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Posts posted by Jarulf

  1. 10 minutes ago, Zit said:

    I may have overseen this in this long thread, but something seems to be slightly inconsistent in the combat rule :

    So actually during combat, the final chances of success never go beyond 100% (except if one of he combatant neither parries nor dodges, a very unlikely event). Then, on same page:

    ...hence based on the 100% for the highest skilled fighter, and a special never go beyond 20% and a critical beyond 5%

    Which contradicts the following:

    ... which he will never enjoy because his final modified chances of success will never go beyond 100%

    Or did I miss a point ?

    I take it to mean that the reduction to 100% doesn't count into the "final modified skill", it comes after that as it were.

    No idea if that's correct, but the only way I can make sense of the text.

  2. I can understand your frustration and it would be a real pity if Classic Fantasy's particular brand of, uh fantasy wasn't catered for. Looking at the various BRP alternatives available, I'm not sure any of them would be a perfect fit. Open Quest strives for simplicity, to cut down on as much extra stuff as possible which may not be Classic Fantasy's way of doing things. Legend and RuneQuest 6 would require quite a bit of changes as well I think. What about Aeons? I don't know all that much about it to be honest, but the impression I get is that it will be close to Chaosium's RQ2. If I understand things correctly, that is one of the main points of the system so we can run all the old Gloranthan Classics without having a copy of the old rules od do any conversions. It seems to me this may be closer to Classic Fantasy? The drawback however would be that Aeons is still being developed.

  3. I am also interested in whether there are any ad/disad systems in place in any BRP products?


    Steve Perrin's Quest Rules uses an ad/disad system I think. It hasn't been published yet, but is being worked on. Take a look here for his site. There's also a yahoogroup.

  4. Mongoose has released Arms of Legend as a pdf on Drivethru.

    If anyone has both this and the MRQ2 version could you give us an idea how they differ? I assume they got the right weapons table this time, but what about the ship rules, construction etc?

  5. Interesting replies guys, and I think Pete pretty much summed it all up.

    Thinking about it a little, I suspect one of the main issues is the one mentioned by Thalaba; that people want to play Conan himself. Or someone just like him and as Pete says he is meant to be invincible. That doesn't translate well into any RPG of course.

    Now, I just need to find someone on-line who wants to GM MRQ2 Hyboria for me, this has wetted my appetite. :)

    And perhaps I should read a few of the stories.

  6. A friend and I have had a discussion about BRP's suitability for playing Conan. He likes BRP but thinks it is much too deadly for the type of heroics Conan gets into and prefers D&D for this. I don't really have an opinion as I haven't read that many of the stories, just pointed out that with double hitpoints, Hero Points, perhaps some Super Powers to beef up the PCs and mook rules you could at least make the characters a lot more robust.

    I've also seen comments that the perfect system for Conan would be Mongoose RuneQuest 2 (and presumably the forthcoming RQ6) so why these different views? Apart from system loyalty, why is this? Do people read the stories differently, see the fights differently, view the comics, the movies or the stories as more important?

    I'm just curious about people's experiences and views, mostly out of idle curiosity.

    EDIT: And let's just assume that when I say BRP, I mean D100 in general.

  7. A Luck roll would (obviously) work just as well, and might give the game a slightly different feeling in how magic works. I'm sure there are other ways of tweaking active spells like this, tailoring them for a specific setting. One of the reasons we all love BRP :)

  8. and I really wish there was an art-free epub version available.

    Another vote for epub, but I wouldn't mind if the art was still there.

  9. Interesting settings. A late-medieval/early renaissance low fantasy Italy, or reconquista Iberian Peninsula inspired setting. Look at Gay Gavriel Kay's novels for what I mean. Cults, guild, towns etc for above.

    A series of connected solo adventures (solo as in "go to section 45 if you try to sneak past the guard") for the above (that way, you can sell more than just the solos and possibly make a bit of money).

    I'm not interested in elves, dwarves and so on. Anything like that would have to be very different and new to interest me.

    Legend or RQ6 would both be fine, I'll get both and until RQ6 is out it's hard to say which'll be my first choice. I could live with OpenQuest and BRP as well.

  10. The red robes swirl as in a light breeze, though the air was still and the figure motionless. Then, slowly he raises his arms revealing skeletally thin arms and begins to chant in an unholy language. The necromantic ritual begins.

    Anyway, I'm on google+ as Bo Rosén. Invites can be sent if desired, but I need an email addy.

  11. Deus Vult? ;)

    How about this then?

    The most important of these precursor orders existed during

    the Roman era. The Averrunci were a secret sect under the

    direction of certain rich families. At night, they would creep

    through the streets of Rome, searching for foreign priests,

    druids, practitioners of human sacrifice, magi and demon-


  12. For what it's worth, loz pretty much summed up my own experience from playing face to face as a kid. I'm not good at maths, but multiplying by five or rounding is not generally a problem, but doing it quickly in a social situation can be just that extra bit stressful. Enough to make it take longer, and as a teen that wasn't much fun even if no one commented on it.

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