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Everything posted by Dangermouse

  1. Hi - Thanks for the feedback. I dont have any videos - but if you have any questions please ask here. There are some (very rough) instructions in the game (import from compendium), but if you need something more detailed let me know and I'll see what I can do. If you get stuck I can probably hop on Discord at some point and do a demo (not tonight or tomorrow night I'm afraid - also I'm UK based to give you an idea of times). NPC sheets are on the "to-do" list (just doing work on Pendragon over the next week or two then back to BRP. I will however add "video instructions" to the todo list - although it's going to be somewhat further down the priotity list. Cheers
  2. V11 of Foundry implementation of Rivers has been released. Compatible with Foundry V11-release 315. A couple of minor presentational tweaks (tooltip over "Characteristic" to mention Character Creation mode, a note at the bottom of the Development Tab, some additional instructions calling these out, and a change to the format when Characterstics exceed the game total).
  3. Hotfix Beta V1.12 released - to add a line of code back in that I'd managed to delete to calc stats total BRP Beta V1.11 for Foundry now released. Unless there's a need for a hotfix there will be a week or two without anymore releases whilst I do some updates to Pendragon and Rivers of London. Context menus should now render upwards if they would drop off the bottom of the screen Skills will roll from the macro bar (you can roll weapon skills from the Skills tab, but not weapons from the items tab - yet) Skill tab percentages now include the category bonus ENC now calculated (shown on Characteristics tab). FP adjusted an "Carry status" is now shown as icon rather than words (the words are available as a tooltip) Auto calc of Encumberance (Items, Armour Weapons) which in turn updates the Max Fatigue Points Changed the combat tab. Rate of Fire is now visible by hovering over "Attack". Added ENC (hover to see quantity). Fatigue and Power point spend and recovery added Added error check on dropping Weapon on character sheet to make sure a Skill has been added to the weapon if first skill slot Added an game setting to change the logo at the top centre of the character sheet. 58px height and 700px wide max. Added a setting in Skills for "Starter Skills". Any skill flagged as a starter skill we be automatically added to a new character sheet if the relevant game setting is on (this may get added in time)
  4. Folks, I’m going to do some updates to the Foundry implementation to for instructions and the format mentioned above. Now is the time to ask for new features (please don’t ask for packs of weapons, spells etc - if it’s not on the character sheet I can’t add that sort of content). cheers
  5. Go the GM Tools (bottom of the scene tools on the left) and turn on character creation mode - that should let you edit stats (though I can see if you do go over the stats total the format goes a bit funny - will add that to my "to-do" list along with updating instructions.
  6. Magic World - Chaosium | Basic Roleplaying | DriveThruRPG
  7. BRP Beta V 1.10 for Foundry VTT now released- Quick fix that's needed to V 1.9 Removed a testing element left in (oops) that forced max dice roll values Added context menu options for weapon skill and damage rolls
  8. BRP Beta V 1.9 for Foundry VTT now released Added GM Tools to the scene tools and a Development Phase Added XP improvement checks, only available when Development Phase is turned on by the GM. Applies to Normal Skill, Combined, Cooperative, Opposed and POW v POW rolls. Added POW improvement roll, only available when Dev Phase is turned on Option to turn on "auto XP" checks when succesfully using a skill Cooperative skill rolls added Can roll weapon damage from items in the Combat tab (unless damage is "Special") Can roll weapon attacks from skill% in items in the Combat tab Updated partial success rolls for Combined rolls
  9. Exceeding 100% in a skill - Page 119 There's a conflict in the text which says: "Only successful experience rolls can increase skills beyond 100%. If your character has 100% or higher in a skill, you must roll over 100 on D100 for your character to succeed at an experience roll, which means that the experience modifier is necessary. No matter how much over 100% the skill has risen, any roll of 100 or over earns a skill improvement." So is it a roll greater than 100 to improve or a roll greater than or equal to 100?
  10. BRP for Foundry VTT Beta v1.8 is now available - Added Socket functionality (pre-cursor to combined/opposed rolls) - Combined and Opposed skill rolls added - Skills now roll off the values not the name (context menus are off the name). Clicking on the name opens the skill item sheet - Some changes to skills and weapons (additional skills added - Lasso, Net, Thrown Axe) and which weapons use which skills changed based on discussions with author. Rates of Fire also added to advanced missile weapons All feedback welcome https://github.com/Genii-Locorum/brp
  11. Hi, I had the same issue when trying to code things and got some answes from the authors. I'll try and summarise: For the most part the weapons class/speciaility is as per the weapons tables (so Sword is a skill, Axe is a different skill etc) Ignore the percentages in the weapons tables - take the highest value as the base for that weapons class. For example all "Hammers" use the Hammer skill and the base% is 25%. The different percentages are a hangover from previous editions and can be ignored (other than for the point just mentioned) There should be a Thrown Axe skill for using a Thrown Axe - which is separate from Axe Throwing Knife in Primitive weapons should use "Thrown Knife" skill rather than Missile (so Thrown Knife is a skill) Lasso and Net should have their own skills rather than Other Missile Cestus should be Brawl skill (not Hand) Using a sniper rifle without a bipod does incur a 10% penalty (note 4) I tool the same approach as you and gave each of the Artillery weapons separate skills in line with the Equipment list. Hope that helps Cheers
  12. Thanks Jesse - any feedback welcome. I know I havent done oppossed rolls - I'm trying to work my way through the logic of doing them for Basic Role Playing and then if I get that sorted I will reuse the code here. If there's anything missing (not content such as horses, armour etc - you'll need to set those up yourself) let me know and I'll see what I can do. I've got one eye on the full sixth edition when it comes out and see what else needs building then (Battles, Banquets etc probably)
  13. Beta v1.7 Any testing on the wounds and statuses gratefully received as it's been quite fiddly to track it and make sure it's showing the right results, so not sure I have got it all right. Also, characteristic and skills rolls are now made from either clicking on the value/skill% or by context menu off the characteristic/skill name as a request was made to do this. Clicking on the skill name now opens the skill sheet. Do you prefer this way or should I revert to the previous method? ## 11.1.7 - Added wound/hit point statuses, minor and major wounds - Update hit locations for wound statuses - Characteristics now roll off the value not the name (context menus are off the name) - Basic skill rolls added (from normal skill view, not the unlocked editable list because I forgot to do this and will pick it up in the next release)
  14. Beta V1.6 for Foundry now released Minor change to natural healing Added a "general" hit location when new character is created and the game is using HPL to hold poison damage etc Moved Damage Bonus to show correctly in the derived stats area rather than the Combat Tab Characteristic Rolls added along with instructions Game settings added for Impossible rolls, Resistance rolls always having a 1% success/fail and detailed Resistance Roll results Specialised skills, where "specialism chosen" is toggled on will now have the specialism name shown first so it is more visible in the skill list If you want to update the skills embedded in your characters en masse then run this script macro for (let a of game.actors){ for (let i of a.items) { if (i.type === 'skill' && i.system.specialism && i.system.chosen){ newName = i.system.specName + ' (' + i.system.mainName + ')' i.update({'name': newName}) } } }
  15. V1.5 of beta released - Hits per location autocalculated - Added Wounds which autoupdate hits (total and HPL) - Added healing (treat wounds, natural healing, heal all wounds) - Add HP adjustment to hit locations
  16. V1.4 of the beta is out dealing with some of the issues mentioned: Updated item drop so base skill scores are automatically calculated Autocalc for Max HP, PP & FP added Added a Game Setting to allow characters to have enhanced HP Added a flat modifier to characters on Characteristics tab to increase HP (used by superpowers - manual at the moment)
  17. Thank you @Greville Yes, calcs are missing - I wanted to get a character sheet working before going down rabbit holes of making something work fully (like HP, where I then start thinking about wounds which leads to armour and healing etc). Things like HP, MP etc will come in the autocalcs. Some of them will be quick to do (and I have time over the Xmas hols). But please do list out things you'd like to see and I'll get on them. Beta testers flagging stuff and asking for features really helps.
  18. Beta release has finally happened - BRP thread over here
  19. Hi folks, well at long last the beta release is here - https://github.com/Genii-Locorum/brp/releases/latest/download/system.json First tiny steps in to getting BRP on Foundry and so some words of caution. Whilst I have an early roadmap on next steps in my head (well, ok set out below) feedback from beta testers will help shape it and prioritise development (and sort out bugs, typos etc). So if you're interested then please jump in. Bugs etc are probably best reported on Github but you can also get me on Discord (Foundry and Chaosium)), and BRP forum (Dangermouse on both) Thanks and enjoy. PS Big shout out to Ikeo for helping steer this, to JamesB for his help and coding advice, to the CoC and Runequest Foundry developers and the League of FoundryVTT Developers DISCLAIMER This is a very early beta test version of BRP for Foundry It is just a character sheet at this stage, but it does come with skills, weapons etc There are no dice rolls at this stage, very limited automatic calculations and limited automation. This will all come in future release as I develop the system Use this at your own peril. I cant guarantee that the underlying data model will not change and depending on what changes are made this may or may not break your game (so if you do decide to proceed then please take backups of your world before implementing any upgrades). So having said that this is a beta and your feedback and input will help drive the direction and prioritisation of future functionality My immediate plans for development are (in no particular order): Basic Rolls Cultures Automated calculations (HP, ENC etc) Character creation NPC sheets Vehicles IMPORTANT: When importing data from the Compendia - you need to tick "Keep Document IDs" as this is currently used to link weapons, professions, skills etc. This may change in the future if/when I implement an internal ID (like the CoCID or RQGID for Call of Cthulhu or Runequest)
  20. Differrent table modes - is that the GM Tools or something else? If there's something that needs more explanation or work then happy to update things. I'm conscious I havent done much to update the implementation in quite some time. I'm glad the rest was plain sailing 🙂
  21. Thank you @Sunspoticus. It's good to know it's being used. This was the first system I created in Foundry so I've learned some extra bits since then. What took a bit to figure out/what did you need to tweak? If there are improvements I can make, or expand on instructions then please let me know.
  22. You might want to ask @Lynne H - I'm pretty sure she's run a few games.
  23. I've copied the posts to the Useful Info thread if that helps.
  24. Posted by AndreJarosch A nice (but Not entirely accurate) way to show Londons ways of transportation, and where the Charakters are (with miniatures?): https://www.amazon.de/Ravensburger-26646-Scotland-Yard/dp/B00LGWRTS2/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=70187724879&hvadid=676482881423&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1004363&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=8443947312033521286&hvtargid=kwd-926881599825&hydadcr=1060_2686487&keywords=scotland+yard+game+english&qid=1700816466&sr=8-3#
  25. Posted by Buckball - I don't know if anyone mentioned this before but, Joolz Guides is a series of short youtube videos about different locations throughout London. The guide Jules McDonall presents the videos as short walking tours of the areas. I believe there is one that goes past Russell Square. Here is the link: https://joolzguides.com/london-guides-about-joolz/ Another pretty much indispensable resource is the Follypedia. It is a Fandom wiki for the Rivers of London book series. I think my group consults it more than the rpg game book. Here is the link: https://follypedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Follypedia_Wiki
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