islandia project was in the very early start of planning. I had gotten hold of all the background research I needed and had some clear plans of where to take it, but had done little actual writing. Pedro has been working on the Mythic Iceland setting for several months now, and have gotten pretty far with it. It at least sound very good. So, I'll just let him do the work, and then enjoy the setting when it's published. That way I can concentrate more on improving BRP Central (a gallery is next I think). ;)


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