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Everything posted by zanshin

  1. Added Book of Drastic Resolutions Chaos volume, Moon Rites, The Thieves Arm, Trade Talk 10 that may be of interest to Gloranthaphiles.
  2. Well, that is excellent news that it has been digitally archived. If anyone would like the dead tree version, please let me know 🙂
  3. Hi folks I am clearing house, and have 2 lever arch files filled with printouts of the discussions in RQ Digest back in the early days of the RQnet - includes details of The Gordayan IIRC (a wonderful hideous undead monster). The articles and banter catch a moment in time, so I am reluctant to just discard. If there is alot of interest I will prioritise people with a presence in the community who have a publication based interest. I will consider posting for the cost of postage - but they are pretty heavy, and I don't want to make money on this for obvious reasons. I am about to go away for a few days, but PM me if interested. I live near Rochester in Kent, UK.
  4. Added TradeTalk 6 and Heroes of Wisdom, The Jonstown Guide - a background publication for a freeform set in the Lhankor Mhy temple in Jonstown.
  5. More, more stuff added Questlines, a Reaching Moon Megacorps production for RQ Oz Con 1996 Tales of the Reaching Moon number 20 Sartar Rising, Barbarian Adventures vol 1 from Issaries Inc.
  6. Book of Drastic Resolutions went , as predicted Have added Tarsh War - The Lunar Army in Dragon Pass - a 1997 Freeform by CV Gidlow. It has a lot of material on Lunar regiments and their opposition, as well as character sketches. Also added The Gateway Bestiary - Sandy Petersens added monsters for RQ2.
  7. Yes, got a lot of use out of the Chaos one in particular. Loved the Ragnaglar Bad Wind cult , Urox's chaos brother.
  8. Now added the 1983 Runequest Companion, and the Book of Drastic Resolutions - Volume Darkness.
  9. Hi folks - I have this for the moment, and there wasn't a contents list on Daliaths Well, so have written up this for your interest. Hope you enjoy. The 1998 publication by Issaries Inc focus on the Uz. Edited by Stephen Martin, with articles by Greg Stafford, Sandy Petersen and diverse others. 118 pages plus 12 pages of the Kyger Litor Cult (because, you have to catch them all!). Contents 12 page separate insert on the Cult of Kyger Litor The turn of an unfriendly page - editorial Trolls & Trollkin (& ducks oh my!) - NPCs with ideas for their use The Jabugs - Five Flying trolls and their insect mounts Shadows Dance - on the geography and lore of that fabled place Dancing in the Shadows - On Trolls & Spirit Magic Who you gonna call? - Diverse opinions on the Uz I hate Trolls - a story from the life of Arkat What is Darkness? Meditations on that element The order & pattern of Darkness Tales of the Night Hag - daytime stories for young trolls Shaping the Darkness - the myths of the Ergnabs Clan Dark River Flowing - an account of a Lhankor Mhy and Argan Argar initiate A Troll Bestiary - Stats for a variety of darkness beasts, insects and demons A Treasury of Darkness - Uz plunder and items Return to Skyfall Lake Rodin in the Land of the Dark Elves Black Elf Brews - potions made by the Voralans Never Light - Report of an Argan Argar Caravan Xarkarsh & Aksena - The Uz of the Six Mountains Herka's Children - The Uz of the Elder Wilds Notes on the Cults of the Blue Moon Notes on the Cult of Argan Argar Crolar - The Cult of the Ancestor of Scorpions The Face of the Enemy - Fire Gods among the Uz Heroes of the Night - Darkness Hero Cults Kogag - the Cult of the Boatman Norag - the cult of the Cold Queen The Twin Shadows - Notes on the Cults of Xiola Umbar and Zorak Zoran Zugorteg - Cult of the Goddes of the Dark Earths Demons of Darkness More Spirits of Darkness The Fifth Tribe - the Culture of the Morokanth Dark Eater - Cult of the Lord of Shades & Sorcery Stygian Sorcery - new Darkness spells By All the Gods of Hell - Excerpts from the Gloranthan Encyclopaedia The Seven Hells What else is there to do around here? - A brief guide to other sources on the Uz
  10. Episode 9 - just wow. If ever insight was wanted into how intensely different cultures can be, this stands out. The acting by Anna Sawa (Mariko) - extraordinary.
  11. Thanks for the interest so far folks. Items being posted today. Have now listed Wyrms Footprints and another copy of A Rough Guide to Boldhome - the 92' Convulsion presents one.
  12. Sorry to spam, but added some more items of potential interest - Rough Guide to Glamour (the 1997 one), Proceedings in Malkionism and RQ Cities.
  13. Hi folks I am slowly offloading much of my roleplaying collection and it includes some items from back in the day - of most interest to people here I am selling A Rough Guide to Boldhome and Runemasters, as well as other items (including In Nomine, Superhero 2044, WHFRP). If you are interested, take a look at https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/kenjustu
  14. As a long time fan of the book (first acquired thanks to the strong recommendation of it in Bushido - the RPG) loving the new adaptation. They have made a number of changes from the book, but they work. Very good adaptation indeed. The actors of Blackthorne, Mariko and Toranaga deserve the plaudits they get, but Yabushige and Fuji are also portrayed brilliantly - Yabushige as the least zen of the Daimyo and Fuji brittly holding herself to her duty in the face of unimaginable loss. Superb.
  15. Just to say I ran the aforementioned Skyfall for my group and they loved it. Highly recommended.
  16. I have a copy that I won at auction at one of the Convulsion Cons in the 90's. One of the best such purchases I ever made. It's effectively a one shot with pre-gen characters who are seeking Thanatar initiation. I used it as a dream induced Heroquest for Storm Khan initiation - the characters got to learn the true horror of Chaos from personal experience. They did follow the plot line, and died horribly, but enjoyed it and it informed their 'meta' understanding of chaos in Glorantha. I absolutely think it's of publication quality, and gives you a bit of Cthulhu/Glorantha crossover in terms of feel.
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