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Marty Jopson

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Everything posted by Marty Jopson

  1. Boom! Code received and slipcase ordered. Happy person will now return to work... 😊
  2. I have not the wit to add much to the outpouring of communal loss I have just read in this long thread. My deepest condolences to Greg's family, to those that worked with him and to those who had the honour to meet him. I never had that privilege. I don't have tales of remembrance to tell. So tonight I will do the next best thing, I will sit down with one of the new Glorantha books and read my way into his imagination once again, just as I did for the first time nearly 40 years ago. Thank you Greg.
  3. Awesome news! Just in time for my return from holiday. Oh and @Dragonsnail when you say Red Cow books do you mean Coming Storm and Eleven Lights?
  4. Ooooh leatherette. Wrap anything in faux animal hide and I’m interested. My bank balance less so...
  5. So - we have the Bestiary (all very lovely) and now I am just awaiting the GMs pack thingy. What are the odds we get this before Gen Con? Not that I'm going to Gen Con, but the event looms large over the rpg landscape. It would quite a trip from Yorkshire...
  6. Oooooh - slip case. I love a slip case. It keeps the shelf tidy.
  7. Cool. Thanks for the info. The pack sounds like it will do the trick and give me somewhere to start. I’ve been a long term Glorantha fan - but only ever from afar. It’s pretty daunting when you have never run the setting before - hence the need for a leg up. I await future releases and news with anticipation...
  8. Hi All, Loving RQG so far. I vaguely recall seeing a date of release for the Bestiary as 15th July but what of the GM pack thingy? I understand the GM pack will come with a scenario(s) and a sandbox campaign - or something like that. Truth is I am a bit confused as to what is on the cards for release. Is the GM pack different from the GM book? Cheers
  9. Has anyone heard from Threedeesix (aka Tod) lately? I recently picked up the pdf of Classic Fantasy and have been trying to contact him about the updated version he spoke about earlier in this thread. Before I commit the pdf to the printer and burn up an ink cartridge, it would be cool to get my grubby hands on the tweaked version. Ta
  10. I'm confused... Nothing new I realise, but will the soon-to-be-released BRP rules have a full suite of rules to tackle far future games, a bit like Traveller? So, in addition to weapons and spaceships will it have star system creation rules? I am looking to start a Traveller-like game in the new year and I'm trying to decide which system to use - BRP or the Mongoose Traveller. I fear the new version of Traveller will make my potential players recoil in horror. They are used to CoC rules and other systems are not viewed favourably. Cheers
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