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Andrew Logan Montgomery

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  • RPG Biography
    You name it. I have run or reviewed it.
  • Current games
    RuneQuest, Agon, MORK BORG, BRP, Call of Cthulhu
  • Location
    Tokyo, Japan

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  1. Trotsky this is...brilliant. Gorgeous. I would LOVE to include this in the book. Contact me and we will work something out!
  2. What foul witchery is this?!? To whom--if anyone--it may concern, I have just learned moments ago that "Six Seasons in Sartar" has gone missing from the Jonstown Compendium. Personally, I blame Blue Moon agents. I have messaged DTRPG about it. On the author's end it still reads as "active and on sale" but if you search for it, you ain't gonna find it. Hopefully all will be resolved soon!
  3. I hate to come late to a party!!!! Really, there should be some sort of magic that alerts authors when people are talking about their book. I wrote, edited, and yes (sorry) illustrated "Six Seasons in Sartar." As you probably already know the hardcover is out and available, LOL. Like i said, a month late to the party. GAZZA, thank you. Really. That made my night tripping across this by accident. You are right about the stat block thing; you can just give things a CR and go from there, like Broo CR 3. But yeah, RQG is still detail oriented. If any of you like, go back to DriveThru and you will find a free (yes FREE) HQG/13G adaptation book that has a cinematic set of RQG rules to streamline things a tad bit more...but still. There is only so far you can push it before it isn't RQG any more. Anyway, thanks to all of you. I am now a couple of books away from being a Gold bestseller (only the second JC Book to do so) and I owe it to you guys and threads like this one. So really, thank you.
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