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Everything posted by Zane

  1. I remember watching that show in the late 80's. I was in the Navy and would watch the episodes my Dad taped for me while home on leave. I felt the first season was pretty lame, though it had an excellent tie-in to the movie as I recall. I was surprised it was renewed for a second season. The Second Season was great, I really liked it. I believe in one episode they explain how things got so bad, and it had nothing directly to do with the aliens as I recall. Zane
  2. How many people remember the Trigan Empire? Especially those in the US. I've always liked the book of it I have that I got in the 70's. Zane
  3. I'm curious, how do either Disney or the ERB estate have any say as long as you limit the source material to that which is in the public domain? About half of the John Carter books are in the public domain in the US, as are several of the Tarzan books. Zane
  4. Weapons will have STR/DEX requirements I believe. Any chance of seeing firearms examples of those requirements? I can not wait to see the weapons tables in the book!
  5. As I just mentioned in my previous post in this thread, I'm looking at doing a sort of 1950's Interplanetary Sci-Fi. Sci-Fi is one area I really like, and I'm also interested in doing something where an Intergalactic Dark Ages is coming to a close, or possibly a human settled universe with a US vs. USSR style Cold War. I am also a big fan of grand "Space Opera" type settings, or downtrodden "Firefly" type settings. I am also looking at various 1930's Pulp ideas, though I must admit I'd really like to try "Pulp Cthulhu" for that. My players would like me to do Delta Green. Other things that might be fun would be Cyberpunk, or Post-Holocaust (either right after, or well after), or Doctor Who. Depending on what my players do in the next couple sessions there is a good chance that campaign will finally wind down, and I am personally leaning towards 1930's Pulp. Zane
  6. I started with the old D&D Red Box in the early 80's, then picked up the James Bond box, but it wasn't until I started playing Champions in '86 that I really got into RPG's. Over the years I've been able to occasionally find groups to play with, and have played various games, and own dozens more. A few years ago I was talking to coworkers about starting a game up, the one idea was Delta Green, but we ended up going with Call of Cthulhu (a game I first bought around '87). I've been GM'ing our Call of Cthulhu campaign for over 4 years now, when we're able to get together (the curse of busy professionals with lives). I'm totally hooked by the way BRP works, it and I just "clicked", unlike other systems I don't find myself having to repeatedly refer to the rules, even when it's been a year since our last session. I'd have gone crazy trying to run a campaign that has gaps of anywhere from 1 week to 1 year with any other rules. To say I'm anxious for the new book to be out would be a major understatement. I've already incorporated parts of the playtest rules into the campaign I am running, and am looking forwards to the moving the campaign from my modified CoC 5.6 to the new book! Moving forward I expect to use BRP for everything I run from now one. Zane
  7. If you can, try to get a copy of the 1930's Buck Rogers newspaper strips (actually started in the late 1920's and ran for decades). It is quite a bit different from either the serial or the TV series. For the original Buck Rogers you want reprints of the two pulp stories, but going from memory I'd just worry about finding a copy of the hardback volume that reprinted a lot of the early comic strip stories. My first introduction was this book, and the serial was a major disappointment as it is very different. One of the settings I'm looking at borrows from Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon (original Sunday Comics version, and serials), E.E. "Doc" Smith's books, the Tom Swift Jr. books, Perry Rhodan, and others. Basically I'd like to do a 1950's setting but with interplanetary travel being fairly widespread. I think it would be a blast, but I doubt my players would go for the idea. Zane
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