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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Thank you all for the input on trade. I've got a bunch to go on. So back to Nochet and Jaja's nice map: Are there any Black Arkat members in Nochet and if so where would they be hiding/hanging out, assuming they are trying to not draw attention to themselves?
  2. Understood that Etyries would flow between Karse and Furthest when Sartar is not at war with the Lunar Empire or after Sartar has been conquered and under the Lunar yoke. I am not seeing Etyries traders moving through Central Sartar while the Lunar invasion is in progress, as cities are being overrun, while Lunars move south without being molested? Would the US have let German bakeries drop off strudel, elevator components or whatever in New York via merchant ship to be sent to California and on to an Asian market? Trade would be utterly disrupted from Furthest to Karse while the conflict was progressing. Wasn't the need for a port the main reason Corflu was established because they couldn't get through Sartar and the Holy Country until after they were conquered/invaded? There wasn't an easy way to get goods through the Holy Country without paying high tolls and so they invaded?
  3. This makes sense and so the actual evil vile Lunars wouldn't be physically travelling through Sartar. They'd still need to figure out how to cross the "front lines" or "no mans land" with trade goods between where the Lunar forces and the Sartarites are camped... What is the year of the original Apple Lane Adventure pack and how old is Gringle in 1600? Also where might a Half-Elf be from that is a trader/merchant running to the Heortland? Are there any in Nochet with trade ties heading west from there?
  4. What would be anyone's guess as to the composition of the Lunar troops that partook in "Sartar Invasion Expeditionary Force" 1591? Tarshite armies are typically Orlanthi in composition. Several regiments of Lunar professional soldiers are maintained by the king and Lunar temples, and form the core of the Lunar Provincial Army. Tarsh can also call on two regiments of Yelmalio pikemen. (GtG p.170) Being that Tarshites were likely the majority of the forces attempting the Sartar Invasion of 1591 would Gordius Silverus or Jorad Sideburn been part of the leadership? Where would the battle(s) have taken place? Also, just curious, what are the details of Kallyr Starbrow's death? (I saw the illustration on p.169 in the GtG of Starbrow surrendering... when looking for Tarshites in the Guide.) Was it anything like Vercingetorix, who was imprisoned in the Tullianum in Rome for almost six years before being publicly displayed in the first of Caesar's four triumphs in 46 BCE. He was ceremonially strangled at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus after the triumph. A plaque in the Tullianum indicates that he was beheaded in 49 BCE.
  5. The Well of Daliath shows Sartar being invaded in 1591, maybe its skirmishes, boarder raids, etc.? Maybe its a typo? Or this isn't canon? https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/timeline-dragonpass/1561-1602-conflict-with-the-lunar-empire/
  6. I was reading the invasion starts earlier than 1602, I'll find it...
  7. Even while the Lunar troops are pillaging crucifying Sartarites and stealing from any Issaries traders they bump into? Maybe he was soft and partly the reason he was assassinated? Militarily-supremacism? When on what planet has a nation allowed trade to continue on their land or waters by an aggressor power who is killing their people? Look to the first two World Wars or during any other conflict, the trade vessels of even neutral powers were searched, seized and or sunk when trading with an enemy nation.. Someone please site where out of the goodness of Prince Terasarin's heart he says "even though my people are being butchered by the kind and benevolent Lunars its OK for the them to move freely through our lands and crucify my people"?
  8. This campaign is set to start at 1600 there wouldn't be many refugees or exiles unless they were from Tarsh or is there another war/conflict I am missing? Also why would any good Orlanthi bandit take issue with assaulting Lunars when they would perceive the Lunars as conducting religious genocide up north? Besides what caravans from the Lunar heartland would be crossing the front lines of a war to get down to Karse?
  9. So Lunar Eytries merchants are actively spying on everything from troop movements, leadership activity and the supply chain while their brethren are in progress with the Sartar invasion up north and the Prince is going to protect them?! That doesn't make any sense. Maybe that's why the bloodline is being assassinated or more like it deserves to be so? What gives here?
  10. Would there be many Lunars in Karse in 1600? I assume not as they are probably not very well received being in progress with the invasion of Sartar and secretly being supported by Belintar the God-King... Eyries merchants would likely be waylaid even more so than other travelers north of Karse on up to Tarsh? Also I was reading about Jaransbyrig? Where is it in relation to Backford and Milran?
  11. I agree with you Joerg, the PDF cost is very inexpensive for Carse. The Carse map isn't the same as the Refuge map shown above but that was pointed out. The Carse description is nearly 100 pages of detail, I'll save that for the weekend... The keep looks almost exactly like Caernarfon, which you pointed out. The link below has some great details on the Caernarfon Keep: https://medievalheritage.eu/en/main-page/heritage/wales/caernarfon-castle/ There are also some free downloads on the Midkemia site, which I didn't review but have linked for any who are interested. There is also a link to some purchase items, Carse is one of them. The boxed set looks nice online and if I like it I may try to fine one as a hard copy but they look a bit expensive at a glance... the map looks good as well. https://www.midkemia.com/HomePage/FreeStuff.html https://www.midkemia.com/HomePage/OrderForm.html I realize it may not be available and I don't speak French but I'd love to take a look if the map of Refuge if it is out their somewhere? I recall playing early Runequest back in the mid 80's running from the Hellhounds and fighting in the sewers below the city of Sanctuary... fond memories.
  12. So the only place to get the Refuge map I posted above is the French zine? I have the old Thieves' World Box but I like the Guillaume Fournier version. No worries If I cannot get it. I just like to have everything I can get within reason. LOL. Thanks again.
  13. Is the map actually in the zine? Does anyone know? Its like $5 for the PDF...
  14. Does anyone know where this Refuge Map comes from and if so could you link it please? The river and keep are similar to the Sanctuary Plan but I almost like this one better, plus it says Refuge... thank you once again all.
  15. As I said, it keeps getting better and better, thanks a whole bunch Jaja! Another question, when would the Aeol Temple have been built? Fantastic map BTW, I just found it last evening. Still years of catching up to do on my end...
  16. I know the Caprati family doesn't really arrive in Nochet until about 1619 but if it fits into the 1600 start of the campaign couldn't the Caprati family have sent a minor member of the family or liege to the region at about 1600 maybe to begin looking to set up trade with parts of Heortland for any number of things, perhaps even some ship building or repair contracts in Sklar, maybe this is where a relation starts with Gwydion of Sklar? He is going to be a major benefactor in the orphanage which took care of the Agimori twins in the campaign, basically adopts them... this keeps getting better and better for me... If the Caprati family would be known to the PC's even a few years later say 1605 or even one may be somehow married, adopted or hired through their contacts to work for the Caprati's, again through Gwydion, maybe he knows Father Teoberdt from Beyond the building Wall, (TotRM 13)? Also, I mentioned Captain Ortossno from Tradetalk 12, whom Saronil Whiteteeth was traveling with previously, to or from Nochet and Heortland, getting drunk on the beach with the Trader and the natives having a pig roast... How might I tie the Caprati's to Backford or the Heortland Coast as early as the du Tumerine's arrival in Nochet? Ideas and thanks for the input. Maybe one of the PC's is a Caprati themselves, albeit a low status family member or child of a Caprati Liege?
  17. The book would allow one to learn or would teach if a spirit, the Range skill for sorcery would it not? So it you have some sort of sight projection you could cast spells at a great range likely with additional MP's added, like some of the old sorcery rules...
  18. Does anyone have sources for he Book of Dale? Mr. Stafford wrote in WFN 04 "There is also the famous Book of Dale, compiled by a kind scholar of old. It is a tome of great power, containing some battle magics and, more important, the formulae for extending a mage's range." This sounds like it should be found and brought to one of the Knowledge temples for study? Any thoughts on where it is, what it contains and who may guard/own it? Maybe its on the shelf in a old tower somewhere, buried in the Pavis Rubble or even on one of the shelves in Lord Skyppens Mansion? On another note the mansion could easily be integrated into the Footprint/Jab Hills environ with all the scorpion man background in it? Its protected by illusion and well scorpionmen aren't very magically inclined? Maybe its a place to hide from the hordes when they sack Backford? Maybe the river running through the catacombs is an underground branch of the Syphon and has the Fish Road into the Footprint running through it? Thoughts/ideas?
  19. So if a short tunnel transports you into the bay it would be like traveling 15 if not 30 miles and so I assume it would be almost like a portal or your travel speed is drastically increased, which I like as if you are walking it'd take you a long time to get to the City of Wonders which is about 75 miles away from Backford? Jaja and Joerg discussed movement in the Fish Roads in detail earlier. Either way using the magical water road to boost travel speed makes sense. Bedknobs and Broomsticks and Broomsticks. Thank you for the input LG.
  20. Back to the Fish Roads for another question. What does the Fish Road "Terminal" or entry point look like? Sure it would have a shrine but as an entry, disembarkation point it seems there should be some sort of portal where offerings, spells are cast or prayed for? Is it an underground vault that has a "water curtain" that you walk through, maybe something similar to Asrelia's Cavern holds back the water? For whatever reason the center pool from the Shrine Of The Kuo-Toa comes to mind, set off to the side of the Syphon but underground like in that classic D&D module? Are there samples of what Seapolis or Deeper look like? Do Merfolk have beds? There must be a place were humans can stop along the way unless the Fish Roads move travelers fast enough to not need stay over night for food and sleep. What would underwater entertainment be? This is a magical world so maybe humans and other land-based creatures "hear" underwater?
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