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Primo Cavaliere

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  • RPG Biography
    I started at high school with Dungeons&Dragons Red Box set, and never stopped playing RPG since then. I run the Great Pendragon Campaign for 2 years, with a peak session with 18 players... I'm working, well I've no time to do it, on a Crusade/Pendragon Campaign.
  • Current games
    I'm running the Odyssey of the Dragon Lords
  • Location
    Turin, Italy
  • Blurb
    I've a son, his name is Arthur.

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  1. Yes, the squire will start with 1.000, getting another 1.000 for knighthood and 1.000 for marriage? Meaning that at the start of a campaign you'll find knight with 3k glory? It seems to me a great powerup
  2. Yes, Luca, you are right. Even if, considering the 1/4 factor, it still may mean that your character starts with 1.100 glory as a young squire, then gets 1000 glory for being risen to knighthood. So at the first session of a campaign you will have a knight with 2000 Glory, meaning 2 "magic points" to be added where the player wants. It seems too much, in my humble opinion, that's why I thought it may have been a typographic error.
  3. Since I do not know if it may be a mistake, perhaps a "x10" may be right instead of the printed "x100", I noticed this: I do not know if it is an error. Page 40 lower left side. To determine your parent’s Glory, if you do not know it, either go through the Quick Family History below or roll 6D6 and multiply the result by 100, then add 2,000 from Inherited Glory, Knighting, Marriage, and Title. Since a middle result of 24, the starting glory of a knight is 4.400 ? Ok, in that there is 1000 points for knighting, but 1000 points for Marriage too, ? I opened here for discussion, please Moderators, erase if you see fit, the post in the other thread on this forum. Thanks
  4. I do not know if it is an error. Page 40 lower left side. To determine your parent’s Glory, if you do not know it, either go through the Quick Family History below or roll 6D6 and multiply the result by 100, then add 2,000 from Inherited Glory, Knighting, Marriage, and Title. Since a middle result of 24, the starting glory of a knight is 4.400 ?
  5. Hello there! I downloaded the three versions of the Character's Sheets. The blank one, okay The form-fillable one and the auto-calculations one have a problem, or at least it seems to me. It's not possibile to write into them. It's my Acrobat ?
  6. I know we all have to await until 12th of June, but since I've got some games to run in public, at some events in Italy. I try to ask this bad question: is there a form-fillable or even a blank Pendragon 6th Edition Character Sheet available? I'd love the official ones, but perhaps, someone out there, more skillful than me, has already created something usable. If it is a bad question, well Moderators kill the topic, I don't mind
  7. Hello everyone! Is there any chance someone has developed a form-fillable player's folio, or character sheet? Because I have been asked this afternoon to run a one-shot adventure with Pendragon 6th to a group of medieval sword-fighters, and I'd like to use something different from the starter set adventures, which some of them has already played out, in particular I'd like to threw in the field some new knight or lady. Thank you in advance for any suggestion/help
  8. Thanks radmonger. But what's your counsel? Is a good idea to purchase the Universal Game Engine or not?
  9. Hello everyone there! I'am approaching Runequest and Glorantha, but I discovered only some days ago that the Dungeon Master's Guide to Glorantha has not been published up to now, since all the mythology stuff has been given precedence. So, since I am a huge fan of Pendragon System, and there I am resigned to have to wait some more time, I was wondering if getting the Universal Game Engine could help me in both role-playing systems, since I'd like to run a campaign with them as soon as possible. Thank you
  10. Thank you Joerg! That link is awesome! Actually, yes, I am more used to D&D and Pendragon, which brought me here. I'm reading the books, still trying to learn. Hope to start game mastering soon
  11. I'm absolutely new to all this. I'm still reading RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, but I found this morning a reference to Dungeon's Master Guide rules for alternative creation of the adventurer's characters. But I can't find a specific book on the shop which is or is similar to a Dungeon's Master Guide. Can you help me undestand? Thanks
  12. But tomorrow means, perhaps, after midnight today? Sorry, you midnight will be 6 in the morning in Italy... so see you tomorrow!
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