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    fat middle aged man

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  1. I know that, but those women haven´t met our Storm Bulls. They really are barely humans 😄 Finding women for them, aargh
  2. Of course. Lack of sex is an obvious deficiency, a medical condition ! And healers know all about such things 🙂
  3. What might a healer of Chalana think of the Bull´s drinking. And eating meat. Fornicating she probably doesn´t mind...
  4. But the Storm Bulls would probably say ´No thanks´ to a date night with Babs. Even they have limits 🙂
  5. Not celibate, but unmarried, at least initiates
  6. A date night for Babeesteri and Storm Bulls was one idea I was considering
  7. Storm Bulls are mindless brutes and barely human, right? How difficult it is for them to find wives? Who would take such a suicidal (and probably penniless) maniac as a husband? I was wondering if this could spawn an adventure, like finding wives for a whole camp of Storm Bulls 🙂
  8. The Windlord could use the Eurmali as a scapegoat ? Beat the sh** out of him, everything is fine again
  9. A truly great & quality product 💙Can hardly wait for the rest 🙂
  10. The problem with Argrath is this. He´s the ultimate crazy cultist who knows everything. He can do anything. He´s been everywhere. He can kill anyone. He hardly reminds a human, he´s like Superman but worse, there´s no kryptonite to kill him --> he´s boring. Impossible to relate with
  11. Just about to introduce Harrek to our campaign. I´m thinking The Undertaker 😄
  12. Well, the Black Spear gave me the idea. Argrath the Junkie --> Argrath the Dude
  13. Well, like I said: he had a 50% chance and he failed. And it turned out he´s not a unique snowflake, someone more worthy was found. Someone who´ll kick Red Emperor´ s lily ass ! 😏
  14. Well, our Argrath is not known as Argrath, he´s known as the Bull, or more often as the Dude 😄
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