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Posts posted by clarence

  1. Not badly, but quite far from how I wanted it. I think it's user unfriendly to ask "What hull size do you want?" as the first question in a design process. Or "How big do you want the power plant to be?". Very Traveller-esque and very unintuitive. It's more logical, from a gaming perspective, to just add all the functions you need, and see what size you end up with. Less engineering-like and more of a sketching process. 

    I hope you enjoy BRP Starships! The new version (BRP Space) has taken much, much longer than I expected because of all the changes at Chaosium. Licensing and BRP Essentials are the two issues I need more information about from Chaosium before the release. I was aiming for a release before christmas, but the chances for that are pretty slim now. 

    The good thing is that I've had time to improve on it even more. World generation and alien creation have seen a well-needed overhaul, and some sample ships is in the making. 

    And a setting book I'm very happy with is on its way too : ) I hope to have something to show soon. 

    • Like 1
  2. Well, I really wasn't after proving an opinion right and everyone else wrong. Sorry if it came across like that. But I thought it would be good for an all-male forum to hear what a few women thought of the image. Is Sweden feminist? Or just one of the most gender-equal countries in the world? Or both? Hard to tell, but I think the latter (and to me that is very welcome). The fact that I was passing on spontaneous comments from another forum, from both sexes and not only from my own friends, I think lends some weight to the critique though  

    An anecdote: When ordering artwork for BRP Space I asked the illustrator, among other things, for a female character. A few days later a really good ink drawing came back depicting a female bounty hunter in a tight space suit. With huge breasts. I explicitly asked him to make the breast-size a bit more practical for a profession with a lot of physical activity, and the next day I got the revised version. With huge breasts. Sigh. After some consideration I fired up Photoshop and made the alteration myself. Result: A much richer character, not judged only by her sexiness. 

    And by the way Paolo, when will you show us the final cover?

  3. Ok, here's the Sexy-time Lingerie Test from Gaming As Women (GAW):

    The Sexy-time Lingerie Test
    If you saw your mother (yes, your mom) wearing what is on the picture, would you assume you walked in on your mother as she is heading out to a fetish party or some other sexy fun-time?

    If the answer is yes, then it is sexy-time lingerie.

    Read the full, very funny and educational, post here: http://www.gamingaswomen.com/posts/2013/02/men-wear-armour-women-wear-sexy-time-lingerie/

    (I also asked some female friends about the image in question. 100% answered it is stereotyping women, the breasts are ridiculous, and the image will push away female customers…).

    : )

    • Like 1
  4. I just want to pass on some negative comments that has surfaced on the Swedish forum rollspel.nu regarding Revolution d100. The main illustration is by some seen as sexistic, mainly because of the main character's ridiculously exaggerated breasts. I must chime in here too; some kind of low-tech sports bra must be used in action-oriented professions, even in fantasy settings right? Highly impractical otherwise, my female friends tell me.

    (This also reminds me of the lack of women on BRP Central - what can we do about that? I think it's an even bigger problem now that these forums are official for BRP).

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  5. That's what I'm thinking too. I can probably have three ready to include in BRP Starships (if publication won't be dragging out even longer...). The models I'm thinking about are the above Nighthawk, a slightly larger explorer ship (with a crew of four and an aerial vehicle) and some kind of armed vessel. What's a System Defense Boat? How large are they?

  6. While this is a cool idea, I wouldn't build a system out for a retail game. Lots of players, myself included, prefer using physical dice and won't want or allow a dice app at the table. Maybe I'm just an old fart, but that's my feelings on it.

    You're probably right. Forcing players to use an app may not be a good idea. I always use my iPad as a GM, but generally try to avoid the distraction of multiple iPhones on the table. Converting to percentages is not a big thing.

    I kind of fancy that unmarked module as a weapons locker, or vacc suit and EVA equipment storage. Good location for the latter. Maybe not great for the former.

    I'd probably suggest an additional piece of "furniture" in each room used for hygiene purposes. Or some kind of hygiene station. Just some random thoughts.

    What is the module aft of the crew quarters? Cargo bay? Between crew quarters and what I would assume is the engineering section.

    The truth is I left that single module empty for flexibility. Most of my players care about starship bathrooms as much as they do in the Star Wars movies. But sometimes they need to hide, and some kind of small cupboard-like space is convenient for those occasions. If it's a vacc suit locker or bathroom doesn't matter really. It's perhaps a "story telling device" module?

    For engineering I have cheated a bit with this ship. As BRP Space is tending towards space opera I simply moved the engines to the hull and wings. That's not the way I'm doing it for the next ship though. And that also means everything aft of the cubicles is a cargo hold, with the dotted line representing a possible partition.

    I really like the blueprint version of the deck plans as well! There's just something appealing to me about that design over the black(gray) and white one!

    Thanks! That's the response I'm getting here at my end too. I hope to have a new lateral design ready soon. And it's slowly dawning on me that the biggest challenge is making functional ships that's also looking good. Getting proportions and angles right takes a bit of sketching. But it's good fun : ) I wonder if I should incorporate them into BRP Space or make them available in some other way?


  7. Lol, yes, I know. How about the unmarked module to the right of the corridor? A bit crammed for a full bathroom perhaps, but not impossible. At tech level 12 (?) they must have shrunk those facilities at least to the size of an iPhone, right?

    I was looking into the hit locations and came up with an alternative to the system used in BRP Space: I numbered every grid square from top left to bottom right, then added the Modules for engines and maneuvering thrusters. In many dice rolling apps you can define an arbitrary dice, like d15 or d45. Set up a new dice with the maximum being the highest numbered module. Roll this new digital dice, check the number against the numbered squares and you're done. 

  8. Thanks for the information on Campaign Cartographer. I see there's a free demo of it - I'd better try it out I think. That and Affinity Designer are next on my list.

    Here's the last version of Star Hawk (now renamed Nighthawk). Not as minimalistic, but a few more details could perhaps be added for clarity.



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  9. Yes, I see your point. As I already have a starship sheet in BRP Space, it's probably better to use that one for any details.

    My SketchUp trials didn't go too well (so far). It's fairly quick to work with (I used a Dungeonographer deckplan as a backdrop image) but I found it hard to come up with a good style. Either it became too detailed and everything got bogged down in photorealism, or it felt a bit too bland. I will give it another try with my next plan.

    Can someone tell me how similar Campaign Cartographer and Dungeonographer are regarding deckplan design? Are there any obvious advantages with using CC?

    Oh, and exteriors are unfortunately out of reach at the moment. My modeling capabilities need to improve a bit first.

  10. Here's a slightly different take on the Star Hawk deckplan. I have aimed for a more contemporary style here, slightly less retro-RPG, inspired by futuristic blueprints. I also tried converting it for easy printing and it looks good that way too (though blue = white and cream = grey). No SketchUp yet, only Dungeonographer + Photoshop so far.

    I know what you mean, although actually in some ways I find it easier. Aside from the components you can find online, some complex stuff is not that complex when created in 3D. Plus it's easy to add shadows.

    Agreed, some problems are easier to solve in 3d. And I started digging through TurboSquid for components… I guess there must be resource sites specifically for SketchUp too?


  11. That's a good plan! I especially like the detailing in the engineering section. (But AutoCad is probably my least favorite program of all times…).

    I've been modeling the deckplan at the top of the thread in SketchUp today and it was fairly quick. 3d is always a bit more fiddly than 2d though. Having drag and drop furniture would make life much easier. I'm thinking of trying out a mix at the moment: modeling in 3d, render one room at a time in an orthographic view, and then combine them into a full ship in Photoshop.

    Greyscale drawings seems like the way to go!

  12. SketchUp works tolerably well for deck plans. And, if you're ridiculously good with it like Ian Stead, for exteriors.

    Are you deliberately going for a mix of Traveller ship layout and D&D plan graphics?


    The Traveller/D&D mix is mostly a consequence of Dungeonographer's style. I think it looks quite good, though a more contemporary graphic style might be more appropriate. What do you think: is the style good-looking retro or just giving the impression of a tired old RPG?

    I'm no SketchUp expert, but I can handle it reasonably well. It'a an impressive program in many ways, not least because it is so much easier to use than most other 3d programs. It's also one of the programs I want to try out, not aiming for photo-realism but still trying to introduce some 3d lighting effects perhaps.

    Is there artificial gravity on the ship? If not, sleeping bags can be nailed against the walls to save space. Even if that is not the case, beds can be folded into the wall when not in use to provide more room.

    BRP Space is space opera-like enough to take artificial gravity for granted, but it could be optional too. Regarding the number of crew/beds/cubicles, I noticed on deck plans for WWII warships that bunks were drawn much like in my own plan above, and then just "3 Bunks" written over it. Not much privacy there...

     It actually reminded me of the ship plans in my copy of Seldon's Compendium of Starcraft I for the old FGU Space Opera RPG.

    I still haven't got around to checking those deckplans. I will have to do that soon...


    A question for all of you:

    How do you use deckplans? Do you keep them on-screen, so they can be in color, or do you print them and prefer mostly greyscale line art? Or both?

  13. As some of you might have seen, I've been looking into how to make good deckplans for BRP Space. After checking around a bit I've found a program called Dungeonographer. It's quite versatile for small to medium starships (up to about 200-300 Modules) and it's fast to work with. The example plan below took me about an hour without first consulting the manual - half of that was spent in Photoshop fine-tuning the looks. Let me know what you think of it!

    I haven't tried to do larger ships yet, but I think it will be a big time-saver to start in Dungeonographer, but move to Illustrator/Inkscape/Affinity Designer as quickly as possible. This is because Dungeonographer doesn't seem to support copy/paste of complete cubicles or sections, a must-have feature for large ships. I hope to make work more efficient this way. 
    What I have realized so far, is how similar many medium-sized deckplans are. Cockpit, corridor with cubicles, small social space, cargo hold. Not much variation. At this level of detail it's not that surprising; regular ship deckplans that I have used as reference look fairly similar too. Or is it just that I'm being slightly uncreative here?
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