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Everything posted by Dangermouse

  1. V8 of Foundry implementation of Rivers has been released. Compatible with Foundry V11-release 300. Sheets now have a grey background rather than blue. All the blue text and banners remain but for Demi Monde Characters/NPCs they are green (as in the previous screenshot)
  2. One solution the border - is the same background paper - this time just a light grey - but with the text and title colours differentiated. What's your preference?
  3. Let me have a think about how to do it. Well that was easier than I expected. Does this work for you? If the PC or NPC is flagged as Demi-Monde this is what you get (otherwise everything else is the blue colouration)? If you're happy with that I will include it in the next release. P.S. It's not perfect - there's a slight blue paper background around the image - 8 pixels wide. This is taxing my brain on how to correct it
  4. Good morning. I've released V7 of Rivers implementation for Foundry - this should work with V11 of Foundry and I've also added a check to stop duplicate skills, spells and advantages being added to the character sheet. If you hit any problems please let me know. I'm working on an implementation for Basic Role Playing for Foundry but if there are any features people want in the Rivers implementation please let me know. Cheers
  5. @CussaMitre - yes it will be open source, - it's on Github at the moment - Genii-Locorum/BRP: Foundry VTT implementation for Basic Role Playing (github.com) It is not the most up to date version (that's on my PC and I periodically update Github). Any advice on cleaning up/simplifying the code is welcome (I like figuring out how to make something work but it may not be the most efficient code going)
  6. Now that I'm back from holiday my work is underway on a Foundry implementation - early days yet and nowhere close to having a full data model for you @Alliante So far I have the start of a character sheet with primary and derived stats (you can make rolls from these), skills (you can make basic* rolls from these and can also drag them to the hotbar for quick access) - no spells, items, powers etc yet - so still a long way to go but some initial progress. SKills and stats also have context menus to allow for skill rolls and some other functions (view skill details) plus skills now get checked for succesful skill rolls (not for Easy rolls). *by basic rolls I mean you can include difficulty and flat modifier and there is a short cut (Shift Key) to roll Average difficulty with no modifier.
  7. Hi, Happy to jump on a zoom call sometime to see what the problem is. It has run fine for me. What isn't working for you? Have you set the initial player order via the GM tools first and then trigger initiative to say who goes first and roll the dice to determine which direction play goes in? Cheers Simon
  8. I had a scenario idea involving CCTV and thought that due to the spells being thrown about the CCTV cameras will be toast but the recordings are probably in the cloud or are further away in a secure room so would be out of range of the sanding effect. It would also depend on whether the recording is to a Solid State hard drive or goes to a normal harddrive or video tape - the latter two could be recoverable)
  9. V0.1.6 is now released -The three instructions documents moved to a Journal compendium to make them visible in game -Checks rolls code refactored to enable item macros -Item macro functionality added - drag item to the hotbar - you can trigger rolls from there for spells, skills, or weapons (otherwise display the equipment sheet) -Tweak to natural armour to remove the armour points if the advantage is removed -Bonus/Penalty dice selector on difficulty rolls is now -1 to +1, unless it's for attacks (weapons or spells) in which case it remains at -2 to +2. The underlying functionality hasn't changed (max one bonus/penalty dice, but with the extra one carried over to damage rolls) - it is just a cosmetic change -Actor and Item sheets redesigned to incorporate a bit more colour, make the font a bit larger and to fix some bugs -Context menus added to spells, skills etc - at this stage just edit and delete (icons removed in the sheet redesign) - more functionality may follow
  10. Having just bought the new BRP system and put a Rivers of London Fan/Unofficial implementation together I was turning one eye to a possible BRP implementation - so it's great news to hear that it's OK to do this under ORC (thanks @Neil) But I wouldn't want to duplicate effort or step on anyone's toes if that's already underway - so if anyone is working on a Foundry Implementation please shout. And for clarity - I am not a developer or a graphic designer so this may be pretty basic if I do this 🙂. I do however like a challenge....
  11. V0.1.5 of Foundry VTT implementation released including the named skills (no descriptions) that appear on the character sheet and a few generic examples of advantages, equipment etc. Also included some "how to" instructions that may help.
  12. I've been having a think about what @g33k and @Numtini have said - and I will look at including the skills (just names and the internal configuration) for those skills that appear on the character sheet PDF file (i.e. common and weapon skills). Yes, it's not everything a GM may want, but it's also (hopefully) me not crossing a line over the rule book. I will also look at adding examples of advantages, spells etc - but not anything from the rule books that isnt on the character sheet. Hopefully a compromise position
  13. Maybe try this? https://discord.com/channels/311619921639505922/1047797610355904562
  14. Invites on the Chaosium channel are disabled so I cant get a link but I will try nudging someone over on the Discord channel
  15. I'm being cautious - overly cautious perhaps 🙂
  16. Hi Numtini. This was a tricky one and this is the approach I've taken. This is Chaosium' s game and so taking some core stuff from the rules isn't something I want to do. I want RoL to succeed (I'm rubbish at writing scenarios so want the game to do well and then see more products). Therefore I don't want to release an implementation that would mean people don't need to buy the game - but I balanced that with wanting to make it easy to run a game and get people enthused. So I've avoided adding spells, advantages, skills equipment etc but appreciate that things like bonus dice, stats etc are built in. I did take a steer from the Call of Cthulhu Foundry implementation which didn't include skills etc on the basis that I hoped that if Chaosium were ok with that approach there they would be ok with me following the same tack. Now Chaosium haven't approved or endorsed this and VTTs are outside the Fan Material Policy. At the end of the day if Chaosium are unhappy with the implementation I will change or remove it as they want - as I say I want to support the game not undermine it. So I've taken a very conservative/risk adverse approach - but I get that it makes the users life a little trickier (I spent a Christmas break setting up the Call of Cthulhu stuff for my game but I may have gone a bit overboard). If the set up of skills, spells etc isn't intuitive in the Foundry implementation please let me know and I'll happily talk you through things (if that would help). Sorry - that was a bit of a ramble but just trying to set the scene. Cheers Simon
  17. Version 0.1.4 released - some more bug fixes and removing superfluous data from chat messages to reduce the messages.db file size. Things I am thinking of to work on next but in no particular order: 1) Opposed rolls 2) Removing a lot of the roll data from the template (html) files are deriving them from the skills, spells etc directly with a view to making macro hotbars work If there are any feature requests (or bugs) you want looking at please shout
  18. And the system is now available internally via Foundry - woohoo.
  19. It's been 3 months to the day since I started this with the character sheet image on a Chaosium blog. I've learned (some) Javascript, HTML and CSS along the way and many many ways of how not to do somethings. I hope it's helpful.
  20. Well I am pleased to announce the initial release of my fan made implementation of Rivers of London for Foundry VTT - you can get the code over here : https://github.com/Genii-Locorum/Rivers-of-LondonThis is an unofficial release - so in no way supported or endorsed by Chaosium.The software does not have any skills, spells, equipment in it - you will need to build those yourself (so make sure you have your rule book handy) - but it does have the functionality to create them and play the game.If you have any questions, want advice etc, then please do shout and I'll try and answer them. Or I'm happy to arrange some demo's.And any feedback on the implementation (requests for future development) is welcome. Have a great weekend. PS I hope this explains why I've been asking lots of questions
  21. Rampage through a supermarket, the chasee throws baked beans at the PCs who are pursuing them (mostly cans of beans because the shelves are bare of fruit and veg)??
  22. Thank you (again) Lynne. I'd completely missed the ballistic armour point on fireball (Doh). I shall crack on with more coding this afternoon
  23. I was thinking that for Fireball ballistic armour would probably be effective, but maybe not the Met vest (and we know Natural Toughness doesn't work). In coding terms I can add toggles to each spell to say what armour works against a spell (e.g. Ice Blast has all options tuned off, maybe Fireball has Ballistic turned on etc). But if the official line is a bit more of a blanket approach then I'd code that in.
  24. Reading through armour and damage - the rules say that Regular/Ballistic armour do not protect against certain spell attacks. The only spell I can see that specifically says it ignores armour is Ice Blast. Am I missing any others? Second question - armour talks about melee vs firearms. Do you count thrown as melee? My feel is that Melee includes Thrown (down to the difference in kinetic energy between Firearms (including bow and crossbow) Again, just trying to add armour in to the coding now that damage is being applied to targets (I need to go an alter items and spells to flag which armour types they protect against. Thanks again
  25. I may be going rules blind at this stage....... Multiple Short: The rules says this applies to firearms and certain spells. But the only spell I can see that this applies to is Fireball but it then says when boosting you shoot 1 bigger fireball or several smaller ones, but they both act have the same result and add damage. Am I missing a spell - or should this really only apply to firearms? Addendum: Again I'm thinking about how to code this - so I'm getting to having two weapons options - automatic and semi-automatic. Either can use the multiple shot rules but only automatics can use the automatic fire advanced rules. This way the GM can create the weapons they want (can perhaps say a revolver is not semi-auto, but a .45 auto would be and a machine pistol is fully automatic). Any thoughts? Cheers
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