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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Blackjack? I guess what my problem is is this: Why is the sneak gaining a benefit from failing to beat the spotters superior roll? If the spotter rolled a regular success and the sneaker rolled special, would the sneaker be penalized as well? What if they both roll vanilla success? I've been trying to wrap my head around this or come up with a house rules version, like maybe both roll d100+ their skill score, whoever wins, well, wins. Suggestions? Was mentioned that this was a favorite topic, could someone link me to a thread? How do other GMs handle this? Does this single post give me a bonus to my ForumTroll score? Yes, I will surely have many more questions for you good patient folks.
  2. Hey, I'm a noob to BRP but already a big fan of the system. I haven't played it yet but am planning on GMing soon as the others in my group are just players... Anyway I have a question about opposing skill rolls. In the golden book there is an example of a character using hide verses another using spot. It reads that the hiding character rolls a success and the spotter rolls a special success. That the hiders success reduces the spotters special success to a normal success even though the spotter rolled a better success rate. Is this an error? Seems to me the special success should reduce the hiders success to a fail... I would love some examples of why this is the case, if you please? I'm pulling my hair trying to figure it all out. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi all! I was cruising the Metacreator site asking peeps if it was compatible with a game system I was desiging. Several peoples sent me messages saying my system was pretty identical to CoC and BRP. I've played /DMd dang near everything from blue book DnD back in '78 to 4.0 . Top Secret, traveller, Gamma World, Rolemaster, Star Frontiers, Star Wars (d6 and d20), Star Trek(old school). Anyway I decided to make my own system that took the best of these ideas and put them together. Little did I know Chaos did the work for me. I dowloaded the quick start and freaked out. Some of the system was almost word for word identical to what I was attempting. I found a BRP gold book at the RPG store in town(25% off) and tore into it. I laughed. I cried. I cursed aloud... It is almost identical to my system. So here I am. A new fan of what a friend of mine calls "The greatest game no one knows about." A few house rule tweaks and it will shine. Glad to be a part of this community and would like to thank Chaosium for doing so much of my design work for me.
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