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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. >>>Superman? Not really. Enough to have an actual continuing campaign without using a GM screen, yes. This part of the post (overview) explains it more: http://heroiccthulhu.proboards105.com/index.cgi?board=hcrulestalk&action=display&thread=1189039069

    Hehe, okay that post explained it well. Don't know why I was thinking superman, I probably linked "heroic" to the "Hero" tv-series and the fact that the new BRP contains some superman rules. :o

    Eventually, they will be. Right now the team of editors is working on it. Eventually when they get done the whole thing will be offered as a free pdf. I am giving the people (everyone) a chance to give input before it gets locked in.

    Seems like a good idea. I like the Cthulhu rules and the athmosphere of the setting, but it never appealed to "my natural munchkin" inner self, so I have mainly played RQ up to now. A Cthulhu with improved survivability sounds more fun than the original (to me at least).

    Ah, taped. In a few years the kids these days won't have a clue what 'taped' is. I still say that too. Yes, these are 'taped' sessions of us playing. Although the recording production quality isn't that great a surprising number of people listen to us. A few even post on the message boards.

    Ey! You make me feel old!! :eek:

    Listened to a bit of the podcast too, sounds like you have quite the fun game going!



    (By the way, as spam-robots tend to crawl forums too, it might be an idea to edit your e-mail adresse to something like logan9a[at]yahoo[dot]com, that way people can still contact you but you'll reduce the amount of spam you get.)

  2. Personally I'll will continue a Pavis campaign, using the new BRP rules + the old magic system, and I also plan an Islandia setting based on northern mythology which will only use the new BRP rules.

    Other than that, I plan to test out all the different settings which get scenario support published for BRP.


  3. troll.jpgChaosium's Basic Roleplaying game system will be supported by two planned fanzines:

    "BRP Fanzine #1", will be edited by yours truly, and will be released on a quarterly basis as a free PDF to registered members of BRP Central and subscribers to the Basic_Roleplaying Yahoo! Group.

    BRP Fanzine #1 will contain reviews of published supplements, brp news, encounters, creatures, items, spot rules, etc., and at least one scenario per issue. The fanzine is open for contributions.

    "Uncounted World", will be edited by Nick Middleton. It is intended to promote BRP by providing scenarios, NPCs, objects, places and situations. The plan is to make it available for a small fee in both PDF and Print on Demand form.

    See d100.org for more information on Uncounted Worlds!

    Both fanzines planned to have their first issue published in December 2007, but the delay of the Basic Roleplaying rulebook will most likely also lead to a delay of these fanzines.

  4. placeholder.jpg[This revised edition represents the core Chaosium game system, based on nearly 30 years of use and refinement. It is a complete collection of all the rules you would need to play in any sort of setting, from fantasy to sci-fi. The page count for the book is expected to be staggering 384 pages, and the price is currently set at $39.95.

    According to Chaosium's Dustin Wright, the bulk of the Basic Roleplaying manuscript is now in house. The book was scheduled to be released in November, but there have been some delays in getting the entire manyscript. They now hope to publish it before Christmas - which do smells an awefull lot like a 2008 release.

    Some internet retailers have started taking preorders for the book, and released a preview of a possible cover for the book, but this is most likely only a placeholder waiting for the true cover to be released.

    Hurry up Chaosium! The BRP Fans Are Restless!

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