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Posts posted by Jose

  1. On 5/22/2022 at 4:48 PM, Jeff said:

    The Wind Children are the descendants of Air spirits and mortals who mated in the Gods Age. They are able to deal with Air spirits as kin and are far more attuned to the Air Rune than humans. They might even understand and label the Air Gods differently than earth-bound humans do, as their proximity to them gives them a more Air-oriented perspective - like looking at clouds and weather systems primarily from the point of view of a pilot rather than a farmer.

    HI, one of my players is playing a praxian initiated to the thunderbird and told me he provides cloud call spell, Is that true? Thunderbird It's not in the official books. 



  2. 1 hour ago, David Scott said:

    young_female_wind_spirit_from_india_dancing_i_e9b3147b-e478-4d2e-b067-3797acf1d64e.thumb.png.0d59283a0ced41a10a84add7c71108e5.pngReading the section again, Orlanth must be the Breather Within, with the sisters usually receiving collateral worship from Orlanth. Except during the occupation in which it was the other way round. I'd imagine them as a couple of wind spirits that constantly dance through the tunnels circulating the air, never meeting so the air always goes the same way. Their statues are just a focus for their worship (I don't think they are air pumps). If they have any magic, it's likely a form of Wind Warp to blow out stale air and smells from the odd corner now and then.

    As lamps and candles shimmer, a stuffy room or a steamy kitchen is cleared, people say aha blessing from a Breather Sister. Those who live and work in the pockets leave flowers and coins on their statues. On Orlanth's High Holy days the sisters can be seen dancing through the corridors, every one who see them hopes they will be touched by them as they pass as it's a good omen for the coming year. Or something like that.

    A very useful explanation, thank you David, that explain how it was posible that their magic worked during the Evil year when Orlanth was trapped in the underworld. Very useful indeed. 

  3. Hi, We are about to begin our campaign (boldhome 1614) and I have questions because one of my players want to be initiated in the Breather Sisters as part of an Orlanth secret resistance movement. Are they goddesses with a spirit cult? Are they the air equivalent to the ernaldan snake daughters or feminine versions of thunder Brothers? 


  4. Hi I have the red book of magic now so I am thinking about their cults and maybe plan to use firshala's cult as template. What do you think. Instead of firesoul I will use Charisma for dolphin Sister, great leap for frog sister, clear sight for owl sister. The others I accept suggestions. 


  5. 9 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

    Not what you were asking for, but we do have a picture of a diphallic Lodril shrine image in Citizens of the Lunar Empire.

    Its funny, but I have a soft spot for Lodril really. Is my opinion that he is more like us that most of gods "most of us like sex, drink and eat with friends and family or celebrate, even working to live not living to work" and I am eager to read the cults book to create an adventurer. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Martin Dick said:

    Nysalor is a god of liberation, but maybe more at the individual level as opposed to a societal level

    I always think about Nysalor as Morpheo's speech to Neo at the virtual dojo or well... a draconic being teaching Argrath "do you think that what you breath... is air Argrath? All of this is an illusion, liberate your mind! " 

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    Old Uncle Lodril is the lazy, destructive father of those useful Low Fires - Mahome the Hearth Fire, Gustbran the Work Fire, and Oakfed the Sacred Fire. Thank Yelmalio that they are nothing like their father!

    I think everyone knows Lodril stories, even if he gets no cult in Dragon Pass (except where there are volcanoes perhaps). Lodril is deeply involved in the myths of Asrelia, a comic rival of Orlanth (who gets depicted as a fat red-faced drunken fool whose phallus drags on the ground), and is the father of Ernalda and Maran Gor.

    So, that is how Maran got her disorderly nature... Nice! 

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    Most of the relevant info is in the Homelands section of the Core Rules. Orlanth & Ernalda are the most popular cults, Maran Gor is very important... The Cults book is just going to give a long write up (Mythos and History, Nature of the Cult, Organisation), so there's some info on the Great Temple organisation, a paragraph on the Tarsh exiles, a few more associated cults (Kero Fin, Lodril, Voria (no magic)) and a paragraph on Sorana Tor. Maran Gor has no subcults. Maran Gor is a tiny cult, but important here as this where her Great Temple is and so dominates the local politics.

    In the absence of an Old Tarsh sourcebook, you may find the Unspoken Words, In Wintertop's Shadow (2002) and Wintertop Fair (2004) both by Ian Cooper, useful resources to use. While written 20 years ago for Hero Wars and HeroQuest 1, the background and adventures are easily adaptable to RuneQuest and whatever Lunar or post-Lunar setting you favour (if you can find copies... @blackyinkin)



    No subcults? Uhm... Broad space to be creative, I am thinking about snake daughters for start, Maran gor priestess can summon them. The bestiary rules says that they act as a subcult in earth temples. 



  9. Hello Tribe! 

    We know Maran is an important goddess for the Tarsh exiles, so my question is this:

    Will the cults book allow us to play a full Tarsh Exile campaign as Maran Gor worshippers with subcults, more associated cults and all that jazz...? 


  10. 20 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    A towering reputation as an extremely successful raider, with the charisma  of an alpha-lion and the magic of Orlanth. He seems to be a bit of an analogon to Ariovist, the Suebi leader that caused Caesar quite a bit of trouble with his Gallic allies, or to the leaders of the great Danish army/fleet collecting the Danegeld from the Anglo-Saxon kingdom for years.


    As far as I know, tribal warbands plus adventurous "knights" from the Trader Prince castles seeking loot and maybe some glory. The Solanthi are happy to follow his summons, and the Ditali prefer following him to raid Esrolia over his raiders looting their lands rather than just requisitioning their food on their way through.


    The promise of the big loot from temples and cities too large and too well defended for lesser alliances to overcome.

    Don't expect much organisation or cohesion while on the march, these will be a lot of disparate war bands following the signals of one of Greymane's lieutenants as promptly as they feel like. The need for cooperation against the hard targets is what keeps cohesion, the same way Jaldon leads disparate groups of Praxian raiders into Dragon Pass and beyond.

    Hiring out as mercenaries takes a little more coercion and cohesion, but nobody expects the western barbarians to behave in any other way than as barbarians, and woe to the natives that they take up quarters with.



    There is a good reason why there are hardly any scenarios where player characters join one of these raiding ventures. A big raiding army like this will commit atrocities along their way. The leaders will be happy if they can avoid bloodshed between the disparate bands, protecting the farming population that they rely on feeding the troops is well beyond the control even Greymane can command. Check these excellent three blog posts on ancient logistics:





    Greymane is a raider, not a major campaigner. His warriors will be mostly self-sufficient warriors, with rather few noncombatant supporters, and porters captured during the plundering as human chattle is one of the rewards for plundering overpopulated Esrolia.

    I wonder if being orlanthi those raiders don't have big troubles with their ernaldan rituals for spoiling the earth in those raids. 

  11. Hello everyone, 

    Does anyone know how this guy lead his campaigns against the holy country? 

    Did he use a lot of warbands? Various groups at regiment level? A couple of armies of legion level... Maybe a mix of everything... It seems odd speak of an ambush in "lion feast" Battle. A lot of calvary maybe? 

    And how, in Solara's name, did he manage to keep together all that people? 


  12. 4 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Remember that the point of the demo game is that there is no Yara Aranis Rune magic!

    @jajagappa's spell list is still correct, with associate cult Gorgorma giving Nightmare, Gerra gives Crack, and as usual the Red Goddess gives Chaos Gift.

    I just wanted to be prepared, just in case 😈

  13. What kind of spells gives Yara aranis? I think absorption, terrify horse, sprout arms. I am planning the adventure "Stealing the Eye". So any info would be appreciated. 


  14. 9 hours ago, David Scott said:

    You could have the Rune spells discovered as the cult develops. If there are not enough worshippers, just make it a simple hero cult with one special Rune spell.

    Aram ya-Udram is one of the three subcults of the Bloody Tusk, he provides Command Swine and Pain Tooth.

    Thank you David, I had no idea it was a subcult with Pain tooth included. 

    Thanks again, I will follow your recommendations. 

  15. Hi, what kind of cult would have one of the silver age heroes if rediscovered through a heroquest as Argrath did to the white bull? I was thinking use the Orgovalte cult as a guide (common rune spells +3 special spells) 


    Aram ya udram: all common rune spells + command swine + dismiss or control shade all sizes (one of them, not sure which one) + detect honor or fearless (one of them, not sure which one). 

    Heroquest: Gorger/earth pact: appaise earth

                         Kero fin (Uleria's necklace of diamonds: Charisma) 




  16. 5 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Bear in mind that the upcoming cults of Glorantha doesn't change any of the cult structures from the core rules, it gives more detail. If you are using RQG, I'd suggest sticking with that rules set for continuity.

    If you want to use older material that has no equivalent in the current rules, use those and modify them accordingly. I'd suggest re-reading the Rune Lord section in the Core Rules (page 278) as it discusses the duality of the statuses of Rune Lord and Rune Priest.

    If a player really wanted to be an Argan Argar Rune Lord, i'd add it as a localised subcult (I would however remind them that the concept of a martial diplomat is an oxymoron). However there are much better martial cults with Rune Lords that would work better.

    Thanks for the info, I didn't know if the cult would change, kimantori and all that, in Cults  book again. No rune lords then. OK for me. 


  17. On 9/21/2022 at 10:18 AM, Nick Brooke said:

    Pick up Trollpak if you want to play as a troll. It's one of the RuneQuest Classics, but the lore won't change much and the rules are very similar to RQG's.

    I strongly recommend the DuckPac series on the Jonstown Compendium: Book 2 - Duck Adventurers is all about playing as a duck.

    The old Cult Compendium is a lovely collection of cult writeups for RuneQuest Classic, many of which are being lightly updated (with new art) for RQG.

    There are some new Cults books in the works (they should be the next major RuneQuest release), and I hear there's a complete ElfPack manuscript, but given the state of the world and the enthusiasm of our supporters Chaosium doesn't like to announce release dates for future books until they're finished, printed and shipped.

    HI, I realise that argan argar has rune lords in troll pack but not in RQG. Those who have seen the pre_cults book can tell me which is correct? Thanks

  18. On 3/2/2022 at 5:40 AM, davecake said:

    Yes. They all exist individually, and are more commonly worshipped individually in the heartlands, but the collective cult is the (state supported) missionary cult in the provinces, with more of a mixture in areas in between, like the most Lunarised provinces. 
    Yanafal is like Humakt but more associated with Imperial military service, and very different Geases. Irripi is like Lhankor Mhy (or really, Buserian - and again more associated with the Imperial bureaucracy), but the access to Lunar spells (and Lunar and other celestial sorcery) makes the cult, especially the higher echelons, potentially quite different. Deezola is essentially Lunarised Dendara (and Dendara is similar to Ernalda). Jakaleel is a shamanic tradition. Danfive will probably be the most surprising in the cults book - not just a cult of penitents, but with some hunter tradition magic for hunting down wrong doers. Norri is barely a cult at all, but more like a charity Lunar priests run. 
    She Who Waits is essentially a mystic tradition, the path to Illumination (and beyond) for those in the various Seven Mothers cults. It doesn’t function as a cult. But is the guardian of Illumination including the Sevening Rites by which the Lunars encourage Illumination through mind melting Lunar magic (not the only path to Illumination the Empire follows, but the main one for Seven Mothers members).

    The Red Goddess cult is an important one in understanding how the whole thing works, too. You can only join if Illuminated, and a senior Lunar magician, such as a priest or Rune Lord of a Lunar deity, and even then it is not automatic. You get the taint of Chaos, and other extra magic (just like in RQ3). So the most senior members of the Lunar religion, and the most magically capable, of any of the many sub-cults, will be initiates of the Red Goddess, and this is tightly controlled by the Red Emperor. 

    Hello, I am to allow to a exiled follower of Dezzola the spells summon earth elemental, charisma, regrow limbs, heal mind, bless crops, heal body and all common spells. And use the ernalda cult as template for skills and advancement. 

    Something I should change? 


  19. 17 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    Orlanth Thunderous's rains are the source of the Oslira...

    It will be a lot easier to recover rune points participating in Orlanth holy ceremonies while part of  an orlanthi group. 

  20. 2 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Until the cults book comes out, I'd do as you suggested and use Engizi as a template.

    Oslira has some differences in Rune magic from Engizi:

    Breathe Air/Water, Command CrocodileCommand Fish, Control Flood, Dismiss Water Elemental (any size), FloodFireshield, Strongnet, Summon Naiad, Summon Crocodile, Summon Water Elemental (any size), and Water Walk. 

    Varnaga the Crocodile God serves Oslira as her spirit of reprisal (hence all the Croc Rune magic). A River priest's allied spirit can be a fish, crocodile, or water elemental.

    Associate cults (some clearly depending on location)

    • Biselenslib the Heron Goddess
    • Black Eel - a tributary
    • Erinflarth - a tributary
    • Everina the Rice Goddess
    • Jadarenasa the Mother Loon (river folk only) - check out Awaken Loon in RBM!
    • Lodril (husband)
    • Pelora
    • Orlanth Thunderous (Dragon Pass) - source
    • River Horse
    • Shargash (lover)
    • Yelm
    • Yestendos the Reed Boy (husband-son)
    • Other River Cults

    Thanks David, I am surprised about Orlanth being associated but my friend will be happy with that because his party has orlanthi in it. 


    Thanks again

  21. Hello people, a friend of mine want to play a grazelander follower of Oslira. Can he use Engizi as a template? Or has Oslira different spells?




  22. 6 hours ago, RandomNumber said:

    Hopefully someone from Chaosium will cauterize this and tell us what was intended. Or perhaps it's a case of Your Metal May Vary given the colours "described are often metaphysical and not actual"

    I feel a disturbance... in the cosmic matrix... Better you get the pdf first🤣🤣🤣 and wait for reviews. 

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