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Zenith Comics Presents...

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Posts posted by Zenith Comics Presents...

  1. 41 minutes ago, RogerDee said:

    This is just some good stuff, well thought out. Well laid out. Excellent ideas.

    Where did you go to get that map? Internet, drawn using a program? If so, which?

    If you wanted a mythology angle for neanderthal types, you could use Vanara which is from Hindu mythology, as were intelligent monkeys.  They are in a couple of fantasy worlds I am constructing atm.

    1] Thanks, plenty more to come :)

    2] The map is made in Photoshop (the topo world one) using real world map pieces that I then "hammered" together lol. The b&w Albana map was done in photoshop as well, using icons and paint brushes.

    3] Interesting, I have one for them already, but I'll look into this as well. Currently (and I'll be posting on religions later) the Beastmen believe in ancestor worship, in that they are the latest step in their line, so they MUST procreate, if they do not, then their line ends with them. This mutated into the idea of tribes, so that all the members of the tribe are connected as such and so long as one of them continues the line, they all continue. Hence in warfare between tribes, genocide is not unheard of as it is the only way to assure your enemies ancestors don't return for revenge. The fun part is that the humans think the Beastmen unintelligent, sort of how we used to think of Neanderthals, but the Efrani know better, and have warred with them much longer. In fact the impact the Beastmen have had on Efrani culture over the generations is palpable.

    Thanks for discussing with me. :)


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  2. Just a quote I love to sum up how I see this settings CoC/S&S connections;

    “A god,” she whispered. “The black people spoke of it—a god from far away and long ago!”

    “A devil from the Outer Dark,” he grunted. “Oh, they’re nothing uncommon. They lurk as thick as fleas outside the belt of light which surrounds this world. I’ve heard the wise men of Zamora talk of them. Some find their way to Earth, but when they do, they have to take on earthly form and flesh of some sort. A man like myself, with a sword, is a match for any amount of fangs and talons, infernal or terrestrial..."

  3. In my 2 ongoing threads, Bastard Sword: A Fantasy Setting and ISO: BRP Magic Systems, I mention that instead of Sanity (which I am still not 100% sure I am ruling out), I would love to have a Corruption mechanic where in as the magic using characters get more and more into magic they start to show physical signs of the corrupting influence of the dark arts.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics has such an idea, but theirs is based around spell fumbles. I like that, but I love the idea of a slow creeping doom. The idea is that ALL magic, even white magic, if abused or overused, will cause corruption.

    First question is, does such a mechanic exist already in a BRP game?

    Second question is, if not, how would you do it? 

    The criteria for what I am seeking is as follows;

    1] A trackable resource like Sanity.

    2] A clear save mechanic that results in corruption point accumulation. (Could this also apply to morality maybe, doing corrupt acts could in turn give you corruption, even if non-magical?)

    3] A table, or tables, like the Sanity ones, where players roll to determine the effects of their corruption.

    I look forward to discussing this with you all.


  4. Hello everyone, 

    In my Bastard Sword thread, I had mentioned that I wanted to use Cthulhu mythos magic (reskinned of course), but as I think more I want/need more magic systems for the world, since I do not subscribe to the concept that ALL magic MUST be evil.

    These are, off the top of my head, the magic systems I would like to see in the setting;

    1] Sorcery: This is the magic of evil, plain and simple. I think the Cthulhu magic works well here as it requires research, and slowly corrupts you as it goes. That said, are there other sorcery variants for BRP that I should look at? Specifically in the "evil magic/with a cost" variety.

    2] White Magic/Hedge Magic/Folk Magic: This is the stuff of Celtic myth and such. The "white way" that doesn't make deals with the Devil or require demon summoning, or Faustian bargins. Simple magic, not overly powerful, but able to be used by the wise old crone outside the village, or the shaman of the local barbarians, etc... What should I look at as the BRP options?

    3] Summoning & Binding: Ultimately I will probably use the Stormbringer rules for this, as it does what I want, but flavour it with the twist that Aretesia has that many of the 'spirits" that get summoned/bound aren't just elementals or demons, but might be neutral or even beings of light (Angelic binding anyone?). Is there a better BRP choice for this than Stormbringer?

    4] Holy Magic/Angelic Magic: Building on the 3rd one, I like the idea of Biblical/Divine magic, that stuff that is the power of some divine power. It blasts darkness away with hold light, etc... not specifically D&D Clerical magic, but something a bit more biblical. Any resources for such a thing in BRP?

    5] Any others? What suggestions of cool magic do you have to recommend? A rune based magic for my Viking analogs? Maybe some sort of blood magic involving using lives to pay the Magic Point cost for a cult of Druids? Suggest me cool types of magic I can hide throughout the setting for the players to discover and fight, or even learn as they go on their adventures.

    Remember, I am not looking for vulgar (no Fireballs please), but interesting, and flavourful magic that requires investment, can be tremendously powerful, but to reach those heights are not for the timid of the weak.

    I thank you in advance for your input.



  5. 55 minutes ago, DreadDomain said:

    Character creation uses "archetypes" and "occupations", which together provides more skill points to distribute. Archetype also comes with a preferred characteristic (which is rolled on 1d6+12 times 5) and finally, there is a list of Talents available. Overall, it produces more capable characters. 

    I'll look into it, thanks for the head's up.

    55 minutes ago, DreadDomain said:

    That's my point. You mention a technological level "between Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe" but give a reference point that is not "between" but at the very end of the range. I was wondering if it was a mistake/typo. 

    I see we are quibbling over semantics, not to worry ... between means for me some of it will be closer to late antiquity (especially outside of the urban centres) and some will be closer to Early Middle-Ages (more than likely any trade port).


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  6. 9 minutes ago, Meow said:

    I wonder which COC7 rules you‘re going to use in your game, cause in my opinion these rules are highly customed to low fantasy settings.

    Seriously curious!

    I don't see myself not using them all, as this is ultimately a low fantasy setting :) I might bring in some different magic from other games, but for me the hard part will be working out the corruption mechanics.

    Does that exist already in another BRP game by any chance?

  7. Timeline of the Island of Albana

    Note: This timeline is in now way complete of in-depth, but instead meant to act as mere framework of important events on or affecting the island of Albana. Also note that this timeline uses the High King Reckoning (HKR) as opposed to the Imperial Reckoning (IR). For comparisons sake, the current year in 902IR. All dates pre-1HKR are approximations.

    -1000HKR • The Old People are wiped out by the Beastmen arriving from Kelosh.

    -800HKR • The Attliasian Princes conqueror the Island,

    -500HKR • The Attlisaian rule collapses, over the coming decades they will become the Efrani Tribes,

    -350HKR • The first Holy Emperor is crowned, ending the Illuryian Republic and marking the beginning of the Theopolitan Empire in Ageos (hereafter the Continent).

    -400HKR • Giants, as the legend goes, from Kelosh arrive in what is now Drale and mix with the Efrani tribes there creating the Dralish people.

    -300HKR • The Theopollitan Empire lands on Albana, which they call Pendria, but is never able to hold the island beyond the Thalatian peninsula, and the south coast to modern day Pelabria. Almost immediately violence erupts between the Efrani and the Imperials.

    -150HKR • After a century and a half of constance warfare with the Efrani and the Beastmen, the Theopolitan Empire abandons their Pendric colonies.

    -100HKR • Fleeing an unknown catastrophe in their homelands of Agleval, the Aglesh arrive in droves and spread across the island, warring with Efrani and Beastmen alike.

    -50HKR • With the competition driven to the wilds, the Aglesh kingdoms go to war with each other for control of the island.

    -25HKR • The Theopolitan collapses into warring states causing chaos across the Continent.

    1HKR • The First Aglesh High King is crowned after a generation of warfare. The only holdout is the Kingdom of Brucca. Their dark sovereign, renowned for using Beastman armies to defend his mountain kingdom, sends official word of recognition but does not bend the knee.

    11HKR • The High King is murdered by his son, who claims the throne and rules as a tyrant.

    27HKR • The Baruzan Nomads arrive on the island and are surprised to discover most Aglesh lords support them vs. their despotic High King. This short war ends with the first Aglbarish High Kingdom.

    51HKR • Tsuni Mystics arrive at Guilea and settle there with their Auzuan slaves.

    75HKR • The first Rover caravans arrive from the Continent.

    178HKR • The Pelabrian Rebellion against the High King in Eskaine leads to an island-wide war pitting kingdoms loyal to the High King against those seeking independent rule.

    184HKR • The High King and his sons are killed at the Three Sisters Battlefield. The island is plunged into chaos as Kingdoms continue to battle for control.

    191HKR • The Succession war ends with the Treaty of Isly, which establishes the Pendric Realms of Albana. Urydae is recognized as the first Efrani kingdom on Albana. Everyone is surprised by the arrival of a delegation from Brucca arrives to sign the treaty as well, becoming for the first time an officially recognized nation. The treaty also makes Albarish the official language of the realms, expelling the old Imperial tongue as the language of court, in effect making it a lingua franca.

    212HKR • Arastian missionaries arrive and begin a slow conversion of the island, it is heavily resisted by many and leads to the creation of the Grey Faith.

    327HKR • A Beshite Fleet blows into Thalisport, the Senate of the Thalatian Republic immediately surrenders to the fleet’s captain and thus creates the Sultanate of Ishmír. This brings the Zahiric faith to the shores of Albana for the first time. 

    419HKR • The Black Church spreads across the Continent, with its agents even in the courts of Albana. Sultan Tanir III of Ishmír rallies and leads the forces of Albana and the Sea Kings of Dáinn to help liberate the Continent. This results in the declaration of the Kingdom of Ishmír and the crowns of Albana declaring Tanir as the new High King. Sadly, assassins would prevent him from making it back to Albana. Without his charisma and leadership, there would be no new High King. The Treaty of Isly is ratified to include the Kingdom of Ishmír as one of the Pendric Realms.

    422HKR • The Red Death sweeps across the Continent but does not reach Albana’s shores. This deadly plague kills one in three people it infects. For the next five decades it ravages in waves across Aegos.

    476HKR • Militant zealots from Austoria, the Ostraadi take the Aerac Islands as their own, making     a new kingdom there.

    482HKR • Ostraadi Crusaders conqueror the Urydae valley and enslave the inhabitants.

    500HKR • Present day

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  8. 62 Questions About the Setting

    1. Give us your 30 seconds elevator pitch.

    Having worked in the film industry I hate these things as they only reward attention-defective-self declared-alphas who wouldn't understand “story” if it kicked them in the balls with electric boots, whilst wearing a mohair suit!

    2. What is the best way to achieve world domination? 

    If you figure that out there are plenty of despots who would like to know. 

    3. How do the most powerful factions wage war? 

    Manpower and steel. 

    4. What do standing armies look like? 

    Early Middle Ages European in general, essentially approaching Norman invasion type. Some areas are a bit  more advanced, and some are a bit less so. 

    5. What is the biggest cause of conflict in your world? 

    The same old same old, power/resources/religion. 

    6. What is the approximate technological level? 

    Early Middle-Ages Europe. 

    7. What new technologies are having an impact on society? 

    Plate armour from Austoria is making itself known on Albana via the Ostraadi and they are essentially wading through the competition. That said the Davonic Knights have started marrying this to horses and creating the first Heavy Cavalry, so the balance is in sway. 

    8. How common is magic and where does it come from? 

    Magic is as common as medieval peasants thought it was, which is to say subtle and a lot of things get blamed on magic. It comes from various sources, such as elder beings, faeries, the universe, nature, etc... but it is also dangerous and causes corruption.

    9. Best place to learn magic? 

    There are no magic schools, but I suppose if you could convince the Guileans to teach an outsider, that would be the place. Other than that, search for forbidden tomes and grimoires, but beware of corruption. There is also a secret society called the Manu Plevra (the Hidden Hand) that is said to “regulate” magicians and their ilk.

    10. What are the creation myths? 

    Varied and complicated. 

    11. What are the major nations/empires/city-states etc? 

    On Albana the three biggest players are Davon, Ishmír, and Oscait. 

    12. What sort of governments do they have? 

    There are kingdoms, republics, and even a council of sheriffs. 

    13. What was the most important event to have occurred in your world? 

    The fall of the Theopolitan Empire. 

    14. Who is the most legendary historical figure in your world, and what are they legendary for?

    The last High King of Albana, and he is famous for dying and fracturing the island's society. Naturally there is a whole “Return of the High King” prophecy that has grown up around this, even being popular in theatre, stories, and song. It has pretty much become a legend no one believes but everyone knows.

    15. Describe your world's calendar system. 

    12 months of 30 days each, 7-day weeks, 4 seasonal holidays outside of the months on the equinoxes and solstices. 

    16. Most important festival / celebration event? 

    There are four every year, Spring Festival, Endsummer, Wine Harvest, and Cold Night. On Albana Cold Night is celebrated as Erenntide, which is a combination of New Year’s and Christmas. 

    17. Tell us about the gods. 

    They are gone. Though many worship them still around the world, since the fall of the Theopolitan Empire it would seem the gods went with it. Still there are hidden and secret powers in the world that call themselves gods, and the Ostraadi have the One-True God evangelism they are spreading. 

    18. What is the dominant religion like? 

    While there is no current dominant religion, there are 3 big ones in the Known World. Arastianity for  most of Aegos, the Celestial Court of the Tsuni isles, the Zahiric faith of the Crimson Empire, far off in Pashmir they are said to have tens upon tens of thousands gods, and in the Dreaming East, they worship the winds, or so the rumours say.. On Albana there is no single religion, but the Grey Faith tries to balance all beliefs while presenting themselves as Arastians.

    19. Do people have souls? 


    20. Are there ghosts? 


    21. Is resurrection or reincarnation possible? 

    In legend and prophecy, but no one has done it yet. 

    22. How can a mortal become a god? 

    Probably not. 

    23. Does it feature classic fantasy races? 

    Not really. 

    24. Are there any unique races? 

    There are two that might be considered “unique”, the Efrani tribes who claim to be fey-blooded humans, and the Beastmen who are essentially Neanderthals. 

    25. Who is currently the most powerful / important person in your world? 

    Is that the crux of it? There isn’t just one. Sure, there are those who think they are, but really, they are just another player on the stage. 

    26. Who is currently the most popular person in your world and why is that person so popular?

    The concept of celebrity is a bit beyond this setting, but traveling minstrels and bards are quite the hit. As stated earlier, the High King Cycles (as they are called) are very popular but tend to get polluted with whatever other thing from the Continent is popular at the time, currently it is Bennacian Bodice-Ripping romances. 

    27. Who is the biggest hero there and who is the nastiest villain? 

    While there is no “big damn hero”, there is the Witch Queen of Brucca, working from her castle at  Zuldir with her Beastmen minions and worse… and if you don’t eat your vegetables and do your  chores, she will send a banshee or a night-hag to get you!

    28. Who are the nicest group of people there and who are the most awful? 

    That’s really subjective, everyone can be nice and not nice. This world is far more painted with shades of grey than simplistic black and white, that said the Ostraadi are zealots and crusaders who are not renowned for their warmth or charm. Think really militarized Puritans.

    29. Do you have any hidden power brokers in your setting? 

    Of course. 

    30. Describe the most unique sport you have in your world. 

    This is an interesting question, but off the top of my head nothing comes to mind that isn’t soccer, hurling, or some other already existing sport, so I am open to suggestions.

    31. What is the most powerful artifact in your world?

    There is no one powerful thing. Though there are LOTS of “things” all around the world from rings, to books, to whatever you like.

    32. What is the most important relic of the past in your world?

    The crown of the High King of Albana, lost after his death and believed to be either lost somewhere in Eskaine, or held by Grey Sisters in their abbey at Ambria. 

    33. Most unique food? 


    34. Any special addictive drugs? 

    The Crimson Empire has a “spice” type of deal, the Beshites import lotus from Pashmir, and magic mushrooms of all types abound on Albana.

    35. What is the staple food in your world and how is it produced?

    On Albana it is fish, root vegetables, and basic meats like mutton, pork, and beef. Hunting is still active, so rabbit, venison, etc… off the island, each region would have something to their own, but the focus of the setting is Albana.

    36. What special metal does your world have and what is it used for? 

    Arvanite/Arcanium is believed to be a magical ore used to make fantastically strong steel. No one living has a legit claim to having ever seen it, but tales abound.

    37. What is the most unique / important commodity in your world?

    No such thing, there are many, many commodities and trade between Albana and the Aegosian continent is controlled through Oscait.

    38. How are taxes and tributes collected?

    Through tax collectors by individual governments, each using their own rules and systems. 

    39. Describe the most unusual geographic feature in your world.

    For Albana that would be the King’s Lake and Falls. It is a narrow channel that is controlled by the tidal forces, like the Bay of Fundy. As high tide comes in the falls flow in reverse and fill the King’s Lake to a depth of easily more than 20 feet deep. As the tide goes out the falls pour out and the lake is reduced to not more than 3 feet of depth for the most part, though there are hidden pools and rifts.  This tidal event happens twice a day, in the morning and the evening. 

    40. Highest point of land.

    On Albana it would be the highest peaks of Drale.

    41. Biggest body of water.

    The Attilasian Ocean 

    42. Deepest underground location.

    There are tales of a cave that leads to the Abyss. 

    43. Do people have maps of the world? 

    Of the known world, yes.

    44. Are there unexplored areas?

    Of course, many, many, many unexplored places. 

    45. What is beyond the edge of the world?

    Night? The Universe? Oblivion? Dragons? Take your pick, everyone has a story. 

    46. Does your world feature an unusual method of transportation?


    47. Are there any dangers associated with travelling?

    Of course, bandits, weather, illness, or worse.

    48. What is the total world population?


    49. Where is the best place for a tourist to visit?

    There is no tourism, there is trade and there is conquest. 

    50. Any strange diseases, ahem?

    The Red Death, a burning plague that once spread across the continent but didn’t touch Albana. All fear its return.

    51. Are the inhabitants of your world generally friendly or unfriendly to strangers?

    Depends where you are, the city, the country, the wilds. Alabanic culture has a tradition of hospitality, so they tend to try to be at least neutral and not antagonistic to strangers, but it depends where. Davon has roadhouses for this, where as in Caleth they will feed you at their family table, and you as the visitor are expected to make a “donation” or “gift” for their troubles.

    52. Does your world connect to other worlds, planets, or planes?

    Tales and legends say so and it never is good when they do.

    53. Do you have dragons in your world?

    Again, tales and legends say so.

    54. If you do, what are they like?

    Not colour coded and not super intelligent masters of the world. Just big lizards that breath fire and covet riches, according to the legends.

    55. Describe the biggest natural creature in your world.

    The Grey Whale is the biggest anyone knows, but there are legends of Leviathans in the deep sea and the Kraken that hunt them, but no proof exists.

    56. Describe the most iconic monster in your world.

    No such thing.

    57. Something that most people know in your setting.

    Avoid toadstool rings and old oaks on the equinoxes, at twilight, and especially on the solstice.

    58. Something that very few people know in your setting.

    The future is in danger. 

    59. Something that only one person knows in your setting.

    The truth of it all. 

    60. How did your world get its name?

    Via migrations to the island of various peoples. 

    61. What character would you play in your world?

    Probably a hedge mage, or a hedge knight.

    62. What systems and editions are you using to run the setting?

    BRP, specifically a Magic World/Call of Cthulhu 7e Hack.

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  9. 7 hours ago, Shanester said:

    I like the idea of Mythos Magic use. Also, if you weren't already headed there, Corruption could be any number of effects like simple withering/aging far beyond the norm, changing features (were your eyes always set far apart like that?) or even classics like growing extra appendages and such. 

    That's sort of the idea I was going with. Sort of treat it like a Sanity save, no automatic Corruption, but... well well know how those dice will turn on you, and when that happens the signs of corruption set in. Dungeon Crawl Classics has something akin that I will be aping. 

    6 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

    Even a logo! You are going all-out!!

    Are you also Pulp Cthulhu (archetypes, talents, etc...)? Based on what you described below, it would seem appropriate.

    You've got a wide array of good stuff here. Everything in bold, I like. The rest, I am not quite familiar with. Assuming you are talking about the Volkodav movie, I've seen it, I own it. I'll like to read the book(s) one day. 

    Just a nitpick but I keep reading Albania...

    Wouldn't 1000ad be full on medieval? Not a problem, I just wonder if this is what you were going for given your range of "Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe".

    Looking good! I'd be interested to see how you use CoC  for this.

    There are 2 things I always have when I start a project, a logo/look and a map. I don't know why, but it always goes that way.

    What are the benefits of Pulp Cthulhu in this circumstance, as I have never read it, what are you seeing? I am most curious.

    Yes, very much Volkodav! Amazing movie that :)

    As for the Albana to Albania, some do, that's okay, I don't hold it against anyone ;)

    So to be that guy and for for a quote; "Historians typically regard the Early Middle Ages or Early Medieval Period, sometimes referred to as the Dark Ages, as lasting from the late 5th or early 6th century to the 10th century."

    That's a rough as need be for something that is debated by historians, and as the High Middle Ages start in the 11th century, we are roughly in a good ball park, 900ad to 1000ad, give or take. :)

    As am I, ultimately I will be cherry picking from other BRP sources as needed, MW being a strong one as well

    6 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

    I should have mentioned that I specifically like this. And the fact it is human centric (as opposed to dwarves, orcs and elves)

    I am so done with Vanilla D&D Fantasy, just done done done. Every time I run it, everyone wants to turn the "party" into the Star Wars Cantina of races to the point where it starts to sound like the set-up to a bad joke...

    "A dwarf, an elf, a tiefling, a dragonborn, and a tortle meet in a tavern..."

    1 hour ago, Vile Traveller said:

    I applaud the idea! 

    Thank you, not sure how it will work out, but here it is.


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  10. EDIT: Updated with link to my BRP Hack in progress


    This thread will be for the creation and specifics of a fantasy campaign I am creating using a hack of CoC 7e to be a fantasy roleplaying game.

    The setting itself is somewhere between Sword & Sorcery and High Fantasy. The best examples of what inspires this setting would be Conan the Barbarian (the film), Wolfhound (the best fantasy film you never saw), Artesia, The Winter King (novel by Bernard Cornwell), Dragonslayer (Disney Movie), The Chronicles of Prydain , Hârn, A Song of Ice & Fire, Merlin: The Pendragon Cycle #2 (by Stephen R. Lawhead), and the very best parts of 80's Sword & Sorcery films.

    While the world is large, the primary focus will start on an area called Albana, an island off the cost of the mainland that is very pre-Norman England in feeling, with various differences just to keep it nice and fresh.

    Technologically it would be considered somewhere between Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe. Round about 1000ad for reference, though there will be anachronisms to be sure.

    The setting is human only, with rumours and legends of non-humans in various parts of the world. Ranging from the privative Beastman tribes of Albana, who are essentially leftover Neanderthals,  to the the Dökkálfar and the Ljósálfar of the islands of Dáinn, and the Zwerg of Austoria (known as Svartálfar by the Dáinnsk). There are others as well, but they are all very rare, being something from the past. Perhaps someday the players would meet them, but it would take one HELL of a convincing pitch to have a player get one as a character.

    Magic is rare and dangerous, subtle, not vulgar, which makes me think I would use Mythos spells/magic, renamed, and am contemplating using a "Corruption" mechanic in place of Sanity. Any and all assistance/input on that would be greatly appreciated.

    There is more to come and I will update this main post with the sections as I place them. Who knows, maybe I'll even publish this someday.

    I will happily answer any questions in the meantime!

    My BRP Custom Rules (Living Document/WiP)
    Known World Topographical Map
    Map of Albana
    62 Questions About the Setting
    Timeline of the Island of Albana
    Nations of Albana
    Albana Primer

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

    all D100 rule are very similar so it would work fine...

    Compared to Cthulhu, in BRP/MagicWorld/Elric/Runequest, you got much more developed magic system(s?!) and fantasy bestiary.... but it's otherwise quite similar with some subtle difference here and there... (mostly combat I reckon)

    as a side note I despise most variation of elemental magic (i.e. fire/cold/stone attacks) I found in all those rule set.. 😕  but I quite like the rest! ^_^ 


    Interesting stuff, I'll look into it, but what I am asking is if it is okay to post system stuff on these forums? :)


  12. 12 minutes ago, NickMiddleton said:

    In issue two of Uncounted Worlds I published an article by one Jason Durall (who he? ;) ) entitled Tombs & Tentacles, Sword-and-Sorcery using the Cthulhu Mythos. It was aimed at CoC 6e but might be of interest.

    Alas, the planned epic Sword & Sorcery setting for Magic World by Kevin A Ross, Xyserdon  was still born thanks to the MW line being moth-balled back in 2015.

    Thanks for that sir!

    Yeah the more I hear about the MW line and how much great stuff got lost, I wonder "Why not release it now?!"


  13. So I am a BIG fan of stuff like Artesia, the original Conan movie, Beastmaster, and other such Sword & Sorcery stuff (focus on the 80's a lot).

    I am so done with D&D superheroes it isn't even funny.

    I am falling in love with BRP, and I have to say CoC7e impresses me a lot.

    So, has anyone adapted BRP to CoC7e, and has anyone done a S&S setting/expansion for BRP?

    Thanks in advance :)


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