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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Yes! Zombies should be a fairly easy kill. If you're using the contagious bite spin (ala walking dead) just one lucky bite ends it all. Let'em take on the hoards if they think rolling up new characters is fun. LOL. Once one or two PCs drop from a single bite everyone will be more careful.
  2. I recently did a walking dead game using what El -octo said and it was great fun. Good luck!
  3. BUT, oh bringer of Stoat Vengeance, had you taken the initiative and ASKED to proofread the materials you didn't even know existed...
  4. Almost done....You'll notice a lot of blank spaces. These will be auto filled during generation. Here's 3 of the 6 pages!
  5. Hey Nakana, I'd like to maybe use this as a background image on the character generator I'm making to post for free here. Cool?
  6. Don't forget the torches and pitchforks if the locals find out his condition. Lol
  7. This may or may not help, Kevin(?), as I'm unfamiliar with RQ6s rules regarding this, but my own house rule is excepted by MY picky players and goes as follows: Subtract 1 point per SIZ of every individual in melee, who's not the target, from the attacker skill% Starting from smallest to largest, subtract each combatants SIZ from 100, keeping track of their range. (Ie: a halfling with SIZ 6 would have a threat range of 94-100, then the dwarf SIZ 10 would have a range of 83-93.) If the attacker rolls his skill % and comes up with 85 ,he would hit the Dwarf instead of the target. If the attackers skill % is say 150%, you could rule that subtracting 16 (total SIZ) would not give an opportunity to hit another person in melee unless the attacker fumbles.
  8. I'm with Rod. They are undead and therefore should not be able, or interested in reproduction. It sounds to me like the player wants all the strengths but none of the weakness of the condition. It's a power balance, slippery slope that leads to less enjoyment in the end. If you allow it, however, I would definitely add some weakness like: 1. Can't regenerate HP without burning POW and can't regenerate POW without blood. 2. Can't receive magic healing. 3. Silver or holy weapons cause more damage or take more POW to heal. 4. Can't cross running water or 5. Can't enter sanctified grounds And DEFINITELY Can't make spawns.
  9. Zombens back! Go on vacation? LoL!
  10. I've been hard at work updating my Magic World Character Generator for NBOS and it's looking pretty good! I've all but completed the actual character gen process and am working with adding a page for purchasing gear.. Pretty soon we'll have a self contained generator that will take players, step by step, through races (calculating characteristics for human,dwarf, elf,half orc, half elf,and halfling per MW ), calculating starting funds and skills per occupation, calculate skills based on base%, experience raises%, and modifiers, on and on. The shop page will allow purchasing weapons,gear, and armor placing them in the inventory sheet after spending the bronze. All editable and printable of course.
  11. I've been hard at work updating my Magic World Character Generator for NBOS and it's looking pretty good! I've all but completed the actual character gen process and am working with adding a page for purchasing gear..Pretty soon we'll have a self contained generator that will take players through races (calculating characteristics for human,dwarf, elf,half orc, half elf,and halfling per MW ), calculating starting funds and skills per occupation, calculate skills based on base, experience raises, and modifiers, on and on. The shop page will allow purchasing weapons,gear, and armor placing them in the inventory sheet after spending the bronze.
  12. Can't give credit and I am in no way affiliated,, but I personally appreciate the work any and everyone does to help bring new works to my gaming table. Thank you for your contribution! *Dons mantle of protection from stoats *
  13. Any of you RPG geniuses had a chance to read through this yet? I'm interested in what you think. http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=546
  14. Updated for errata to 1.2 Will make additional changes as needed when they are pointed out or discovered. Okay. Here's the new improved Manual of Monsters v1.1 I've prettied it up. Got rid of the excel tables, put all the data in a format more like MWs monsters, made some changes to the more powerful creatures so they are more...powerful and in line with Advanced Sorcery, added some Deep Magic and Fey magic, and corrected some other errors. As always please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, improvements. If one of the moderators would like to place this in the Download/Fantasy section of the forums, that would be good. It's too large a file for me to do so. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59999343/brp/Manual_of_Monsters1.2.pdf Enjoy!
  15. I'm on the T's for manual of monsters 2.0 so almost done. (Grinding teeth ) Soon after I'll link a new character sheet with lots of examples to reverse engineer. I still have to figure proper "if/then " scripts before it'll be fully automated generator. I'm looking at making a "shop" page to buy and sell gear as well....
  16. This is the script for generating random numbers in Javascript. function RandomStat( f) { //4d6 drop the lowest var astat = new Array( d6(), d6(), d6(), d6()); astat = astat.sort(); f.Text = astat[1] + astat[2] + astat[3]; //ie, skip the lowest val which is stored in astat[0] } function RandomizeAllStats() { RandomStat( Strength); RandomStat( Dexterity); RandomStat( Constitution); RandomStat( Intelligence); RandomStat( Power); RandomStat( Appearance ); } In NBOS designer you simply tell the button to look up the script by placing the following in the source box: RandomStat( Strength) Hope this helps and is what you wanted.
  17. I've figured out the JavaScript to enable rolling characteristics randomly and will start work on a completely contained generator when I'm done with Manual of Monsters 2.0 (For NBOS Magic World Character generator )
  18. On one hand, I want my players to have variety. On the other, I worry that a lot of spells are over powerful for this world and am too lazy to house rule 300 individual spells. LOL
  19. Survey on Classic Fantasy Spells: Chroniclers, do you allow them? Players, do you prefer they be included or no? Reasoning? I'm on the fence but leaning towards not using them suddenly...
  20. I'm working on the improved Manual of Monsters ,and it Does look nicer without the excel tables, but it's taking awhile to redo all the stats. I'm finding some errors as well so I really don't recommend DLing the previous version. I'll update it soon.
  21. This is wonderful. Thanks Chaot! Published in 1996? I have some research to do.
  22. I did just this in my AD&D monster manual conversion to Magic World. There are a dozen entries in the original work that necessitate it. Ie: "For every 20 Bugbears encountered, there is a leader. " I make the leader slightly tougher/stronger/bigger (a couple more HPs from SIZ+CON ) and slightly more intelligent. Then typically add 50% of the original creatures base skills to the leaders skill, so if the original has a club 50%, the leader has 75%. If the original can Track 30%, the leader can track 45%. Ect...
  23. Does flame of the sun allow a MP: MP resistance roll? I don't have my book in front of me, but all Deep Magic spells against a living target allow MP:MP resistance. I may be over thinking this anyway. Or under thinking it, since having ,say, the Flesh Sphere and Transmutation Glyph would allow Flesh to Stone. LOL. Kinda short sighted of me to think about damage spells. I really appreciate your insight Harshax. I'm surprised none of the authors/editors had anything to add...
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