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Posts posted by Chaot

  1. For Corum, I personally blame you Chaot :D

    You won't regret it! Even if you don't use the Corum setting stuff, there are several magic systems that can easily be stolen for other fantasy systems! Magical Tattoos, Primitive Fetishes, a cool magic system were you meld two or more effects together to make a spell, Lawful Contrivances (which is basically a magic item creation system.

    Also, augmented Demon Summoning rules. They make summoning scary. An augmented Alignment System. Start drifting to close to Chaos and risk developing mental problems or chaos mutations. A page that outlines making random worlds for your multiverse jumping PCs.

    I have a feeling you'll enjoy it.

  2. OK, I think that's all of them.

    psst... Jason, we need Kate and Lobster Johnson. Then you can go ahead and do Rasputin, Baba Yaga, all of those Nazis, Jenny Green Teeth, that boar in the iron shoes, the Ogrdu Jahad and all of their 369 children...

    ... or, you know, you could just work on BRP stuff that can be published, sold and bought. :)


    Occupation: Former medium, now BPRD investigator

    Colleges, Degrees: University of Bonn, Germany

    Birthplace: Germany

    Mental Disorders: Minor corporeal disassociative disorder, loneliness

    Sex: Male Age: 25

    Characteristics & Rolls

    STR 5 DEX 13 INT 16 Idea: 80%

    CON 2 APP 5 POW 21 Luck: 105%

    SIZ 13 SAN EDU 17 Know: 75%

    Armor: 3-point bodysuit Damage Bonus: none

    Magic Points: 21

    Sanity Points: 81

    Hit Points: 8 (3 point bodysuit armor)


    Prior to joining the Bureau, Johann Kraus was a talented physical medium. Unfortunately, he was out of his body during the mystical, continent-spanning Chengdou Disaster. This incident killed anyone involved in a séance at the time, leaving Kraus trapped in ectoplasmic form. He managed to stay alive, and made his way to the Bureau, where the technical staff designed and built a containment suit for him. It provides him with an approximation of a physical body, and may have made him immortal. The loss of his physical form has caused him immense personal distress, and he is still coming to terms with his unique condition. Kraus is polite and reserved. As the newest member of the Bureau, he is worried about finding his place and being an asset to the team. He is immensely curious about his fellow unique agents.


    Johann Krauss exists as an astral form composed of ectoplasmic energy. In this form, he resembles a gaseous cloud. He inhabits a tough black leather and rubber bodysuit which sheathes him from neck to toe, and his head is a clear plastic bubble with a small mouth aperture, through which he speaks and is able to leave the body willingly for a short time. Similar apertures are in each of his fingertips, enabling him to exude his ectoplasmic form through his hands. A small speaker is set in the chest of his outfit, enabling him to speak normally.


    Accounting 10%, Anthropology 15%, Archaeology 20%, Art (Performance) 35%, Bargain 05%, Climb 40%, Conceal 15%, Craft 05%, Credit Rating 15%, Dodge 30%, Drive Automobile 20%, Electrical Repair 10%, Fast Talk 15%, First Aid 30%, Hide 15%, History 20%, Jump 25%, Law 05%, Library Use 40%, Listen 35%, Mechanical Repair 10%, Medicine 05%, Natural History 20%, Navigate 10%, Occult 80%, Other Language (English) 50%, Other Language (French) 60%, Own Language (German) 85%, Persuade 35%, Photography 10%, Psychoanalysis 20%, Psychology 25%, Ride 05%, Sneak 10%, Spot Hidden 45%, Swim 25%, Throw 25%, Track 35%.

    Special Abilities & Flaws

    Astral Form – Krauss is an astral being now, and does not have a physical body. Because of this, he has the following powers.

    Immaterial: Krauss can move in a ghostlike ectoplasmic form, undetectable to most beings, and immune to most forms of physical assault. He can move through walls and flies without limitation. He must expend a Magic Point for each hour he is out of his containment suit, however, limiting his survival outside the suit to under a day. While outside his containment suit, his speed is almost that of thought, enabling him to cross vast distances in lightning speed.

    Psychic Sensitivity: Krauss is highly psychic, attuned to the metaphysical atmosphere around him. In his suit, his sensitivity is lessened to POW x 1%, but while partially or wholly outside the suit, he can determine the presence of strong psychic presences and events with a POW x 5 roll. Inside the suit or outside, he expends a Magic Point to willfully activate this power, though he occasionally gets flashes of insight without effort.

    Tireless: Krauss does not need sleep or rest or sustenance, as he has no body to generate fatigue poisons or become hungry. Since he does not have any “down time” due to sleep or rest, his internal clock is somewhat off from the rest of his fellow agents, and he finds peace in astral travel at night, or imbibing the smells and essences of food and drink, despite his inability to consume them.


    Glock 17 9mm automatic pistol and ammo


    ID for BPRD, firearms permit, etc.

    Flare grenades (2) (see below)

    Concussion grenade (1) (see below)

    Smoke grenade (1) (see below)

    BPRD signalling device

    BPRD signal tracking device

    BPRD personal communications device

    weapon % damage hands range attacks malf shots

    HPGlock 17 9mm Auto 55% 1d10 1 20 yards 3 98-00 17 8

    Flare Grenade throw 1d10+1d3 1 15 yards, 1 yard radius 1 00 1 6

    Concussion Grenade throw 3d8 1 15 yards, 1 yard radius 1 99-00 1 8

  4. ROGER

    Agent Name: Roger

    Occupation: Agent for the BPRD

    Colleges, Degrees: None

    Birthplace: Romania

    Mental Disorders: Amnesia, manic-depressive, needs to prove self

    Sex: Male Homonculus Age: Unknown

    Characteristics & Rolls

    STR 25 DEX 14 INT 12 Idea: 60%

    CON 25 APP 08 POW 14 Luck: 70%

    SIZ 20 SAN 71 EDU 6 Know: 30%

    Armor: 12 point skin Damage Bonus: +2d6

    Sanity Points: 71

    Magic Points: 14

    Hit Points: 22 (12 point natural armour)


    Roger was created 500 years ago in Romania. A homunculus, he was grown from roots, herbs, and blood, and formed into the shape of a man by an alchemist. The alchemist used a bolt of lightning to animate him, but, due to a defect in Roger's construction, the animating force did not last. In a short time, he was inert, but still aware of the passage of time. He stayed that way for five centuries. In 1996 the BPRD discovered Roger in a secret room inside a ruined castle. He accidentally stole Liz Sherman’s fiery life force, and killed BPRD agent Bud Waller, escaping them. Remorseful, he sacrificed himself to save the world from the evil of his giant evil “brother.” Later, he returned Liz’ powers and became inert. The BPRD’s research division was unable to revive him, until Abe Sapien intervened and managed to wake Roger. Distrustful of his past, the BPRD temporarily put a bomb in Roger’s chest, but removed it when Roger proved his loyalties and at Hellboy’s chastisement and resignation from the BPRD. He has since become a full agent of the BPRD, without the safeguard issues.


    A tall humanoid, bulky-figured and strongly-muscled, Roger is entirely bald, has dusky grey skin, pupilless yellow eyes, and a small metal hatch on his chest. He normally wears a BPRD field vest and a wooden codpiece. Roger is a fast learner, and has picked up the basics of modern life quickly. His personality is stolid, and he carries a great deal of guilt for killing Waller and his brother, and for what he did to Sherman. He is extremely brave and self-sacrificing.


    Accounting 01%, Anthropology 01%, Archaeology 01%, Astronomy 01%, Bargain 05%, Biology 01%, Chemistry 01%, Climb 40%, Computer Use 01%, Conceal 15%, Craft (Alchemy) 35%, Credit Rating 05%, Disguise 01%, Dodge 40%, Drive Automobile 30%, Electrical Repair 10%, Fast Talk 15%, First Aid 40%, Geology 01%, Hide 30%, History 40%, Jump 45%, Law 05%, Library Use 25%, Listen 40%, Locksmith 01%, Mechanical Repair 10%, Medicine 05%, Natural History 25%, Navigate 20%, Occult 35%, Operate Heavy Machine 01%, Other Language (English) 50%, Own Language (Romanian) 55%, Persuade 25%, Pharmacy 01%, Photography 01%, Physics 01%, Pilot 01%, Psychoanalysis 01%, Psychology 05%, Ride 05%, Sneak 20%, Spot Hidden 35%, Swim 05%, Throw 50%, Track 25%.

    Special Abilities & Flaws

    Drain Power – Roger can drain life forces from sources he touches. His ability to do this is simulated by a resistance roll with his Power as the opposing force. It costs Roger 3 Magic Points to attempt this power. With a successful roll, he is able to drain 1d10 in potency from the power. He can use this stolen energy for Magic Points or to restore non-lethal damage from injury on a point-by-point basis.

    Drain Spirit – Roger can drain Power from spirits and ghosts, and if he drains them completely, they temporarily discorporate. While he is storing them in himself, he can read their minds with an Idea roll if successful, as modified by difficulties ranging from language, the state of the spirit, and the nature of the information being sought. This is handled in a manner similar to the Drain Power ability (above), but with 1d6 points of POW being drained per successful attempt. It costs the same in Magic Points to activate. He cannot use any of this Power for his own use, or to heal himself as above.

    Telepathy – Roger has a very limited version of Telepathy, in which he can implant suggestions (resistance roll with Power) or speak telepathically to beings in close proximity to him (his Power in yards). He must spend a Magic Point to do so, per attempt, and succeed in an Idea roll for this power to work.

    Toughness – Roger has 12-point armor against almost all forms of damage. He does not heal normally, however, and when he is incapacitated, he must be repaired or must drain power to restore himself to functionality.



    ID for BPRD, firearms permit, etc.

    BPRD signalling device

    BPRD signal tracking device

    BPRD personal communications device

    BPRD flare grenade

    BPRD smoke grenade

    weapon % damage hands range attacks malf shots HP

    Fist/Punch 70% 1d3+2d6 1 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Grapple 55% Special 2 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Head Butt 30% 1d3+2d6 --- --- 1 --- --- ---

    Kick 50% 1d3+2d6 --- --- 1 --- --- ---

    Flare Grenade throw 1d10+1d3 1 15 yards, 1 yard radius 1 91-00 1 6


    Occupation: Investigator for the BPRD

    Colleges, Degrees: Private tutoring at BPRD

    Birthplace: Kansas City

    Mental Disorders: Nightmare-ridden, distrustful, alienated, guilty

    Sex: Female Age: 29

    Characteristics & Rolls

    STR 13 DEX 15 INT 16 Idea: 80%

    CON 14 APP 16 POW 19 Luck: 95%

    SIZ 12 SAN 62 EDU 18 Know: 90%

    Armor: none Damage Bonus: none

    Sanity Points: 62

    Magic Points: 19

    Hit Points: 13


    Elizabeth Anne Sherman is a native of Kansas City. As a child, she often dreamed of fire. When she was 11, and had just started puberty, a neighborhood bully teased her about her ponytails. Her pyrokinesis manifested, and left a city block destroyed and 32 people dead, including Sherman's family. No one knew how the fire started, so she was shuttled around to foster homes for a few months, until the BPRD tracked her down. Over the next decade, they trained her to control her powers. Along the way, she became one of the Bureau's better field agents, specializing more in the social aspects of investigations, and only providing raw pyrokinetic force when necessary. She often finds the Bureau frustrating, and has quit and returned over a dozen times.


    Liz Sherman is a woman in her early 30s, with an average physique, good-looking, with reddish-brown hair which she wears at medium-length. She smokes frequently, and has a cynical sense of humor, masking the guilt she feels for the deaths she has caused, and the fear she has that she will lose control over her power. In the field, she wears a long black trench coat with tan lapels, and dark clothing underneath, with a black beret.


    Accounting 15%, Anthropology 35%, Archaeology 25%, Art (Drawing) 35%, Bargain 45%, Biology 30%, Chemistry 35%, Climb 60%, Computer Use 35%, Conceal 40%, Craft (Fire Sculpture) 50%, Credit Rating 35%, Disguise 20%, Dodge 55%, Drive Automobile 40%, Electrical Repair 10%, Fast Talk 55%, First Aid 55%, Geology 20%, Hide 45%, History 30%, Jump 45%, Law 35%, Library Use 45%, Listen 50%, Mechanical Repair 15%, Medicine 25%, Natural History 35%, Navigate 15%, Occult 60%, Other Language (French) 45%, Other Language (Latin) 35%, Other Language (Spanish) 65%, Own Language 100%, Persuade 45%, Pharmacy 20%, Photography 35%, Physics 15%, Psychoanalysis 15%, Psychology 25%, Ride 30%, Sneak 35%, Spot Hidden 60%, Swim 55%, Throw 45%, Track 15%.

    Special Abilities & Flaws

    Pyrokinesis – See the weapons list below for the damage and range of Liz’ pyrokinetic power. To use this ability, make a roll and, if successful, Liz spends the cost of the “ammo” in Magic Points. Once the fire has been started, if she wants to put it out, she needs to make a successful resistance roll of the fire’s total damage against her own Power. If Liz wins, the fire goes out, moves, or is otherwise under control. If the fire overcomes her POW in the resistance roll, it immediately gains in size once more, moving to the next higher category, immediately costing Liz the new amount of Magic Points, and damage is re-rolled. If Liz wants to control or subdue this new conflagration, she must defeat it in a POW vs. damage roll as described here. If she loses more Magic Points than she has, then she slumps to the ground, unconscious, and loses the additional points in temporary hit points.

    Resistance to Fire – Liz is resistant to fire, with 30 points of resistance/armor against it.

    Sense Fire – With a successful Idea roll, Liz can sense the presence of fire within a 30 yard radius, and get an idea as to the nature of that fire, if it is natural or supernatural, controlled or wild.


    Glock 17 9mm automatic pistol and ammo


    ID for BPRD, firearms permit, etc.

    BPRD signaling device

    BPRD signal tracking device

    BPRD personal communications device

    weapon % damage hands range attacks malf shots HP

    Pyrokinesis – tiny 100% 1 --- 30 yards 1 --- 1 MP ---

    Pyrokinesis – minor 100% 1d4 --- 30 yards 1 --- 2 MP ---

    Pyrokinesis - medium 100% 2d6 --- 30 yards 1 --- 4 MP ---

    Pyrokinesis – major 100% 5d6 --- 30 yards 1 --- 8 MP ---

    Pyrokinesis - colossal 100% 10d6 --- 30 yards 1 --- 12 MP ---

    Fist/Punch 50% 1d3 1 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Grapple 25% special 2 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Glock 17 9mm Auto 65% 1d10 1 20 yards 3 98-00 17 8

    Head Butt 10% 1d3 --- --- 1 --- --- ---

    Kick 25% 1d3 --- --- 1 --- --- ---


    Agent Name: Abraham Sapien

    Occupation: Field Agent for BPRD

    Colleges, Degrees: Private tutoring at BPRD

    Birthplace: Unknown (estimated to be Washington, D.C.)

    Mental Disorders: Self-conscious about appearance, extremely shy, depressive, mild thallasophobia (oceans)

    Sex: Male Age: born prior to 1865

    Characteristics & Rolls

    STR 16 DEX 19 INT 14 Idea: 70%

    CON 18 APP 6 POW 17 Luck: 85%

    SIZ 14 SAN 85 EDU 16 Know: 80%

    Armor: 3 point scales Damage Bonus: +1d4

    Sanity Points: 85

    Magic Points: 17

    Hit Points: 16


    Six feet tall and slender, with greenish-grey scales covering the entirety of his body. His eyes are pale green, and he has fins on the back of his arms and legs and a number of gill-like protrusions at the base of his neck. Bald, with black markings upon his head and a small green patch of scales on his chin. He generally wears only a pair of black diving trunks and a BPRD utility belt, though he occasionally goes into the field disguised as a human, with a long coat, hat, scarf, and thick glasses.


    Abe Sapien’s origin is a mystery to even the BPRD. In 1878 he was found in a secret laboratory beneath the White House, kept unconscious in a large glass tank, with a piece of paper labeled “Icthyo Sapiens” and the date of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. For this reason the name “Abraham Sapien” was given him. Abe was awakened and examined by BPRD scientists, until freed and befriended by Hellboy. He has since been given Bureau training and become one of their most trusted field agents.


    Accounting 10%, Anthropology 25%, Archaeology 45%, Art (Film) 35%, Bargain 05%, Biology 35%, Chemistry 20%, Climb 70%, Computer Use 25%, Conceal 25%, Credit Rating 25%, Disguise 75%, Dodge 70%, Drive Automobile 50%, Electrical Repair 10%, Fast Talk 35%, First Aid 45%, Games (Chess) 65%, Geology 25%, Hide 50%, History 60%, Jump 75%, Law 15%, Library Use 45%, Listen 60%, Lockpicking 45%, Mechanical Repair 10%, Medicine 05%, Natural History 45%, Navigate 100%, Occult 35%, Other Language (French) 45%, Own Language (English) 90%, Persuade 35%, Photography 20%, Physics 15%, Pilot (rocket pack) 65%, Psychoanalysis 20%, Psychology 45%, Ride 15%, Sneak 70%, Spot Hidden 85%, Swim 150%, Throw 70%, Track 40%.

    Special Abilities & Flaws

    Amphibious (able to breathe water indefinitely)


    Vulnerable to dehydration (takes 4 HPs damage/day when not submerged in water for at least an hour, 8 HP if in dry climes)

    Rapid Healing (2 HP daily if submerged)

    Resistant to Cold (20 points resistance against cold temperatures)


    Glock 17 9mm automatic pistol and ammo


    ID for BPRD, firearms permit, etc.

    Flare grenades (2) (see below)

    Concussion grenade (1) (see below)

    Smoke grenade (1)

    BPRD signalling device

    BPRD signal tracking device

    BPRD personal communications device

    weapon % damage hands range attacks malf shots HP

    Fist/Punch 65% 1d3+1d4 1 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Grapple 55% special 2 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Glock 17 9mm Auto 85% 1d10 1 20 yards 3 98-00 17 8

    Head Butt 25% 1d3+1d4 --- --- 1 --- --- ---

    Kick 60% 1d3+1d4 --- --- 1 --- --- ---

    Martial Arts 65% special 1 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Flare Grenade throw 1d10+1d3 1 15 yards, 1 yard radius 1 00 1 6

    Concussion Grenade throw 3d8 1 15 yards, 1 yard radius 1 99-00 1 8


    Agent Name: Hellboy (real name unknown)

    Occupation: Field Agent for BPRD

    Colleges, Degrees: Private tutoring at BPRD

    Birthplace: Unknown (estimated to be Hell)

    Mental Disorders: Prone to violence, short-tempered, self-denial about origin, severe mood swings

    Sex: Male Age: found in 1944, estimated much older

    Characteristics & Rolls

    STR 30 DEX 15 INT 14 Idea: 70%

    CON 30 APP 06 POW 20 Luck: 20%

    SIZ 25 SAN 99 EDU 26 Know: 130%

    Armor: 6 point skin Damage Bonus: +2d6

    Sanity Points: 99

    Magic Points: 20

    Hit Points: 28


    Seven feet tall, weighs 400 pounds. Humanoid in shape, with bright red skin, glowing orange eyes, and horns (usually sanded down to nubs). Has cloven hoofs, a prehensile tail, and a large red stone hand which resembles a three-fingered gauntlet. Bald and black haired, he wears sideburns, a small beard, and a ponytail. Hellboy wears black shorts, a BPRD t-shirt and utility belt, and a tan trenchcoat.


    Summoned in 1944 by a group of Nazi mystics led by the mad monk Rasputin, Hellboy was discovered by a group of Allied soldiers, led by Dr. Trevor Bruttenholm. He was brought to the USA and tutored by Bruttenholm, growing quickly. Hellboy joined the BPRD after he was recognized by the UN as a human being in 1952, and has been working for them as a field agent ever since, with over 50 years of experience fighting and investigating the paranormal and supernatural. He has since discovered that his destiny is that of the Beast of the Apocalypse, a fate he is strongly against and lives in denial about.


    Accounting 10%, Anthropology 65%, Archaeology 70%, Astronomy 40%, Bargain 25%, Biology 25%, Chemistry 10%, Climb 70%, Computer Use 15%, Conceal 30%, Credit Rating 35%, Dodge 50%, Drive Automobile 50%, Electrical Repair 10%, Fast Talk 45%, First Aid 45%, Geology 45%, Hide 40%, History 80%, Jump 75%, Law 35%, Library Use 65%, Listen 55%, Mechanical Repair 15%, Medicine 05%, Natural History 50%, Navigate 20%, Occult 85%, Other Language (French) 40%, Other Language (German) 50%, Other Language (Infernal Tongue) 30%, Other Language (Latin) 60%, Other Language (Old Lemurian) 35%, Other Language (Spanish) 55%, Other Language (various) 15%, Own Language 130%, Persuade 30%, Photography 20%, Physics 15%, Pilot 20%, Psychoanalysis 10%, Psychology 45%, Ride 05%, Sneak 45%, Spot Hidden 65%, Swim 65%, Throw 55%, Track 25%.

    Special Abilities & Flaws

    Ambidextrous (no penalties for using off hand)

    Stone Hand (indestructible; can touch immaterial items; does 2d8 damage; clumsy, -50% to manipulation)

    Tough Skin (6 point armor)

    Resistant to Fire (20 points armor against fire)

    Regeneration (heals 1 HP every 3 hours)

    Unlucky (any roll of 91% on a gadget use, exertion, or manipulation skill use attempt results in automatic fumble where applicable; Luck roll is based on POW x 1%)


    75mm revolver and ammo


    ID for BPRD, firearms permit, etc.

    Flare grenade (see below)

    Concussion grenade (see below)

    BPRD signalling device

    BPRD signal tracking device

    BPRD personal communications device

    Various charms and amulets in trenchcoat pockets, small list on back of sheet, each requires a Magic Point to activate.

    weapon % damage hands range attacks malfunction ammo HP

    Fist/Punch (normal) 80% 1d3+2d6 1 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Right Hand of Doom 120% 2d8+2d6 1 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Grapple 75% special 2 --- 1 --- --- ---

    75mm Revolver 65% 8d6 1 30 yards 1 91-00 1 12

    Head Butt 60% 1d4+2+2d6 0 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Kick 55% 3d6+2 0 --- 1 --- --- ---

    Flare Grenade throw 1d10+1d3 1 15 yards, 1 yard radius 1 91-00 1 6

    Concussion Grenade throw 3d8 1 15 yards, 3 yard radius 1 91-00 1 8

  8. Back in 2005 Jason D posted his GURPS to BRP stats for Hellboy and the gang. He mentioned reposting them over in the movie thread in celebration of the new Hellboy movie, so I'll just repost them for him.

    Please note, these are based on the excellent work of Philip Masters and Jon Woodward. If you're a Hellboy fan and you don't have the GURPS Hellboy book, go out and get it now...

    ...I'll wait...




    Got it? Good.

    Again, these are Jason's, not mine. I'm just reposting them.

  9. Sadly, my understanding is that Chaosium can sell the books they have left when it comes to the Moorcock line and that's it. No reprinting is to be done and Gods of Law is very sold out. It is a crying shame because it did so many things right. It diverged a bit from canon, but it did so very well.

    It reintroduced Virtues, but they had a Unknown Armies Avatar vibe. You summon saints to gain special powers. There were three circles of initiation and with each circle, the power would be stronger. It introduced rules for the Barrier of Law. It introduced Mook rules. It fleshed out the history to the Church of Law. It also made the cult of Goldar kind of cool.

    If I had to choose two books to run an EC game it would be Elric! and Gods of Law. If I could add another, it would be Gods of Chaos. If I had a four, I'd add Bronze Grimoire.

  10. I've wanted to run Freeport since I bought the collected trilogy. One of those 'things on my list.' This morning, I was thinking about some random thing and then I said "Hey, what happens when you mix SB5 or higher level of power with the Sanity rules? That kinda sounds like Freeport."

    Anyone done it? Do the systems jive? Does it sound interesting to anyone? Is this just some obvious solution that I'm only slowly realizing?

    I have to admit, I've only played a little CoC and it's been a while since I've read the Sanity rules. I'm going to have to go back over them for a refresher.

  11. Well, Glorantha is it's own beast. I cut my teeth on the Rules Cyclopedia, so illusions are illusions. They'll do temporary damage unless you disbelieve unless you fall below your hit points. If you take too much damage, your brain tells you your dead... and you're dead.

  12. Mongoose now has the rights to publish Moorcock stuff, so Chaosium won't be reprinting. This is a shame because both Gods of Law and Gods of Chaos were insanely cool. I had run a bunch of games in the YK and started getting bored with it, so I decided to shelve the setting and do other things. Charles' monographs got me excited about the setting again.

    Edit: As far as content, Gods of Law had mook rules and a system of summoning Virtues. These were personified aspects of Law that the summoning champion would strive to emulate. If a worthy champion summoned the virtue, they would gain powers related to the given aspect of Law that the virtue represented. It was very well done.

    Additionally, he fleshed out some of the history of the YK and made Goldar not so ridiculous.

    It's really a shame that these books had such a small circulation. It's also a shame that we didn't get a Beast/Plant Lords book, an Elemental Lords book and a Balance book...


  13. It's not, by any stretch of the imagination, pretty - but the content is first rate.

    Agreed! It's a fantastic book, and had Chaosium held onto the RC line, I would have loved to see Gods of Law/Chaos integrated into the main book. My three books for a EC game are Elric! and Charle's books.

    ...which were both designed out by Marcus Bone and which look superb as well as having cracking content.

    Was Loz's Hawkmoon done by Marcus? Regardless, it's a lovely book as well. It's a shame that these monographs can't be reprinted.

  14. Out of curiosity Puck, have you seen The Bronze Grimoire? It seems to come close to what you're doing. Also, have you seen Melds from Darcsyde's Corum and the Magic System from Unknown East? Both have an interesting system for combining effects.

    Anyway, I like what you're doing. Looking forward to how it develops.

  15. Also, you can find them in 'Atlas of the Young Kingdoms, vol 1.'

    STR 2d6+6

    CON 3d6+6

    INT 4

    POW 2d6+2

    DEX 3d6+4

    MOVE: run 10, swim 2

    Bite 10% - 1d10

    Kick 20% - 2d4+db

    Plunge 20% - 2d3 +db

    ARMOR: 1d2 hair and hide

    SKILLS: Dodge 45%, Hide 40%, Move Quietly 50%, Scent/Taste 80%

  16. I'm really looking forward to this game, even more so now that it's homage. The 'Let's Read the Monstrous Manual' thread over at rpgnet has got me in the mood for some old school flavor.

    Is there any interest here in doing a support monograph? Four or five people could write up a single adventure? Then we could force threedeesix to format it... :)

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